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Tyres for LEJOG

I'm trying to decide which tyres to choose for a LEJOG ride this summer. I currently use 25c Gatorskins, which are fine - they rarely puncture and are as sure-footed as it seems reasonable to expect such a skinny thing to be. But I'm thinking of changing for the big ride (well, a few weeks before it, so I get used to the new tyres). I want something fast but durable - ideally just as durable as the Gatroskins but faster. I'm happy to go down to 23c and was thinking about the Conti GP4000S. But would I really notice the difference in speed, or would it just be more punctures I noticed? Might I be better off just going for a 23c Gatorskin? Any others worth bearing in mind? Michelin Pro3? Vredestein Fortezza TriComp? Any voices of experience out there?

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Martin Thomas | 15 years ago

Maybe I should've waited for the results of your test Dave...ah well, I've always been a bit impulsive. Re weight - they're no featherweights, granted, but they're still a lot lighter than my 25c (non-folding) gatorskins. I'm hoping I'll notice the difference anyway. And I really like the green strip  4

dave atkinson | 15 years ago

yeah, they're interesting tyres. in fact we've just had some arrive to test. not light at 260g a go, but the 290tpi casing should be pretty hardy.

Martin Thomas | 15 years ago

Thanks for that cactuscat - you make sense. Having heeded your words I then decided, based on nothing but a whim, to buy some of these:

In fact they arrived today and I'm looking forward to sticking them on the bike - probably at around the same time as I remove the mudguards (they're just not mudguard tyres somehow).

So we'll see I guess...

cactuscat | 15 years ago

there's no particular reason for a 23c to roll better than a 25. in fact the opposite is more easily proved to be true - the carcass of a 25c tyre has a wider contact patch and deforms less in contact with the ground, so in theory it should waste less energy that way. in reality there's not going to be much in it. you'll save 60g though, which is a worthwhile saving where rotating mass is concerned.

your goals are mutually exclusive up to a point: more durable tyres, with anti-puncture layers and tougher compounds, are heavier and not quite as quick as thinner race rubber. If you want durability *and* performance it's always going to be a compromise, and the gators are about the best compromise you'll find IMO

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