Year Record contender Steve Abraham is back on the bike after breaking his ankle in a crash with a scooter rider last month. But a spokesman for his support team says beating Tommy Godwin's 1939 record will now be "a tough ask".
Abraham rode almost 55 miles yesterday, pedalling a modified IceTrike recumbent with just one leg.
Most of the ride comprised 17 laps of the circuit at Milton Keynes Bowl.
The ride was a test to see how Abraham copes with riding the recumbent, and to chart a safe route to the Bowl circuit.
After six hours on the bike, Abraham had a doctor's appointment to assess his recovery two weeks after surgery.
Steve Abraham (©Andew Morris)
Today Abraham will try and ride a normal shift on the bike so that he and his team can assess what he is capable of using just one leg and after two and a half weeks' inactivity.
Steve's team expect him to improve by 10-15 percent over the next two weeks, and he'll be aiming to maintain that pace until he's capable of walking — and riding — again.
Spokesman for Abraham and his team, Idai Makaya told "We are taking it a step at a time so we will need about two weeks before we can say if we'll stick with this approach or just stop completely until August.
"We believe this approach mitigates the losses against the record and gives him a chance to recover from the accident whilst minimising the distance he'll have to make up once he gets back to full fitness."
Abraham is now around 550 miles behind Godwin's schedule. If he is able to return to riding then he will be able to limit the damage, and then attempt to make up the losses when he returns to his planned summer schedule of very long days in the saddle.
Makaya says: "We think if it works well he has a chance of just eclipsing Tommy Godwin's record at the end of the year. But it will always be a tough ask.
"However, Steve's total mileage target was almost 10,000 miles further than the current record so he has that margin to lose in the teo months that he can't ride properly.
"Theoretically that says he has a chance."
Abraham's fans and followers greeted his return with enthusiasm and congratulations via the Strava comments.
Kieran Johnson wrote: "I tried riding one-legged yesterday because of a sore knee. Managed about 10 minutes at 20kph. Riding one-legged is HARD. Great to see you back in motion!"
Mark D. wrote: "Chuffed to see you back on the road - for your sake I hope your not hoping to build up to 200+mile days going round that loop, now that really would deserve kudos!"
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He's not unwell. Continuing won't make his ankle any worse. He is not setting a bad example. You cannot compare this to riding without a helmet after a head injury! He is promoting mental strength, ambition, the will to succeed and overcome adversity! Good Luck Steve!
I've got nothing but admiration for what he's doing, but I'd be worried about him causing spinal alignment issues by pedalling one legged for so long, which might hamper his recovery and ability to push on once he gets his other leg back.
There may be risks but as already pointed out he has taken a year off of work and pulled together all of the required support for this attempt. It's naive to think that he could just pack it in and have another go next year.
I'd encourage him in whatever decision he makes. He's obviously taken medical advice and decided to push on. Good luck to him.
He's taken a year off work, got a support crew putting in time and effort for no return in most cases, he's got sponsors....I could go on.
It is now or never as far as it goes at the moment.
Am i the only sane person on this forum, are you all actually pushing someone on to break a record that can be attempted to be broken next year whilst riding with a broken ankle, What sort of example are we setting, kids and youngsters can read this forum, are you all ignoring all the advice that we have been given over the years by the doctors when they say rest and recuperation is best, what next cheer someone on for riding their bike without a helmet after brain surgery just so they can break a record that could be broken next year, Wow i just think that Steve needs some good friends around him to say Steve get yourself fit and well and try next year, your health comes first.
If we're referring to 'sane', we're also talking about men who cycled over 75,000 miles in one year. From where I come from there's nothing remotely sane about this challenge!
I'm not sure if you've ever broken any bones but usually sports physios will try and start getting you active Asap, start slow and build up.
We're not insane by encouraging a highly driven individual to finish an incredible goal. If we all did our hardest to discourage him, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that advice was ignored and Steve continued to push, blanking our cries and listening to his own body. Which by the looks of things is exactly what he's doing.
It's athletes like Steve who are setting the best examples to our children. Don't give up at the first hurdle, because if you want something badly, you will have to fight for it. Because you never know, next year may never come around.
good luck!
That's the trike I have now and offered to lend him, glad he got one sorted out. I wonder if once his ankle is mended whether he might stay in the trike for a bit and catch up some mileage, much easier to pump out the miles on that than an upright, as long as he's on the flat and not going up hill.....a bit like the American
Hats off to that man!!
Absolute f@#£in machine
Good luck steve
Go Steve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What an inspiration!!!!
He didn't break his ankle, some idiot broke it for him...
best of luck! any word on the scooter rider who he had the collision with?
Yeah, he was an American called Kurt..
Hard as nails, best of luck.