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Who are you sharing your #mycyclingweekend with?

Most weekend rides are made memorable by the people you share them with, rather than where you ride

You know, we spend a lot of time here at obsessing over what we're riding and where we're riding it. Sometimes that leads us to forgetting some of the simpler cycling pleasures.

One of the best bits about going out and exploring the countryside - or the cityscape - around us, is sharing the experiences we have with our friends and fellow cycling enthusiasts.



#timsburycyclegroup #arsecam #mycyclingweekend

A photo posted by Ryan Cains (@ryanjcains) on


Keeping that incredible climb that you discovered last week to yourself wouldn't be half as fun without being able to share it on Strava, or leading your group up and over it. Would it?

Even when you're on your own these days you can still stay social while you cycle. Loads of you have been sending in pictures of you ducking out of dodgy weather and plugging into the matrix via Zwift, an online cycling game/training aid.

If you want to know more, our 'How to get started on Zwift" feature is below, plus you can now ride in virtual kit!

- Read more: How to get started on Zwift



So, with that in mind, this #mycyclingweekend, we want you to celebrate your fellow cyclists. Whether they're strangers, old friends, or current competitors, go and grab your phone or your camera and take a snap of you and whoever you're with doing what you love.

If you need a bit of inspiration, check out this selection of your #mycyclingweekend social media posts.

Happy riding!



Perfect way to finish #mycyclingweekend, 15km with this lil' monster #stravaphoto #bicidacorsa #idad #bicicleta #kids

A photo posted by Biga (Enda Bigarella) (@averagedreynolds) on






Autumnal ride in the desert #mydubai #mycyclingweekend #earlystart

A photo posted by Peter Dorrell (@pete_dorrell) on






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