South Downs Sting CX Sportive
A fantastic South Downs CX event!
Ride this amazing South Downs course! Mix it up on the superb Sussex lanes, tracks and trails, and take on stretches of the infamous South Downs Way! Expect big climbs, magnificent views and an all round incredible day out on your bike! This is truly outstanding area for both road and off road riding, and we have been organising both on the South downs for the past 20 years. mixing the two up to produce this fantastic CX Sportive is going to be a real treat!
CX Sportives are open to cyclo-cross, MTBs, winter road bikes, hybrids; anything you can make suitable for a fast mix of road and rough stuff!
That's true, whatever you do is dangerous to them, even though they won't even feel it. But speeding past cyclists is alright because I didn't...
Plus keeping the trunk warm can (for many people) be quite an effective way to keep the arms warm, with the body shifting the heat around, but the...
Pssst......KodI/kodi build/ VPN. I'll get my coat!!
The primary use for such high accuracy (if precise) would mainly be for a Chung method based cda measurement system, where if you want a very...
Maybe I am misunderstanding this but... ...
I thought road tax pays for this stuff, silly me.
And whomsoever gets your custom please report back. After all those that provide a good service deserve the good publicity.
"could impact emergency services, put people off attending appointments" really surprised by this GP - so many of his patients / future patients...
I red it but the grey cells didn't register - the wit was sat in my in-drey...
A rise in Halfords bike sales suggests to me more people getting into cycling, because anyone who already cycles would be buying a bike from...