Youths roaming bike lanes with guns in search of birds to kill. An influx of illegal refugees. Increased risk of fire, unexploded WWII bombs, terrorist plots on a Thames Water pipe and aberrant golf balls attacking unsuspecting cyclists and walkers. These are just some of the concerns raised by a group of petitioners opposed to a proposed cycle path in Kingston, South London.
The London Cycling Campaign says the mile long traffic-free cycle route, paid for from Kingston's £30m Mini Holland fund, which would run from New Malden to Raynes Park on Thames Water land beside railway tracks, will benefit the environment and the community, helping more people who don't want to ride on the roads to cycle and walk more.
However, in addition to concerns over the effect of the route on what has become a local wildlife haven, local petitioners are apparently keen to think of as many reservations to the plans as they can, no matter how seemingly far-fetched.
The petition, titled "Stop the Mini Holland destroying our "Wildlife Valley", which attracted 123 signatures, was started by Peter Vincent FitzGerald Nowlan, who fears the route will become a "Lycra valley" for high speed cyclists.
The London Cycling Campaign, which uncovered the petitioners' specific reservations to the cycle lane, has launched a counter petition, which has attracted more than 200 signatories.
Among the interesting reservations the LCC discovered, are that the route would:
Become a haven for ‘anti-social behaviour’ and threaten people’s safety; that ‘youths would roam the site with guns and shoot the birds’ which would be ‘undesirable for the birds’ and state that ‘public access to [the area] would greatly increase the risk of fire’.
That cyclists and walkers risk ‘being struck by aberrant golf balls’ from the nearby golf course.
That the path would also be an ‘easy target for fly-tipping and litter’, specifically ‘noxious chemicals, asbestos, needles, syringes and other hazardous clinical waste’.
That the nearby railway line would ‘raise serious security issues for Network Rail and users of the facility’. They worry about trespassers, thieves and ‘terrorists targeting the line or signal boxes’.
Other ‘terrorist attacks from disaffected groups or individuals’ are also a concern, given the Thames Water pipes that are in the area.
Among security concerns, are that the cycle path would be used as an ‘escape corridor for criminals, which would result in an increased risk of burglary, assault and anti-social behaviour in the entire surrounding neighbourhoods of New Malden and Raynes Park’. The added criminal activity, it argues, would affect local property insurance premiums.
Another wild, and, the LCC says, arguably racist, suggestion refers to ‘illegal habitation’, claiming that the cycle path would ‘increase the risk of illegal habitation by individuals sleeping rough, or by more organised groups’. There is also apparently a ‘new additional risk of settlement by illegal refugee groups’ too.
The most tenuous by far, is the claim that the creation of the cycle path would unearth ‘unexploded WW2 ordnance’ given the strategic importance of the railway line during the war. The petition argues it is ‘probable’ unexploded bombs are laying nearby.

In response the LCC says: "We believe that these fears are unfounded and the benefits to be gained from the construction of the route would far outweigh any of the suggested possible risks that are being put forward here. The cycle path will be a valuable asset to the local area and would reconnect both neighbourhoods, opening up valuable green space for all ages to enjoy.
"The route would create safe space for cycling and walking, for people of all ages and abilities, making local trips between New Malden and Raynes Park far more accessible. It will improve the appearance of the area and create new publicly accessible space, as well as bring new visitors to the local high streets. What’s not to like?"
"It will reduce the severance in this part of London caused by the A3 urban motorway which it will go under in complete safety and provide a rare alternative to motor journeys in suburban areas which suffer badly from traffic congestion.
"Many other residents from wider surrounding areas are generally very supportive and enthusiastic about the scheme.
Kingston Council describes its vision for the route. It says: “This space will be transformed into a safe, convenient and high quality cycle and pedestrian track, perfect for commuting, educational and recreational uses. The new path will be designed to work with the existing natural landscape, minimising the impact on local biodiversity, and neighbouring properties”.
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Obviously golfers should be required to have hi-viz balls.
Oh for f***s sake! I have been really looking forward to that path & any improvements to the crap cycle lanes in New Malden.
What a prat
Theyve found unexploded bombs next to A3 last year, did they re-route it?
Ive never been hit by a golf ball whist cycling through the golf course either, happlly chuck one at this dick though!
I'll be copying and pasting all of these objections and sending them to the planing office in relation to the proposed Stubbington bypass (local to me) I hope I can get the road stopped with the threat of fly tippers from Mars.
A big thank you to all who've signed/circulated, it's good to see the pro petition gain momentum. Will keep you posted on developments with the school
I can't believe that what's been holding the tide of terrorism back is the lack of good cycle infrastructure.
Hopefully they put a bike lane down his road as well.
He'll probably go into such a rage he pops it from an aneurysm.
It'd be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Plenty of evidence suggesting that cycle infrastructure has a positive effect on house prices, so you'd think the Daily Mail set would approve.
As for "racist" - the caravan-dwelling, heather-selling, frequently Irish-accented persons of no fixed abode are not a race, and as far as I'm aware don't tend to ride bikes either.
Could e not use this as a force for good.
Simply copy all of these arguments and petition the local planning office to close all the roads to motor vehicles (all of the above problems at a higher speed), all planning applications that Fitznazi Nobrain and his ilk put forwards due to imminent bomb, refugee and golf ball deflection issues, and any investment in the area whatsoever.
Completely devaluing NIMBY's BY's is the future!
I have a 25 mile loop from my home address in Merton Park that comes back along the Kingston Road, onto Burlington Road then into Raynes Park before dissecting the apostles and sprinting (well trying!) up Martin Way. So this proposed cycle route would be excellent for my wife's nerves!, as she'll know I'd be safe for at least a mile of my route. Would be ideal to encourage those cycling to school at Raynes Park or commuting into Central London. Good on you Kingston....bring on the Naked Cycle Ride where do I sign!!!
In all fairness, they may have a point. When I need to dispose of my syringes or other clinical waste, I always look for a newly built cycle path.
Cargo bikes, I presume...
Well to be fair the WW2 ordinance threat is real. Just as it has been for every building project in London since 1945... As mentioned above though, it doesn't seem unreasonable to assume that there are ways around it..
Pretty clear though that this is an example of 'throw enough shit and some will stick'.
Funny thing is that these are presumably the same people who would like to get cyclists off 'their' roads.
It reads like a Daily Mail spoof. They've missed a few though:
To which you can add....
Miserable, short-sighted, petty nation.
Totally sums up the UK now, depressing place to live
Signed and I've also asked my mates on FB to do so, too. I ride along Bushey/Burlington/Kingston roads on this section, so if they do a nice job, it could be a great alternative for me...
The solution is.....a road with lots of traffic knocking people down.
Yup - cos fly tipping immigrant yobs from outer space (and carrying WWII bombs under their tentacles) would [em]never[/em] use a motor vehicle; they only ride bicycles, and those only on designated cycle paths...
You couldn't make it up. I know the area well as my old firm had an office nearby. I'll sign the petition.
Edit; duplicate post.
Folks, on a slightly more serious note, if any of you could find the time to sign the petition it would be greatly appreciated.
My boy goes to the school underneath the pass and a safe crossing over the A3 and linking Raynes Park is sorely needed. There are a few cycling parents there and loads more of the "it's too dangerous" so I can't. Cutting out the main road/a3 will go a long way to changing that view and I am a firm believer in if you want more cycling, you have to change the school run.
I will be taking it up with the school at the start of term but all support gratefully received !
Done - and posting on our club FB page !
Yeah, a couple of nasty little roundabouts/intersections around there for anyone that is less than pretty confident on a bike (and mebbe even those that are. .)
Peter Nowlan
Partner, Executive coach, Programme designer and workshop leader, specialising in board and leadership development, team performance, change, presentation coaching, and relationship mediation
25 years in senior management, marketing, media and business development
Including Board Director & Group Marketing Director for FTSE Company (Granada Group), COO of international property business (YOO), Managing Director of film & video production company (Virgin Group)
12 years as a professional coach, extensive international experience
In the last 3 years I have delivered 25 5day Leadership Programmes to a growing list of clients in the Middle East, particularly in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Oman
Advanced Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring (CIPD/Oxford Brookes/Oxford School of Coaching)
B.A. in Philosophy from Nottingham, B.Phil. in Philosophy from Oxford
Keynote speaker, workshop and conference facilitator
Member of the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council)
Nowhere does it say 'bit of a chopper' on his CV. I do love the fact the opposite side of the road heading towards Kingston from new Malden is a segregated cycle path... Near unusable though due to fly tipping terrorists though
I bet he had a satisfying little tug in private when he dreamed up that one...
Anyone remember the Tina Fey parody of Sarah Palin, where all she did was repeat her exact same words from a real interview.
Sometimes that's all it takes.
Down with this sort of thing!
I live in the local area and know some of the people who signed the petition. I love that LCC have picked up on this and shown it up for just how ridiculous it is. Hopefully this will encourage lots of people to sign the LCC petition instead.
Looking at 'bomb sight'
I suspect a claim that an old bomb may have fallen there might be something the rest of London has learnt to overcome. If only people could learn to look on the positive side
I know that area well. I like the idea that they're concerned about golf balls on this new route, when there's already a cycle route going right through the middle of that golf course!
The locals would be better off with a cycle path. In SW London, if there's a spot of land bigger than a parking space someone will find a way to build a block of "luxury apartments" on it.