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Backpedalling on Eastbourne's promenade cycle ban

Council at war over shared use path that could see cycles allowed again

Cyclists could be allowed back on the promenade at Eastbourne, subject to public consultation this month.

Eastbourne’s Lib Dems have already suggested lifting the ban on cycling between Fisherman’s Green and the Wish Tower, and a 28 day public consultation has already begun, before the final decision on creating a shared use path goes on to East Sussex County Council.

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The opposition Conservative group on the council however, fiercely opposes any lifting of the bylaw.

Tony Freebody, leader of the Conservatives said he was not of the opinion that the area was suitable for a shared use path.

“The lifting of the bylaw could open up the possibility of cycling along the length of our seafront,” he told the Eastbourne Herald.

“Whilst improvements need to be made to our cycling infrastructure, potentially allowing cycling between Fishermans Green and the Wish Tower is not the answer.”

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ibike | 9 years ago

One small positive step. Opening up the seafront proms at Worthing, Seaford, Littlehampton and Bognor Regis has begun to turn the south coast into quite a decent cycle ride.

They now need to sort out the bit through Sovereign Harbour…

Ric_Stern_RST | 9 years ago

I recognise that photo (Eastbourne bus)...  3

The seafront is a real pain to cycle down, and the current infra is absolute pants (once you get to the Fishermans). The seafront road from the Fishermans up to echelon parking just around the town centre is narrow, the traffic in both directions is constant, and unless you don't mind close overtakes you need to constantly ride in primary to prevent dangerous overtakes. The speed limit is too high (it should be 20) and the whole area needs a road redesign.

That said many of the roads around the area are absolute pants, needing a redesign to make safer for all. For e.g., the A259 running between Eastbourne and say Seaford is extremely picturesque but very dangerous (as i understand it, although not confirmed it, the A259 is one of the most dangerous A roads in the UK). It is or would be a great road for cycling on, but the council/highways are well aware that it's extremely dangerous to cycle on (they've pointed this out to me) but don't, won't or haven't done anything to make it safer.

When i speak to holiday makers a lot of them are very scared by some of the roads. I ran into some French cyclists the other week and they said they wouldn't be back due to the drivers...

Airzound | 9 years ago

Opposing this are the nasty Tories ……………… Says it all really.

Accessibility f... | 9 years ago

Look at it. "Not enough space for cycling" my arse - there's a massive, colossal road with diagonal parking spaces! Simply reduce the width of the road, make it one-way if you like, get rid of the parking spaces (there's a huge plot of empty land further on that could easily fit a car park) and build a proper cycle lane!

Stupid fecking councillors.

bikebot replied to Accessibility for all | 9 years ago
Peowpeowpeowlasers wrote:

Look at it. "Not enough space for cycling" my arse - there's a massive, colossal road with diagonal parking spaces! Simply reduce the width of the road, make it one-way if you like, get rid of the parking spaces (there's a huge plot of empty land further on that could easily fit a car park) and build a proper cycle lane!

Stupid fecking councillors.

You can't move a parking space if it results in any increase in walking distance for the driver. You have to be reasonable in situations like this, and remember that most drivers are incredibly unfit.

Paul_C replied to bikebot | 9 years ago
bikebot wrote:

You can't move a parking space if it results in any increase in walking distance for the driver. You have to be reasonable in situations like this, and remember that most drivers are incredibly unfit.

all the MORE reason to make them walk further then... if they're really unfit, then perhaps they should apply for a blue badge?

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