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Cycling for health...

The BMJ has come out with an interesting report on how cycling is good for your health...

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tugglesthegreat | 5 years ago

Since changing my job and my current commute of 4 days a week 14 miles each way, I've lost weight to the stage my mate are commenting. I feel better for it.

What I would add is I feel better from it from a physical health point and mental health point as well. Even though some of the rides are challenging due to 'some' drivers, I feel in a better place from having time on the bike. 

The government should seriously be trying to get more people cycling. 

Simon E replied to tugglesthegreat | 5 years ago
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It's amazing how great you feel just by riding a bike to work! 14 miles is a fair distance too, well done. I started doing 5 miles across town when I realised that driving was stupid (and barely any quicker than cycling).

There is so much evidence of both the mental and physical benefits it almost beggars belief that government bodies are so reluctant to support active travel. But if you pause to consider the £billions spent by the car companies to persuade us to keep buying and using cars, and the roadbuilding industry etc wanting to cover the planet in concrete & tarmac to create yet more big roads, you begin to realise who is calling the shots.

ktache | 5 years ago

If anyone wants to puruse the whole paper

Pilot Pete | 5 years ago

An interesting read - I suspect us cyclists knew it was good cardio vascularly for our health, and that it improved all health outcomes. Lower rates of cancer incidence is interesting, especially as opposed to walking, which showed no reduction in cancer rates.

I’ve already forwarded the link to my wife who is Cycling and Walking Champion for our county council and is actively campaigning and slowly changing attitudes at senior level towards cycling infrastructure and active travel options for residents. So thank you for posting.


Daveyraveygravey replied to Pilot Pete | 5 years ago
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There was a piece on the BBC yesterday I think, about how cold water swimming (and bathing/showering) is also good for your mental health.  At first. I didn't connect it with my cycling, but as I read more, I started to see similarities.  The peice about cold water says how the shock of the cold water kicks your body into fight or flight mode, you get a shot of adrenalin, you are ready to survive whether by fighting something or getting away.  It was by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, and he said initially he dreaded it, but after a while, he came to realise he was getting a buzz after doing it.  When he was out of the water, warm and dry again, he felt high, like he'd done something special.  

I feel a bit this way too, after riding to work.  I love walking past the smokers outside the door, knowing I've had a bit of a workout, maybe a bit of an adventure, done something most other people haven't that day.  I look forward to riding over the Downs when it is below zero, it's truly magical.  And yes, I can only cope with that for an hour, maybe an hour and a half, whereas in the summer I might make a morning ride to work over two hours, but doing something that "normal" people think is "bonkers" is a great way to feel good.

Pilot Pete replied to Daveyraveygravey | 5 years ago
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I’m with you on that. Wish I could cycle to work but it would just not be possible, however I did 75 miles yesterday with my inspirational ‘vets’ - I’m about the youngest at 52, some are 75+! The 75yo out yesterday was chatting saying how he had been off the bike for two weeks and he could really feel how it affected not just his physical health but his mental well-being too. And it was close to zero degrees when we met up, warming to a balmy 5 degrees!

Im sure I have seen that cold water plunge item before with Hugh FW. Maybe it is a recycled story? I also remember this one where cold water swimming can bring pain relief to long term pain sufferers.


OldRidgeback replied to Pilot Pete | 5 years ago

I wish I could commute to work by bicycle like I used to at my previous employers. But it'd be a 17 mile journey by the shortest route, which includes two very busy dual carriageways. The alternative route would be longer and includes a couple of long and steep climbs.

I'm with you on the health aspects, physical and mental. I get a buzz from my BMX sessions. Partly it's an adrenliane hit from the intensity, partly it's the craic of being with like minded individuals. I also do an early morning run 2-3 times/week with a regular running partner and our dogs. Our usual route is about 11km, and we're both over 50 too. 

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