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#mycyclingweekend - Get your pre-Christmas rides in!

In two weeks time you'll still be in a Christmasy food coma - enjoy your freedom while you still can!...

In two weeks time you'll either be emerging from a deep, dark Christmasy food coma, or you'll be fizzing around your local roads on or in some new cycling kit.

Either way, whether you're feeling rough, or super excited, your post-Christmas ride will be far more memorable than your pre-Christmas rides.

In fact, those pre-Christmas rides can massively improve your slightly less comfortable post-turkey, post-over-indulgence, hungover Boxing Day rides.

It's all about the preparation.

Settle  on a special Christmas route, gather your riding party, and get as festive as possible.

It doesn't matter how.

If it's something as simple as baking a batch of mince pies, or buying a Christmas-themed bit of cycling gear, the more effort your put in, the more memorable it's going to be.



So, share your Christmas prep with us. Show us where you're riding this #mycyclingweekend, and tell us how you're getting into the Christmas spirit!

Send us a photo on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter by fixing a #mycyclingweekend hashtag to your post in the caption box.

Happy riding, and happy Christmas prep!


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