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France considers compulsory motor vehicle-style ownership certificates

Here we go again...    Was under the impression that the cost of things like this made the whole thing completely uneconomic?  And, does a four year old need to have one??

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hobbeldehoy | 6 years ago

Another example of government mandarins getting bored and wondering what they can think up next to justify their existence.

fixation80 | 6 years ago

I do believe that France has had compulsary registration once, during the Nazi occupation!

Kapelmuur replied to fixation80 | 6 years ago

fixation80 wrote:

I do believe that France has had compulsary registration once, during the Nazi occupation!


I remember as a child visiting my grandparents in Belgium during the 1950s that bikes had a small triangular plate attached to their front forks, I think that this was because bikes had to be licensed. A hangover from the Nazi occupation?


I suspect it was a revenue earner as Flanders was poor in those pre EU days and few people had cars.

fenix | 6 years ago

It's not going to happen. 

They'll consider it - realise it's bobbins and do other more productive things. 

BehindTheBikesheds replied to fenix | 6 years ago
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fenix wrote:

It's not going to happen. 

They'll consider it - realise it's bobbins and do other more productive things. 

But why is it even coming up in the conversation when a tiny bit of logic would say, this is a crap idea and tell the person who came up with it to do one? 

Look at Ireland, a cyclists is killed, driver somehow absolved because investigators are bent/incompetent, what is the solution thrown into the mix, compulsary helmets.

Wasting time and energy not just debating/looking into something we already know is massively flawed but having to robustly defend against it actually going through. All the whilst the actual problems carry on as per normal and people shrugging their shoulders and saying, well, we don't care because it's cyclists, they bring it upon themselves and deserve it.

Whilst cycle theft is a big problem in some places it isn't for all, however wasting time by even bringing this crap up which will not resolve the problem and is easily seen to not do so never mind the cost and prohibitive nature for bike owners puts people on edge when there are far more pressing matters to be dealing with. It's yet another needless distraction, just why when they surely know it's pointless and crap.

As I said above, data gathering.

Beatnik69 | 6 years ago
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The PSNI run a free bike registration scheme. They take a note of the bike serial number and details and add it to a database. They then put a sticker on the crossbar and one underneath the downtube. A thief may be able to remove these but the police will have your name and address registered against the bike.

ConcordeCX | 6 years ago

There's quite a thriving little ebay market in the old plaques d'immatriculation from the days when bikes had to have a licence plate. Some of them are rather beautiful.

luckily there seem to be plenty of people in France who see this sort of thing as an unwarranted infringement on personal freedom, and counterproductive as far as increasing cycle modal share goes, so hopefully the idea will be strangled at birth. Again.



BehindTheBikesheds | 6 years ago

And when bikes change hands all the time legitimately, who is going to cover the cost of the admin.

What a fecking waste of time, spend millions on a massively flawed system that won't protect owners in the slightest but a nice neat way to hide the fact it's not about preventing theft but will be good for data gathering by government and of course 'registration so that they and police can spend more time tracking down criminal cyclists than they will motorists.

They already know that deaths on the roads have gone up in recent years and that that isn't cyclists fault.

France used to love cycling, now they have helmet rules for kids, compulsary hi-vis outside of built up areas at night/limited visibility and all the usual bullshit that are easy victim blaming tools used in a way to bash the vulnerable and appease the popularist vote so they don't have to make unpopular decisions.

Yet again proving what I said a while back about the targets France of set of tripling cycling, it's utter bullshit and this would add to the other list of reasons why that won't happen.


brooksby replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 6 years ago

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

What a fecking waste of time, spend millions on a massively flawed system that won't protect owners in the slightest but a nice neat way to hide the fact it's not about preventing theft but will be good for data gathering by government and of course 'registration so that they and police can spend more time tracking down criminal cyclists than they will motorists.

That ^ had been my thoughts on it, too... 

Hirsute | 6 years ago

The problem is spending £300M when it isn't clear what will be solved and if this is actually a solution.

hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

I thought that a lot of bikes are stolen just for the components to be stripped and sold. How will marking the frame help with that? Seems like a lot of money and effort for very little benefit.

vonhelmet | 6 years ago

I don’t see the problem with this, though as above I remain to be convinced that the marking will stay put.

Hirsute | 6 years ago
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I'm not sure what problem this is supposed to deal with.
How difficult will it actually be to remove the number because “in a readable, indelible, permanent and unforgeable way in a clearly visible place” is just hyperbole.

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