Well, no tiffin today, our afternoon sustenance has come in the form of some lovely Easter nests. Still, it's all the sugar rush we needed to crank up the randomising machine and pick a winner from among the nearly 900 of you that have joined us on Facebook. Not bad odds but there can only be one winner, and that winner is...
Owen Whitford!
Lucky ol' Owen walks away with the Schwag this time. It could be you next time! okay, admittedly it probably won't be a bike but there's still going to be stuff up for grabs of a Friday, so stay tuned... and next time we promise you won't have to master any technology more complex than the comment button at the bottom of the page.
Original competition story:
Yowser! You'll want to have a crack at this one - our most valuable Schwag grab yet. We were down at IceBike to see top UK distributor Madison's range of products for this year and beyond, and we came back with a few things: some gloves, a clever bottle you can put energy gel in, some new Conti tyres to try... and a £800 Ridgeback Century bike to give away to one lucky reader! All you've got to do is be our fan on Facebook by pressing the button just below the next paragraph…
The bike is built around a Reynolds 520 frame and Carbon fork, and comes with a Compact Shimano Sora 18 speed groupset. The bike comes with full length mudguards and Ridgeback finishing kit; wheels are Alex rims on Shimano hubs and Tektro's R538 brakes take care of the stopping. It's a super useful bit of kit and did we mention versatile too - you get rack mounts for light touring duties or the commute. Add all that up and what do you have? A bike worth £800, that's what.

And it can be yours, for free, in 54, 56 or 58cm frame size. And all you have to do is become a fan of road.cc on Facebook by pressing the Facebook button above. Yup, we want to feel loved (sniff), that's all. If you're not on Facebook, well: what better incentive could you have to register than this? It only takes two ticks. If you're already on Facebook you should be able to get fanned up in the box above, or you can go to the road.cc page by clicking here. If you're already a fan, the you're already in the hat!
The compo will run for two weeks until tiffin time on Friday 12 March. Remember to win the prize don't comment: hit the Facebook Fan button. Oh, and the usual Schwag Grab rules apply.
The Eagle eyed may have noticed that there's been a slight change of bike since we went live with the Schwag grab earlier which was originally for a £600 Ridgeback Solo World but to make up for any disappointment turned the schwag-o-meter up to 11 to bring you this £800 steel tubed, mile munching beauty instead.
Good luck everyone! Let the swelling of fan numbers, and our collective warmth and pride, commence!
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Yur do I av ter regitry on that facey look thingy. ?? or wat !!!
yes please
The box at the top says i am a "FAN" so will go with that!
Bike is needed for a "Paralympian to join the 2010 Project"on www.parrabuddy.blogspot.com so will you all do the "Right Thing" and waive your rights so as to hlp someone in need? Visit the blog to see what it is about!
Good Luck to whoever wins as i have enough for me but want to help others!
Touring bike. Maybe I will come over to ride it.
Yeah, count me in please
I'll have a bit of that action please
yes please
Just got a new Mountain Bike, now it's time I had a new Road Bike
"isn't that just an Genesis 'Equilibrium' with different stickers and 'guards..both Madison aren't they?
how very dare you ) hehe.. You're right, they are both owned by Madison, however I have little involvement with Ridgeback beyond working in the same premesis as Toby Howes. We do chat about ideas naturally, we share frame factories where it works out well to do that, but the Equilibrium is as much a 'Genesis style' take on Audax / Sportive bikes as the Century is Ridgeback's own. A few mm, a tenth on wall thickness or a half degree here and there all make subtle but worthwhile adjustments to fit and ride feel.
James / Genesis
My time is coming!
I won my wife a year's worth of luxury lingerie, so karma must be just waiting to repay my foresight, surely?
oooooooh ..... yes please
not on facebook but Mrs Hatter is so she's signed up but boy will she hold me to ransom if she wins!
Not on faceache and l don't plan on joining. Keep the old format please! http://road.cc/sites/all/modules/smileys/packs/Yahoo!/angry.gif
yes, I know what you mean. I finally joined it for professional reasons
a few months back and I can see why so many people find it so addictive, but after an initial burst of activity I haven't really had much time to devote to it either… can't think why 
no guess not..still may never find out as im banned from facebook
By Facebook?
no by my good self, in fact ive not even tried it..'time and money time and money!' blah blah blah, (or to busy looking at some website..Road.cc i think its called).
My wife's called me a "fan" for years, that must count for something....
Don't think it is, but would that be a bad thing?

isn't that just an Genesis 'Equilibrium' with different stickers and 'guards..both Madison aren't they?
The perfect yin to the yang that is my Genesis Flyer. It would be the ideal singlespeed summer bike / winter bike combo!
Oh, hold-on - it's just changed from a Solo to a Century, so no longer just singlespeeds in the shed, a geared bike as well too - just what I'm saving up my pennies for!!
Did you intercept my letter to Santa last year. Because he didn't deliver, and here we are.
if you can't see *that* arrow then you don't deserve to win
they could be doing both. Like me
Cant people read!?? ''Remember to win the prize don't comment: hit the Facebook Fan button.''
just what I need!
What's the patron saint of good luck? Whoever it is, say a prayer for me!