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Tou de Suisse 23

I have opened Suisse, missing the rider value step. 22 riders are missing. Bear with me and I'll  rectify. Sorry guys. Also means that some of the rider values might seem a bit wrong. Have to live with that; there might be some bargains there.

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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Daniel Norton | 1 year ago

In terms of the game being remotely fair, the Tour de Suisse points should be binned.  I hope there is no need to explain why.

11waterloo replied to Daniel Norton | 1 year ago

I can fully understand your point of view Daniel but feel that the game, flawed though it may be, has to include every eligible race. I think a huge part of the issue here is the lack of information about riders not starting stages and yesterday was a particularly stark example of that. A quick check through the transfers of a few regular players shows that everyone was adversely affected to some degree - wasting transfers is always frustrating. The problem for me is that if we omit this race then we set a precedent which might create issues in the future. The last three seasons have been plagued by Covid and plenty of situations have arisen where there are mass withdrawals from races at very short notice and my guess is it will continue to happen. It could be argued that some of these races should have been removed from the game for similar reasons of unfairness but we muddled through. Obviously the circumstances here are more emotionally charged but when Bjorg Lambrecht tragically died in 2019 both the race and the game continued after a days pause. I hope I don't come across as being unfeeling (I am still profoundly saddened by the loss of a young life) but, much like the riders, we have to find a way to move on. 

tony kappler replied to 11waterloo | 1 year ago

Finding out that riders are not starting is always at the last moment. I find myself not doing transfers until 15 mins before cut off, and I still missed Demare's DNS on stage 7. Re deadlines, we could make them as close to the race start as possible or say an hour before the race start. An hour before start means we will miss most of the DNS's but reduce player stress. (Might as well put in a team 3hrs before start rather than wait till the last minute.) Any thoughts?

11waterloo replied to tony kappler | 1 year ago

I think making them as close to the race start as possible is the best option. I was even thinking that having the deadline an hour late would be an option to smoke out all the DNS's but that would bring another set of potential issues. 

Daniel Norton replied to 11waterloo | 1 year ago

Couldn't disagree more.  See my opinion in the other post.

11waterloo replied to Daniel Norton | 1 year ago

Yes, having read your other post, I can see where you are coming from and my views may not reflect that of the majority. I do have the luxury of being able to make late changes a lot of the time but also have occasions when I have to make my changes the night before, so do recognise the frustration that can lead to. I honestly don't know what the answer is with cut off times having heard your point of view, but would say that any changes would be better made at the end of the season. The game has its flaws but we know the rules at the start of each season  and can't really change them midway through.
In respect of it being like a full time job, it does often feel that way .........but without the wages! Let's keep it fun and enjoy the Tour! 

Daniel Norton replied to tony kappler | 1 year ago

If we want the best player of a given season to be revealed by the game...

Waiting for the last minute is not feasible for many players, which means they (we) have almost zero chance of winning, especially when something unusual happens.  Every stage can start at a different time, so the lack of consistency is also infuriating.  A sensible cut-off point would be say 2am the night before a stage for all European races at least.  EVERYONE can then pick their team based on the same information available the evening before the stage starts (little new info is announced after late evening until the next day).  This simple step would remove advantage for players who happen to be lucky enough to have time to check for info just before the cut-off.  It would also make the game far easier to play for most people.

The above suggestion makes playing the fantasy cycling game more like a game and not a full time job.  Not being available near deadline time puts a player at a severe disadvantage.  People like me normally have to pick our team the night before.  It would be miraculous if someone in that position won the overall for the season.

tony kappler replied to Daniel Norton | 1 year ago

I am one of those players lucky enough to be able to do transfers near the deadline, due to the Aussie time zone, however I honestly haven't found it a great advantage since most of the DNS appear after the start. But I do agree that there would be less player stress with an earlier deadline.

However if we are really trying for the top spot, we put in a lot of time on research, thought about different transfer strategies, trying to analyse how each stage will play out, riders abilities etc and it does become almost "a full time job". For me, the beauty of the game is the complexity of cycling, having 22 teams playing on the one pitch; if it was an easy 5 minute pick, I wouldn't bother playing.

Interestingly this debate is between the top 3; I wonder if others have views; does anyone know what happened to Dr Winston? He always weighed in with an opinion. There is actually not a lot of forum chatter these days.


11waterloo replied to tony kappler | 1 year ago

Regarding Dr Winston, I did meet him briefly a couple of months ago when we discovered that we live very close to each other. I think he has a lot on his plate currently and the game is not high on his list of priorities at the moment. Hopefully he will return in due course to dominate that Purist League! 

Sniffer replied to 11waterloo | 1 year ago

I had a shocker of a week. The end of the Dauphine and the TdS coincided with a hectic time for me. Slumped down the overall rankings missing deadlines etc.

PS I had risen to fourth before my difficult week!

So, cancelling the TdS results would significantly advantage my position. I don't, however, see that as a credible solution to a frustrating race.

For those of us working in the UK in 'normal office hours' the deadlines can be a challenge. I sometimes have internet access, sometimes work gets in the way. I have just accepted this. Deciding on transfers the night before is often necessary.

I am happy just to live with the frustrations.

Daniel Norton replied to Sniffer | 1 year ago

Sniffer, this is exactly what I am talking about.  My suggestion would completely eliminate the deadlines issue for nearly every player.  Surely that makes the game fairer?  There is no reason other than choice that we have to have (moving)deadlines on the race day itself.

Another "advantage" is that for most races (European ones) the consistency of deadlines simplify playing the game.  I suspect that it is confusing for new players having deadlines at different times all the while.

Ultimately, in my opinion, the change would level the playing field.

I agree with Waterloo that next season would be a better time to make any big changes.

Also agree with Tony that the complexity is what attracts people who love the strategy, but the change would surely leave the main strategic elements intact (i.e. picking players, transfer timings, rider team roles, parcour, predictability of stages).

I'll start a thread on this nearer the end of the season.  Hopefully we will get the comments of Winston and a few other regular players here or in the new thread.

teckert replied to Daniel Norton | 1 year ago

I'm against any changes.
The current rules makes the most sense.

Personally, having an earlier deadline would be a disadvantage due to also living in Aust.

11waterloo | 1 year ago

Awful news about Gino Mäder today. It serves to remind us that the sport we love does carry real dangers. There is a sense of numbness and aching sadness even though I am far removed from the tragedy. Those feelings must be magnified to unbearable levels for those closer to him and my deepest sympathies go out to them. 

Daniel Norton replied to 11waterloo | 1 year ago

A horrible day for cyclists and cycling fans everywhere.

RIP Gino Mader.

Daniel Norton | 1 year ago

I don't think the rider values are as critical as the transfer strategy for this one.  Also it is not obvious who are GC contenders IMO, so all good.  Still a fair contest.

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