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Track Pump Pressure Indicators

I've a couple of track pumps, and they appear to give different pressure readings. What's the expected tolerance on the gauges? And, given this fact, are some people being too anal when they read that for their weight / age / tyre width / hair colour they should be riding a XXpsi when actually they could be +/- 5psi without knowing it? 

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Simon E | 7 years ago

"some people being too anal "

Understatement of the week!

My suggestion is to experiment and settle on what feels best. The gauge is just a number, if it's consistent then does it matter whether it's "accurate"?

ktache | 7 years ago

My very excellent Topeak Joe Blow Deluxe, 18ish years old, has apparently been overestimating the pressure by 10psi, only discovered when I purchased the awful Shimano Pro digital pressure gauge, confirmed when I replaced it with the great Topeak digital pressure gauge.  Difference between analogue and digital I guess, for me anyway.

MonkeyPuzzle | 7 years ago

You lose pressure when you connect the pump, not disconnect, so it would invariably show a loss if you disconnect and then reconnect with any pump. Check each pump against an accurate pressure gauge.

RMurphy195 | 7 years ago

How do you take the readings? Seriously, when I disconnect my track pump it letsa bit of air out - only a fraction of a second with a bike tyre can lose you up to 10psi! So pumping up with one pump, disconnecting it, then taking a reading with the other pump wil give different readings if the pumps are identical. Try pumping up, disconnecting, then reconnecting the same pump and see what happens.

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