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Show us your socks & WIN - #mycyclingweekend

We don't care if they're mad, boring, or filthy, we just want to see your socks! + you could win a pair of ours!...

That's right, we're giving away a pair of our world famous, and incredibly comfortable, cycling socks.

There's only one thing you've gotta do to be in with a chance of winning: send us a photo of you in your cycling socks this #mycyclingweekend.

Obviously though, seeing as it's a competition, a photo of you in front of the television with your feet up and your normal day-to-day socks out won't cut the mustard. We're looking at you Martin Newman.



You're going to have to be a little more creative with your socky snaps.

Think about speed and excitment, maybe you'll have to employ a friendly passer by or a professional photographer to snap you in your pedial best as you fly down the side of a mountain.

Maybe the weather will catch you out. No matter. We're not only after excitement and photographic perfection. We're no snobs.

We're equally as receptive to an image that tells us a story of pain, suffering, and success. Maybe a snap of your sodden socks after a tough ride, or at the top of a mountain, or in a muddy puddle.

There are all sorts of options for you this #mycyclingweekend. All you've got to do is ride.

We are well aware that none of you will look quite as dashing as you would if you were wearing a pair of our very own cycling socks which you will be in with a chance of winning if you enter.

Equally, you could just bite the bullet and buy your own pair by following the link below:

- Buy your very own pair of socks

To get your photos to us, either pop them in the box at the bottom of this page as a comment, or fire them over to us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the #mycyclingweekend hashtag in the caption.

Safe socky riding!

P.S. Are they a pair of socks we see there Helen Singer?






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