Every Saturday North Cheshire Clarion CC hold skills rides from the Swan Pub at Winwick near Warrington. Pace steady and social, however these runs are not training rides, more over a vehicle to develop road riding skills and group riding. Covering on a rolling basis, week 1 is 24 miles and week 4 is 35 miles. All routes are available to download from bikeroutetoaster. Our club motto is strongly adhered to of "We never leave a rider behind" and because if this we have grown from 20 to 210 members in 3 years. Check out our website for further details www.northcheshireclarion.co.uk Hope to see you out.
On the other hand presumably those hoops are pretty sturdy so they could prove just the ticket for securing one's machine with a U-lock or chain...
Bloody surfers don't even pay their wave tax
The cars aren't just self-aware now - they're starting to breed.
Wasn't her quote something like "Any man who takes the bus after the age of twenty-five [maybe thirty?] is a failure?...
Based on my experience with the Hunt wheels, I might do a review on their durability in three or four years.
"...the beeswax-based covering magically shuns off whatever might be lurking in the corners. Even after multiple rides, when the bars rattled about...
I didn't know the blue RA saddle was a holy grail - I had a 1986 RA bought new in 1987 with a blue saddle that lasted me very well until 2002 when...
Solution: Put these up everywhere. Source: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/traffic-signs
Glad you like it - this week was the first proper commuting week since I got it, 250kms nice and warm but not boiled, indeed - and when the...