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Huge 200-bike theft at Scott headquarters in Switzerland

£660k worth of brand new and unreleased bikes stolen in weekend HQ raid

Thieves have stolen 200 top end bikes, including some that have not yet been released to the market, from the headquarters of Scott in Switzerland.

Last weekend, the burglars broke into the warehouse in Givisiez, eluding both a burglar alarm and security, where they took an enormous shipment of 2014 road and moutain bikes, as well as some new 2015 models, not yet on the market.

To transport the bikes, they also took a truck from another company based nearby.

The stolen bikes had an average retail value of 4,500 Swiss Francs, or £3,000. The company estimates the total cost of the theft to be around a million francs, or £666,000.

Pascal Ducrot, Vice President of Scott, said: “It is a sad truth that the bicycling industry, be it retailers, manufacturers or professional teams, have been victim of recurrent, severe burglaries causing extensive financial damage during the past few years.”

“They must have been well equipped because they disconnected our security systems,” he told La Liberté.

The Swiss capital is a hotspot for bicycle theft. German website studied police figures from cities in Switzerland, Germany and Austria and found that 2,378 bikes were stolen in Bern last year.

Only the German city of Münster had more per 10,000 residents.

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FurnaceMedia | 10 years ago

What , no GoPro of the robbery  2

bikemadjo | 10 years ago

I would feel sorry for them, but it does seem like their security is as bad as their customer service. Sorry to seem harsh but the way they treated me regarding my warranty issues it can't happen to a better company.

Gkam84 | 10 years ago

It shocks me EVERY time I see a massive theft like this from a warehouse. They always rely on alarm systems. These can be and will be hacked, bypassed and various other ways to get round them.

Why not just have a good old ARMED security guard, infront of some CCTV screens and a "nice" German Shepherd.

I'll volunteer to do it for any bike company, pay me £20k a year, provide me a dog and a weapon. I'm yours....ASLONG as you have Wifi in my office to use through the night  105

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