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Website layout

Needs more work

Edit      My problem is mainly I read the forum posts so jump straight to the bottom of the page, with a quick flick now. The sales articles blur so I don't read or see any of them. When the forum comments were on the front page I would a least glance over the these before reading what people are posting


Edit 2


The full website has a better layout than the mobile version, with headers for several sections.  On the mobile version there is 3 lines beside Roadcc header, usually this is a drop down icon. I suppoose it will come.  

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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Super Domestique | 9 years ago
1 like

Totally get what neildmoss is saying.

Especially regarding the comments on forum threads.

Could there be a way of lessening adverts for Team members perhaps? (as per STW)

I appreciate the new found speed of the site but it just feels a bit like the site hasn't quite been finished yet. Sorry, just being honest, so no offence to those working hard behind the scenes.




FatAndFurious | 9 years ago

My feedback:

Visually, it's not as polished. Whilst it's more responsive and presents better on my mobile phone, it looks less professional generally - more like a teenager blog.

Bootstrap templates are great startpoints, but I don't believe they stand up as the final product.

The absence of any Forum activity information on the homepage (e.g. latest comments) is a loss.

Forum sorting doesn't - click the Topic, Replies or Last Reply headers and the resulting list is different, but the order doesn't bear any resemblence to the selected column type or direction.

The ordering of comments within a Forum post doesn't preserve my preference. I am a fan of "Oldest First" so I can follow the conversation on screen in the order it occurred. If I change it on one thread, I'd like the site to remember that. OR... I could declare a more persistent preference in my user profile.


I don't want to automatically be subscribed for notifications when a comment is added to a thread. I get enough email, thanks. Let me opt-in on a thread-by-thread basis, but otherwise don't send me this stuff.


700c | 9 years ago

Site is faster for me, less content on front page but adverts v annoying now!

Need the latest comments feature back otherwise forum contributions likely to drop

Also ordering topics by post date seems more confusing now

Jimbomitch | 9 years ago
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I've got to admit the Leyzene ad is awfully distracting, in a bad way before all the advertising suits say that is what they were going for, it just makes me scroll past faster.

Give the site time, we will all get used to it. 

Derny | 9 years ago

It's faster now!  I'm happier.

aladdin pain | 9 years ago

I do not wish to disparage the hard work of people who know more than I do about web design and running a business but-- well, hopefully this feeling of a wonderful thing having become less wonderful will subside.  

kev-s | 9 years ago

Not a fan of the new layout


Too many picture tiles on the main page, no list of the latest forum posts on the right anymore


It just becomes a blur when you scroll


Maybe things will change, will pop back and check now and again but the main page really does put me off viewing the site

Gkam84 | 9 years ago

Also the edit button has gone, everytime some quotes you, you get a damn email, all the writing has shrunken and is hardly readable....

kev-s replied to Gkam84 | 9 years ago

Gkam84 wrote:

Also the edit button has gone, everytime some quotes you, you get a damn email, all the writing has shrunken and is hardly readable....


Is it really that annoying lol


I seem to have an edit button

carytb | 9 years ago

I know this website is free and therefore I accept that we will see lots of adverts. But have you any idea how annoying the flashing is on the Lezyne advert?

Also the site now appears to be even slower on my IPad.

i fail to see any advantages to the new layout and a number of major disadvantages.


Sadly Iwill not be coming back to it as frequently


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