Chase The Sun Italy
Chase the Sun Italia is a Do-it-Yourself event. This is what makes it unique. No rules, route-signs or medals. Just ride your bike!
Use the information on this page to organise yourselves. We are here for advice, but it is the riders you will meet on the day that will create the memories of your Chase the Sun experience!
All you need to do is Register to ride through our partners site.
Coast-to-Coast, from Cesenatico to Tirrenia, from Adriatic sea to Tirrenian sea, from east to west, from sunshine to sunset. The most romantic long distance cycling challenge: 271 kilometers and 3300 to climb, to chase the sun.
You're correct:...
we were SO lucky with the weather on this one. i've done the butt buster a month later in temperatures that never got above freezing
I have a bell, but it's of no use, nor is any other audible warning device, when many pedestrians have earphones on/in and are oblivious to what's...
Except, as I said earlier, the Fentons claim that the border officers in France and the UK also missed this kid. And they're professionals,...
The lefty fork. Answering a question no-one asked...
Some armed bloke was shot by the white house in the last few days. I'm surprised zelenskyy didn't lay him out !
In addition to my steel road bike, I got a titanium gravel bike built last year; really fancied a 'signature bike' and the bike mechanic I use was...
nice extension can be found if you google for it that allows you to download a GPX which can then be loaded into Strava's mapping tool to then push...
What are you, some kind of authoritarian* Communist?...
I'd say just 4 reverting is a good result; they haven't just been steamrollered by public pressure. Of those, I know 3 well and agree that 30 is...