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Video round-up: 360° ride with Vande Velde + Japan 'training'

Featuring a stunning 360° video experience, the Olympic Japanese squad 'training,' a hilarious motorcyclist + Phil and Paul...

What better way to shake off your legs after a satisfying Friday evening ride, or to psych yourself up for a Saturday morning jaunt, than to watch some brilliant cycling videos?

We don't think there is a better way, which is why we're as excited as always to bring you the cycling video round-up, this week giving you an professional riding experience like no other.

Have you ever wondered what it's like to ride up a hill with a professional? How about to actually be a professional; see what they see, ride in their shoes? Well, we're about to give you that opportunity. Our first video is an immersive experience with Christian Vande Velde, explore the world around him as he flies up and down some beautiful hills.

It's like Google Street View on amphetamines.

Later there's a showdown between a disasterously misinformed police officer in California and an agreived cyclist, a motorcyclist mocking a pavement-riding cyclist, a laughable training ride from the Japanese Olympic team as the recce the Rio Olympic road race course, a lot of slow-mo in South Australia with Paul Sherwen & Phil Ligget, and a hilarious mountain bike crash.


360° cycling experience with Christian Vande Velde

Get ready to explore the world from Chistian Vande Velde's eyes as he tells you why he loves cycling so much.


Californian Highway Patrol justifies cyclist assault... wrongly

It's not often we hear police officers justifying absolutely crazy driving so poorly. This Highway Patrol officer demonstrates a complete lack of diligence, understanding, compassion, and competence as he explains his reckless driving to a reasonably calm cyclist. Worrying.


Japanese Olympic recce doesn't bode well for Rio

Here we have the Japanese Olympic team recceing the Olympic road race course for the Rio Games next year.

Fortunately, they've got another year of training ahead of them.


Motorcyclist teases pavement-riding cyclist

This comedic moment shared between a well-helmeted cyclist waiting at a pedestrian crossing and a motorcyclist had us smiling. The joke wasn't lost on the cyclist either.


Paul and Phill show us South Australia in slow-mo

The voice of cycling for a number of generations, Phil Liggett, and his younger but equally iconic friend Paul Sherwen have spent some of their Tour de France downtime providing voice over work for an evocative film about cycling in South Australia. Do you feel any more inclined to take your bike Down Under?


How easy is it to crash a mountain bike?

Very easy, it turns out.


The Italian Mackem - A pilgrimage to the Stadium of Light

In a fantastic showing of selflessness, Enrico Milani - who has been a fan of the North East Premier League club Sunderland AFC for 25 years - has decided to ride the 1900km from his home town of Paratico in Italy, to Sunderland to aid 4-year old Nina who has an indeterminable medical condition.


Extreme Enduro Trial in a seaside town

Aurelien Fontenoy is the 3-time junior world champion and 3 times vice-champion of the world, in elite VTT Trial riding.

As you can see, he's pretty damn good at it.

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Spangly Shiny | 9 years ago

Ahah, hadn't thought of that, standing corrected right now.

psling | 9 years ago

I'm thinking the CHP had previously passed the cyclists (off camera), done a U turn and returned towards them?

Spangly Shiny | 9 years ago

I can't see what the CHP driver did wrong. He was driving at low speed at the extreme right side of the road leaving at least a vehicle width for the riders.
The whiner in the yellow top complains the the driver only left him a foot and a half clearance, as he is stood at least 4 feet from the car.
There was ample space for the cyclists, a right pair of Richard Craniums if you ask me.

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