Construction has halted on a major cycle path running along York’s outer ring road. Despite this, young people are still using it, at one point walking along a narrow verge close to passing traffic when crossing a railway bridge
The £1.3m path between Wigginton Road and Haxby Road on the A1237 is part of the i-Travel York initiative which aims to improve residents’ travel options and to encourage greater use of sustainable and active modes of travel. It had been hoped that the path would be completed by spring of this year, but problems building a new bridge over the railway line led to work coming to a standstill.
While barriers have been put up at either end, one of the main reasons for building the off-road shared use path in the first place was because there was great demand for it. As well as providing easy access to the busy Clifton Moor retail park, the route is also of use to pupils from the Clifton Moor area who attend the nearby Joseph Rowntree School. Last year we reported that 60 per cent of pupils who responded to the council’s consultation on the path had said that they would use it to ride to school.
Speaking to the York Press, Joseph Rowntree head teacher, Richard Crane, said:
"We are very worried about the safety of students travelling to our school using this pathway, and hope the path will be made usable as soon as possible. We will make it clear to students who may have cause to use the pathway that it is closed and should not be used."
The planned bridge had to be redesigned after ground conditions were found to be unstable, causing the cost of the project to rise from £700,000 to over £1.3m. City of York Council have said that the new bridge will be put in place over the 15th and 16th of November and that work on the path will continue shortly afterwards.
It is hoped that the path will be in use early next year, but York councillor Mark Warters, the man who asked officials to install the barriers, points out that the narrow verge being used to cross the current railway bridge will only become more dangerous over the winter months.
I haven't been to Mallorca since I was a child, a long way back in the last century, and I'm sure there are plenty of downsides to the tourism...
I see that what I should have written is that good quality outers are necessary - the split ones were the originals on a bike which only cost £650...
I've no idea what the situation is here, but I've seen plenty of "under construction" cycle lanes where there are only signs/barriers around the...
whereas the whole point is that they didn't hit you this time
AIUI an entering-circulating accident [sic] would be when the vehicle entering the roundabout fails to give way to the vehicle circulating.
Which is great - but you can only take a bus which exists eg. is going somewhere near where you want to go, when you want to go....
Erm, does someone need counting lessons?
My cannondale SuperSix gen3 frameset i recently bougth has a sticker saying: made in China. Dont know about the newest models.
Cos style, and did you not read it only weighs 158g!...
It's strange - some folks who grew up there say it was a great community and has declined. Some folks say it was "like Beiruit" and has calmed down...