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MP supports petition calling for time trialling to be banned on A50

Andrew Griffiths says cyclists "have brought the petition on themselves"...

An MP has supported a public petition to stop ‘dangerous’ time trial cycling on one of the busiest routes out of Uttoxeter, saying "cyclists have brought the petition on themselves."

Amanda Brooks begun the petition after she was a witness to a crash between a cyclist and an HGV on the A50. She is asking other local residents to help her approach the Department for Transport to stop the use of the road for racing.

Concerned Uttoxeter resident Amanda Brooks, of Drovers Close, who was witness to a horrifying crash between a cyclist and a HGV is lobbying the Department of Transport in a bid to stop cyclists using the A50 for competition races.

The petition now has 90 signatures, still far short of the 100,000 that might create the chance for a debate in the House of Commons.

MP Andrew Griffiths told the Uttoxeter News: “I can completely understand why residents want to start this petition against the cycling time trials. We’ve seen deaths on the A50 and I’ve seen myself near misses.

“I think unfortunately cyclists have brought the petition it on themselves. Many time trials aren’t well run and aren’t signposted. Safety measures aren’t in place and unless cyclists start taking it more seriously these calls for cyclists to be banned will only continue.

“It would be a shame for cyclists but they desperately need to do something to protect themselves from other road users.

“One option would be to put warnings and signs at every junction.

“You can get onto the A50 and before you know it there is a cyclist right in front of you.”

Campaign leader Ms Brooks said: “I’m pleased that it’s raising such awareness and it’s making people think about the risks and discuss solutions such as better signage for motorists as this has clearly been inadequate during recent time trials.

“Cyclists have commented saying they are bemused as to why fellow riders would seek time trials on the A50, so it isn’t just motorists that find this dangerous.

“The petition will not only raise awareness but clearly bring to light the conversations that need to be had to make these time trials safer for both cyclists and motorists alike.

“I just hope we get enough signatures to get something done about the way cycle events are held on the A50 in future.

“Two years ago I witnessed a cyclist get struck by a HGV. As a witness, the police kept me informed and the cyclist died leaving behind his wife and children.

“The driver was given a driving ban losing his livelihood.

“Each year that the cycle competition is on the A50 it brings back those memories and its terrifying watching drivers overtake them.”

The petition reads:

Stop cyclists using the A50 (bypassing Uttoxeter) for competition races. 2 years ago a HGV took down a cyclist which led to the cyclists death and the driver sentenced, I'm sure this is not the first or last time you'll hear similar incidents involving cyclists on main roads.

Cyclists struggle to cycle in straight lines when extremely tired in competitions and tend to vier all over the dual carriageway where heavy traffic is travelling at 70mph. Cyclists don't stand a chance with their minimal protection from a potentially fatal RTA.

General traffic end up having near miss accidents when trying to avoid them too. There is a perfectly good cycle path away from the A50 dual carriageway so alter the competition route for everyone's safety.

Cyclists on dual carriageways should be banned unless the routes are closed off which would cause chaos on this particular road. So please sign this petition to ban cyclist from the A50 dual carriageway (Derbys/Staffs) which will help to save lives!

Please note: This article was amended on 27 July 2017 to clarify comments made by Andrew Griffiths MP in an interview with the Uttoxeter News in 2014.

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Doctor Fegg | 10 years ago

Have to admit that in the A38 example I'd prefer one of the carriageways to be given over to motor vehicles, the other to bikes. As it is, I find it fairly safe but it's unlikely to convince anyone to take up cycling, which a bike-only carriageway might do.

A little request to - in these stories, could you cite the party the MP belongs to? Might help people when deciding who to vote for at the next election...

jacknorell replied to Doctor Fegg | 10 years ago
Doctor Fegg wrote:

Have to admit that in the A38 example I'd prefer one of the carriageways to be given over to motor vehicles, the other to bikes. As it is, I find it fairly safe but it's unlikely to convince anyone to take up cycling, which a bike-only carriageway might do.

A little request to - in these stories, could you cite the party the MP belongs to? Might help people when deciding who to vote for at the next election...

Very odd, but his party affiliation is very, erm..., discrete on his website (

He is, of course, a Tory:

DavidC | 10 years ago

MPs also bring it on themselves.

What is "it" anyway?

workhard | 10 years ago

The courts found the HGV driver guilty of driving below the required standard. That, in a nutshell, is the problem, not the presence of cyclists on NSL DC's but this woman, being so deeply conditioned by our motor-centric culture, can't see that. And neither can her Tory-boy MP.

Nobber drivers are the problem. And nobber MP's. And nobber petition starters.

mrmo | 10 years ago
0 likes,-2.156817,3a,75y,357.16h,72.85t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1smMtiCwnTzzCwTl8AbRrHGQ!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x48710315cc0d5163:0x45c5d14f33be793d

once upon a time this was a dual carriage way, now it is single and has a nice wide cycle path...

Maybe this is the way forward for all dual carriageways?

Bit of a pity it starts and stops in the middle of nowhere really! I guess you can't have everything!

DoctorDee replied to mrmo | 10 years ago

once upon a time this was a dual carriage way

It's still a dual carriageway.
Now each of the carriageways has a single car lane and a cycle lane.

Paul_C replied to mrmo | 10 years ago
mrmo wrote:,-2.156817,3a,75y,357.16h,72.85t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1smMtiCwnTzzCwTl8AbRrHGQ!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x48710315cc0d5163:0x45c5d14f33be793d

once upon a time this was a dual carriage way, now it is single and has a nice wide cycle path...

Maybe this is the way forward for all dual carriageways?

Bit of a pity it starts and stops in the middle of nowhere really! I guess you can't have everything!

they did it here on the A38 in Gloucestershire...

sadly it's only for a short stretch  2

Paul_C replied to Paul_C | 10 years ago

ha ha... finally followed your link and it was to the same stretch...  1

Russsauntry | 10 years ago

Let's start a petition to ban Lorries from the A50, we could do it seriously say for weekends (like in France) or as a mickey take and go for completely.

It would be hilarious to get more signatures...  21

Paul_C | 10 years ago

!“You can get onto the A50 and before you know it there is a cyclist right in front of you.”!

numpty basically admits to not being aware of their suroundings...

brooksby replied to Paul_C | 10 years ago
Paul_C wrote:

!“You can get onto the A50 and before you know it there is a cyclist right in front of you.”!

numpty basically admits to not being aware of their suroundings...

Didn't you know that cyclists can quite literally appear out of nowhere? It's the Flux Capacitor built into all recent electronic shifters, I gather...

jvb89 | 10 years ago

What a complete piece of garbage! She says the aim is to educate people, but I think she is in fact the one that needs to be educated.

Along this logic, cyclists shouldn't be allowed to cycle in London, as people have been hit by HGV's and killed there. Road races shouldn't happen. In fact cyclists shouldn't be allowed to ride on roads.

Cyclists don't swerve around in the lane when tired, cyclists swerve to avoid the pothole which could lead to a crash or other dangers, just as a car or lorry would to do avoid breaking the vehicle.

Finally, I much prefer dual carriageway time trials, as I actually find them safer. When you're travelling at 30mph on a single carriage road, car's struggle to overtake, get frustrated and carry out dangerous overtakes. With DC's there is always another lane, to which I find a lot safer.

If she want's to see dangerous cycling, watch a road race. As much I enjoy racing them, there is some genuinely terrifying riding from some riders.

ronin | 10 years ago

This country is useless really. Just reactive and not forward thinking.

For example, on Sundays there is usually less traffic on many A roads. Why not restrict drivers to the right hand lane where it's possible on busy cycle routes to encourage cycling.

I like to leave as early as possible when I go out cycling to avoid traffic. Many a time you still have idiots sticking to the left lane, speeding in their cars coming unnecessarily close.

Mountainboy | 10 years ago

Cycling on A roads isn't any more dangerous than any other road, quite often the opposite.

Drivers have a responsibility not to drive over other road users, let's not side with people who are victim blaming, even if they are doing it unconsciously.

mlimburn | 10 years ago

The best way to solve the problem is two fold.
1. ban HGV from the roads during daylight hours.
2. to stop Stupid comments from any MP, remove the need to be stupid, and speak before you think from the list of qualities needed to be an MP!  21

rich22222 | 10 years ago

You can't say all A roads are bad, they usually have the advantage of being wide and with clear visibility for long distances.
There are faster A roads I prefer not to cycle on simply because of the speed difference, it only takes a moment of inattention from a driver and you've had it. This part of the A50 would be one of those I avoided.

Hensteeth | 10 years ago

TT on cycle paths.  21

anarchy | 10 years ago

I see one or two cyclists on the A1 in Newcastle every morning driving to work. They must have a death wish

rdanderson | 10 years ago

TTing on a busy A road is asking to be removed from the gene pool unfortunately but then banning cyclists from A roads is a little to extreme. The roads are busy, heavy and are meant to be driven at speeds up to 70mph, specially the main 'arterial ones' that supplement the motorway to larger towns and cities.

Like Beaufort, I avoid them like the plague as I accidentally ended up on one once and it wasn't a pleasant 10 minute experience. Wind drag from on a normal bike from a passing truck would be enough to pull you into the middle of the road so heavens knows what it would be like on a TT bike.

It is a shame it has to come to this as we should be able to share the roads but common sense has to prevail. Is someone going to try a TT on the M4/M25 next?

veseunr | 10 years ago

Can we start a petition to turn the A50 into a cycle path?!

Beaufort | 10 years ago

Personally I avoid A roads when riding. Just not worth the risk.

ronin replied to Beaufort | 10 years ago
Beaufort wrote:

Personally I avoid A roads when riding. Just not worth the risk.

I'd be stuck for places to go if I didn't use A roads. I'm motivated to visit places I've never been to before by bike, not so much by car.

One such place, 40 miles from home was a lovely Sunday morning ride. I took the wife and kids on the same route in the car...never again...what a nightmare.  102

I think only the obesity epidemic will force the government to take cycling seriously as a form of transport, so kids can cycle to school and road safety for all road users is considered.

gazza_d | 10 years ago

One cyclist on A50 struck from behind by texting truck driver

Another truck driver received a suspended sentence for death by careless driving for mowing down and killing a cyclist from behind

A quote from the (presumably) naive and completely misguided woman who has put the petition together

“Two years ago I witnessed a cyclist get struck by a HGV. As a witness, the police kept me informed and the cyclist died leaving behind his wife and children.
“The driver was given a driving ban losing his livelihood"

Seems much more concerned that the truck driver lost his job to me.


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