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I hate performance enhancing drugs, but Contador was a cool gent today

The way he led out the lone long time leader was a sight to behold, and that act earned my respect.  13

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Gkam84 | 13 years ago

I hope he rides the tour aswell but not because i'm a huge Contador fan, just because i hate the Schlecks  19

Cooks | 13 years ago

He's been superhuman throughout the whole of the Giro. And do you think he would ride the Giro whilst doped, what with everything hanging over him? I hope he hasn't, (and I don't think anybody could be that stupid, except for maybe Ricardo Ricco) I'e always liked Contador, I seriously hope he rides the Tour.

PJ McNally | 13 years ago

Yes, we have to give him a chance, innocent until proven guilty and all that. He climbs like a mountain goat - amazing.

I do wonder about this delay in the case - what is ASO supposed to do? Maybe they hope he'll stay away voluntarily Z easiest for everyone. But what if he wants to defend his jersey?

a.jumper | 13 years ago

I can't bear to pick Contador and I suffer in the competition.

chromo1990 | 13 years ago

Its an intreging situation with doping, maybe they should make doping legal.
Fill them all up with the sh...t at least it may get back to an "enhanced" level playing field.
In the meantime his gesture makes him look good and he could afford to spare the points.

Fran The Man | 13 years ago

If you remember, Gkam84, when "something was found in his test" the amount was so small that, as I recall, there's only one lab in Europe capable of detecting it. Makes you wonder why the sample was sent to that lab. Had it been sent anywhere else, the "something" wouldn't have shown.

In the meantime, as you say, yesterday the man showed not only his amazing talent but also his exceptional generosity. I saw him at the 2010 Cycle Show, got his autograph, shook his hand and congratulated him on his Tour win. He couldn't have been more gracious - towards me and with everyone else around. And "everyone" was a lot a people!

I hope CAS finds for him. And that his case leads to a much more co-ordinated approach to drug control, with all the authorities acting in concert.

Argy | 13 years ago

Gkam84, I agree, nothing proven yet... but it is still sus... can't argue with his pedigree though and the gesture he offered today was EXCEPTIONAL!  4

Gkam84 | 13 years ago

Well it was his ex team mate, he didn't need the win

The issue with everyone on here calling his a doper before its even gone to CAS and been decided, you have to remember, something was found in his test, but was over ruled for some reason, that as yet no-one has proved

So until the facts come out, i think everyone should just concentrate on his riding ability, which in my eyes is amazing, He just went flying up the hill today and left everyone for dead, he could have done the same to Tiralongo, but decided to help him, nice work

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