Cyclists’ helmet cam videos of reckless road users behaving badly or breaking the law are a Youtube staple, but here’s one with a difference those caught on camera are cyclists and it ends with a truly spectacular demonstration of how not to take your jacket off while cycling.
York Cyclists Episode 1, shot over a three week period was posted to Youtube on April 1st ago by a long time cycle commuter calling himself CarefulCyclist, but it's no joke.
Red light jumping, pavement cycling, red light jumping, riding no handed, red light jumping, texting while cycling, phoning while cycling and red light jumping (a bit like Groundhog Day) are all here.
It’s a catalogue of the sort of behaviour that irritates and angers other road users and that divides opinion amongst cyclists between those who believe that the rules of the road apply to everyone and those who say they are the product of a car-centric approach to traffic management and that as long as no-one is harmed the independent minded cyclist should be free to ignore them. Watch the video and judge for yourself.
“Cyclists are taking more risks”, CarefulCyclist told YorkMix explaining his reason for posting his films to Youtube: “I hope the families of those cyclists will see what those cyclists are doing, putting themselves and other road users at risk and prevent them.
“The cyclists involved should stop and think, is this risk I am taking worth it?”
He also explained why he started filming his journeys.
“I have, on a number of occasions nearly been hit by inattentive or poor drivers. if you combine poor driving with reckless cycling more and more people are going to get injured. Some fatally.”
He described those riding badly as “a small proportion of repeat offenders, I see the same faces over and over again.
“Young men seem prepared to take the greatest risks, but all types of road users flout the Highway Code.
“I see cyclists running red lights, weaving in and out of traffic, but even the most minor indiscretions like cycling on the pavement can have potentially severe consequences if the cyclist is in collision with someone elderly or a child.
“Pedestrians have been killed by cyclists.”
While some of the cycling on display is certainly of the eye-brow raising variety some may also raise an eyebrow at the inclusion of a woman using her mobile phone while cycling along a near empty bike path - on the other hand the chap briefly glimpsed riding no handed on the pavement was lucky a hapless pedestrian didn’t step out of a doorway.
The penultimate incident would seem to be an example of both rider and driver inattention although had things played out differently it is certainly the cyclist who would have paid the higher price, and that last crash? Well, according to CarefulCyclist the man got up afterwards apparently unharmed.
While his film highlights some risk taking individual in his conversation with YorkMix CarefulCyclist reserves some of the blame for poor cycling infrastructure too:
“Some of the cycling infrastructure is poorly designed and poorly maintained, cycle lanes are too narrow and sometimes bring road users in to conflict”.
The recklessness of York’s drivers and pedestrians are the subjects of his next two videos.
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Stupid video, common sense prevails, I live in Bridgwater, Somerset.
I ride a lot, generally most cars drive too fast and attitudes to cyclist is poor to aggressive. Regardless how you ride.
I cycle a main trunk road to work Bristol Road (every week people are hit off there, several in work have been knocked off, one hurt badly, the driver didn't stop and was never caught) its a death trap for cyclists, as is Taunton Road. The pavement is usually the only safe place...
The more aggressive you are as a rider or positive, the safer you are, I always wear a helmet, ride with a bright yellow reflective jacket and lights and still get swiped( I don't mean generally aggressive)
I'm not going to be bait or a statistic.
Stupid video, common sense prevails, I live in Bridgwater, Somerset.
I ride a lot, generally most cars drive too fast and attitudes to cyclist is poor to aggressive. Regardless how you ride.
I cycle a main trunk road to work Bristol Road (every week people are hit off there, several in work have been knocked off, one hurt badly, the driver didn't stop and was never caught) its a death trap for cyclists, as is Taunton Road. The pavement is usually the only safe place...
The more aggressive you are as a rider or positive, the safer you are, I always wear a helmet, ride with a bright yellow reflective jacket and lights and still get swiped( I don't mean generally aggressive)
I'm not going to be bait or a statistic.
So bollox to gentlemanly conduct, you jeopodise my safety you be getting it
Salmoning - wrong-way cycling has become widespread. It's stupid and dangerous. I'm quite happy for the Police to stop any stupidity by cyclists, but they mustn't just focus on cyclists. They need to pull and prosecute all those incompetent-dangerous drivers out there.
Having recently seen a TV programme about drivers who have obtained a licence other than by the traditional and official route - education, training, and examination, but instead via deception / impersonation etc., I would like to see all motorists involved in traffic violations subjected to compulsory testing.
This might explain why I encounter so many utterly clueless-incompetent drivers out there.
Brilliant! It's like a crazy urban circus and certainly like any day on the streets of Bristol.
On a positive note, it's great to see so many people choosing to get around by bike. If 1 RLJing pavement cyclist = 1 less car that can only be considered a good thing. Lets not get too distracted by minor infringments of the law.
Don Simon: I said nothing about me jumping red lights or breaking the law. I pointed out why respect does not have to be earned. Point well missed.
One rule for motorists, another for cyclists. Cycling without hands is ok, but if that was a motorist, then he would have been crucified on here. Yet, we (cyclists) demand respect and better treatment. Oh, the irony!
Some of the above posts tell me why motorists hate cyclists. Its no surprise if that just gets worse with the sort of posts/attitudes above.
My interpretation is simple, if you share the road with cars, follow the rules. Not that difficult is it? And yes it works both ways.
What is this video for? Yes, some riders are inconsiderate road users, just as a proportion of any type of road users are - but I see in this video a number of applications of the Boeteng guidance.
I'm a very experienced rider, but since I started riding with my child I use the pavements (considerately) more and more as the roads around us are to busy, too unsafe and too complex for a child to manage. There is also one junction on my work commute that is generally far safer for me to go through on red, which is exactly what I do if there aren't any pedestrians crossing.
The vast majority of the time you see a rider on the pavement, going through reds, you're looking at a rider let down by the infrastructure available to them, infrastructure designed for fast moving motor traffic to the detriment of vulnerable road users.
This person should not go to Amsterdam, there almost all cyclists run red lights, ride against traffic, call on their mobile while cycling etc, pedestrians run lights here also. The big thing is you have to be more liberal: what point is there in waiting for a red light when there's no traffic? what point is there against riding on the footpath to steal a light while not posing any dangers or hindrance.
The real and only point of traffic rules is to make traffic safe and flowing, the person who makes this video's his grievances are only in his head, because in most cases no danger or hindrance was caused.
Also: in Holland most one way traffic streets are only one way for cars, not for cyclist: the same rules can apply on streets in england also
What really annoys me is that some cyclists can do no wrong in the eyes of other cyclists. Some people are far too willing to defend the reckless actions of bad and anti-social riders - they say things like, "Yes, it was bad, but car drivers need to learn too" etc.
Yes, car drivers need to learn, but so do many cyclists. Many, many cyclists. Stop trying to pass the buck, it's time that we accepted that behaviour like this is not good for the image of cycling.
People that act in the way shown in the video will give the anti-cycling lobby more fuel for their hate and rants, and yes, many more car drivers will lose what respect they have for us.
I entered an event a number of years ago - and I was shocked to see just how many supposed serious cyclists flouted the rules of the road and the highway code. It wasn't even a timed event, but a charity one. Yet riders still took massive risks shooting red lights, not waiting for suitable gaps at traffic islands etc. I was so horrified at what I had seen that I have not entered that event again. I have seen it in so many others I've ridden (admittedly not to the same extent).
It's time we took a good look at ourselves and realised that we are not as perfect as we would like to think we are - and car drivers aren't as bad as we think they are.
All behaviour I've seen recently in Belgium, no-one seems to give a wotsit. In fact much is expected/anticipated.
Dear god! Some comments are so sad, all those perfect perfect drivers and riders who never make errors on the road never jump red lights, forget to indicate and most certain never kill people and get a smack on the wrist. No I don't jump red lights unless there traffic activated, because I might be there all day! So hold on.. I do jump red lights don't i? But I never ride on the pavement! Well unless it's a flooded road or there is broken glass on the road.. Oops I do ride on the road don't i?
I simply do not accept that there are any perfect cyclists or drivers, we ALL make mistakes or take the safe option sometimes. Even careful cyclist acted unwisely taking his hand from his bars to point and shout at other road users, or is it ok if you are perfect?
I suspect that most drivers who get aggressive think they are perfect drivers and everyone else is awful! unfortunately it's spreading to the cycling community, what's that biblical saying, let he without sin cast the first stone.
I'm not saying bad riding is right but please don't be conned in to thinking we are any worse than drivers we defiantly are not.
As for kids on pavement I will continue to let my 7 year old ride with supervision on the pavement as I have yet to see evidence of people being thrown six feet in to the air resulting in a brain injury or death from a cyclist riding on the pavement unless u want to be silly and talk about 30mph professional cycling accidents.
IMO it's all back to front, give pedestrians right of way then bikes then cars then HGVs not the other way round machines appear to have greater priority than people. With great power comes responsibility so if you have a ten tone vehicle I think your responsibility to behave properly is greater than a ten kg bike, I know which will do the most damage.
I'm surprised that anyone tries to justify going through red lights, as 'why wait if there is no traffic'. You wait because the lights are red which means stop. If all road users took that attitude, then it would be chaos. If it's ok for cyclists to go through red lights, then it should be ok for other road users too.
Irresponsible cyclists can cause collisions through other road users having to avoid them. It doesn't make it ok because you're on a bike instead of in a motor vehicle. Most motorists are no more of a problem than most cyclists. It's the ones who ride or drive as if they have the right to do so however they like who cause problems to all road users out there.
Now you've done it! Lead story on the Daily Mail app. All the rabid anti-cyclist "entitled" drivers are out in force. Sigh.
i hate headcam wankers.
they should be banned people strap one on and think they are the law and own the road.
but the guy with the coat, priceless! i mean who wears a wifebeater under a wool lined coat?
have to go with some of the comments posted...the video is pointless, other than the hilarity of the last guy face planting into the tarmac.
red light jumping offences...most of the time the junction is quiet, the cyclist can simply jump off the bike and push across the road, which is completely legal and would have caused no issues. only issue is they are pedalling, so what's the big deal.
one way street...quite a wide road to fit cars and road. i would guess they chose to go up one way road because the natural cycling route is a detour which doesn't necessarily get them to where they need to go. maybe these roads should have cycle lanes installed that allow bi-direction travel for bikes. like a lot of busy town centres.
pavement cycling...government has set guide lines on this, long as you are not endangering anyone then it shouldn't be seen as a problem. the video captured during rush hour it would appear and I would suspect some of the offenders aren't comfortable with filters through traffic. the royal mail man may well be going to every door on that side of the road. I shan't think I would like to push a bike loaded with parcels and letters all the way down the road and he was going ever so slow so no harm there.
Oh also weaving in and out of traffic is called "Filtering" and this is one of the advantages of having a bike as we can squeeze between traffic and get ahead of slow or stationary motor is entirely legal! so if you are sitting there in a car going no where and crying about the fact then ditch the car and get on a bike.
mobile phone usage...quiet cycle path, no one around, no issues.
cycling without hands...ok, not having 100% control, give you that. but seriously, do you want to see these sort of behaviour being put on the same agenda as dangerous drive causing death??? really.
I think the video maker needs to get his priority right and maybe declare his Daily Mail royalty.
Oddly enough, it would seem to be that some people should get out less......
He's achieved nothing except a "Reckless York cyclists flout the law" headline in the York populist press. His videos about drivers and pedestrians got no coverage. Poor work, not helpful, naive fellow.
Given that helmet cams and Internet video sites are a relatively modern phenomenon, it can be filed under Cyclist Uses New Technology or an appropriate acronym thereof.
There is some spectacular hysteria on this thread. I was having a fairly miserable morning but after reading some of the comments on here I'm now just super glad I'm not some of you.
Roboplegic wrongcocks, to borrow a phrase.
Tell you what though, if that guy or someone like him started filming others and getting shouty about it like this round where I live I doubt it'd be long before he'd get a smack. I don't condone violence but I've no time for this self-appointed judge of all things cycling either.
24 hours later, and the jacket clip is still funny.
Riding along a narrow one-way street the wrong way or red light jumping is annoying, but that's their decision to break the law and put themselves at risk.
So some cyclists in York were riding like fools. I don't feel any reason to feel guilty about their behaviour, or to feel that it affects me.
I like to think that I am a rational (-ish) human being, and I can separate one from many: I don't think all bus drivers are insane just because of the actions of one of them, nor white van drivers, nor SUV drivers, NOR CYCLISTS.
It looks more like "Dumb & dumber" than "Groundhog day"![24](
I had stopped watching through boredom, so thanks for pointing out the jacket clip, it's comedy gold, a beautifully layered piece, from the jacket/vest combo to the grunt of impact, perfect.
More of this stuff and less tedious footage of people going about their business, much of which would be perfectly normal in the Netherlands. Ooh ooh! look, shes using a phone and has a some shopping hanging from her handlebars, get her.
It's now on Yahoo as "Cyclist Video Guaranteed To Infuriate".
You can argue RLJ "gives us all a bad name", but it's nothing compared to making up little press pack videos of bad cycling for tabloid consumption. What did CarefulCyclist imagine would happen?
^ Nail.Head
It pales in comparison to the number of MV registrations floating around on YT though ; )
What a twat CarefulCyclist is.
Massively agree with everyone saying this vid is pointless.
It's also damaging, and only really serves to stir the pot even more.
Since it's release I've had about three people post it to my Facebook wall with the hidden implication of "see what you people have done!?" - not least had countless colleagues pipe up with "Have you seen that video?" Followed by inane criticism of why cyclists should stop to let busses past etc etc etc etc etc etc.
SIGH. Videotrolls.