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DRINK driving was linked to scores of crashes resulting in death or injury across Dorset last year, new figures reveal.

A spokesman for the automobile People who think everything is fine with cars just make sure you do what we want/say and spend £millions on serving our needs association said, "successful campaigns on drinking and driving have made the practice unacceptable and in a few years' time, the pub car park will be a thing of the past." 

"Transport committee MPs announced this month that they are considering a no-alcohol limit for new drivers under the age of 25 in a bid to curb the number of casualties on the roads each year." 

The "key to the (car) door" birthday goes from 21 to 26, when suddenly alcohol and your half tonne killing machine are OK to mix - in moderation, of course.

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Simon E | 4 years ago

"Transport committee MPs announced this month that they are considering a no-alcohol limit for new drivers under the age of 25 in a bid to curb the number of casualties on the roads each year." 

A waste of time. The ONLY thing that will have an effect is enforcement.

HoarseMann | 4 years ago

I'm struggling to get the gist of this paragraph. Is the reporter suggesting it's the wobbly cyclists and pedestrian homing motorbikes that Dorset is renowned for that are actually to blame?!

David9694 replied to HoarseMann | 4 years ago
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"david9694 also asked for three instances of failing to unclip to be taken into consideration when determining sentence"

we're again talking elsewhere about instances where a cyclist has died, but the driver that hit them gets no jail time.

This idiot managed, fortunately, not to hurt anyone:

The judge said: “I have come to the conclusion that the dangerous driving was so serious that only an immediate custodial sentence is appropriate.

He jailed him for 16 months. When he is released on licence he will be disqualified from driving for two-years."



Captain Badger replied to David9694 | 4 years ago

Not this time, but if you look at his previous he is a psycho who attacked someone with t asock stuffed with pool balls.

The defence tried to use "immaturity" as a mitigating factor...

Chapeau M'lud!

Dingaling replied to David9694 | 4 years ago

I must stop reading reports like that.

They get me all worked up and aggressive. I want people (animals) like that hung up and whipped repeatedly. Pool balls in a sock for hitting people ffs and the driving is enough to put anybody off cycling. What has he got for parents?

We are long past the time to take driving licences away for LIFE!



HoarseMann replied to David9694 | 4 years ago
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Hopefully the driving ban will cover diggers too (can a 23yo, or any age, really earn £40k a year driving a digger?!)

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