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Increased media reports of cyclist deaths could put off riders, study finds

Conversely, a focus on cycling safety could also push infrastructure improvements, say authors

A study into the media response to cycling deaths in London over the decade to 2012 has found that the proportion of cyclist fatalities covered by media rose 13-fold over this period, and may deter people from taking up cycling as a result.

The research, from the Journal of Accident Analysis & Prevention, found that such reporting “may create complex feedback loops, inhibiting cycling growth.”

Cycling trips doubled in London between 1992 and 2012, the authors found, but during this time, the proportion of fatalities covered in the local media increased from 6% in 1992–1994 to 75% in 2010–2012.

The increased coverage was partly attributed to the growing popularity of cycling, but the authors noted that this “has the potential to give the public the impression that cycling has become more dangerous, and thereby initiate a negative feedback loop that dampens down further increases in cycling.”

This is, however, ignoring the fact that “such incidents occur comparatively rarely and so are not directly experienced by most people on a regular basis.” The popularity of such reports with readers was likened to “aeroplane crashes, another type of risk that is overestimated by the public due to preferential media coverage.”

Cycling deaths amongst women, and those in more central parts of London, were far more likely to be covered.

The report went on to suggest that there was also a positive effect of the coverage, in that infrastructure policy for safe cycling was more likely to be brought forward, which in turn could then encourage more people to cycle.

Although the report focused exclusively on local media, there was a large uplift in stories about cycling fatalities in general, partly thanks to the Times’s ‘Save Our Cyclists’ campaign, begun following horrific injuries caused to reporter Mary Bowers in a collision with an HGV near the newspaper’s offices.

The campaign, begun in 2012, aimed to improve the safety of cyclists in Britain’s towns and cities, outlining an eight-point manifesto to make conditions safer for bike riders and encouraging people to write to their MPs to urge them to take action. “Britain is failing cyclists,” it asserted, and “it is time for a change of gear.”

The newspaper once known as ‘The Thunderer’ for its opinion-forming editorials also highlighted the campaign in a leader that issues the damning verdict that “cycling in Britain, and particularly in London, is a shockingly dangerous pursuit. In the past decade, cyclists killed on our roads outnumber servicemen killed in Iraq and Afghanistan by a factor of two. In London, this number is rising.”

According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, in 2014 21,287 cyclists were injured in reported road accidents, including 3,514 who were killed or seriously injured.

According to ROSPA:

The majority of cyclist casualties are adults, with approximately 11% being children. Cycling accidents increase as children grow older, with 10 to 15 year old riders being more at risk than other age groups, including adults until about the age of 60 years. To some extent, this reflects increased cycling as children grow older followed by a switch to motorised transport from the late teens onwards. It also co-incides with the age when children attend Secondary school and may start to indicate riskier behaviour.

Males are far more likely to be involved in cycling accidents than females. In 2014 65% of child cycling injuries involved a male child and for all male casualties this rose to 81%

Most cycling accidents happen in urban areas where most cycling takes place. Almost two thirds of cyclists killed or seriously injured were involved in collisions at, or near, a road junction, with T-junctions being the most commonly involved. Roundabouts are particularly dangerous junctions for cyclists. Not surprisingly, the severity of injuries suffered by cyclists increases with the speed limit, meaning that riders are more likely to suffer serious or fatal injuries on higher speed roads. Almost half of cyclist deaths occur on rural roads.

Around 80% of cycling accidents occur in daylight - which is when most cycling takes place. For child cyclists, 90% of their accidents occur during the day. The most dangerous hours for cyclists are 3.00 to 6.00 p.m. and 8.00 to 9.00 a.m. on weekdays. However, cycling accidents in the dark are more likely to be fatal.

More cycle accidents occur during the Spring and Summer months (May to September) than the Autumn and Winter months (October to April). However, the casualty rate in terms of miles travelled is higher over the Autumn and Winter period.

Cycling fatality stats:

  •     Around 75% of fatal or serious cyclist accidents occur in urban areas
  •     Around half of cyclist fatalities occur on rural roads
  •     75% happen at, or near, a road junction
  •     80% occur in daylight
  •     80% of cyclist casualties are male
  •     Almost one quarter of the cyclists killed or injured are children
  •     Around three quarters of cyclists killed have major head injuries.


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MarRun | 9 years ago

Thanks Eric. I had seen the arrow being painted and thought it was just new fuckwittery. I hadn't realised that it was repainting an eroded one.

Food for thought that it was in place for so long and then renovated without critical thought.

kie7077 | 9 years ago


in 2014 21,287 cyclists were injured in reported road accidents, including 3,514 who were killed or seriously injured.

That's 35,000 people per decade killed or seriously injured, far too many for a little used mode of transport, and what if there were ten times as many people cycling? - would we then have a third of a million people being killed or seriously injured every decade? There is really no comparison with airplanes here.

Cycling clearly is not as safe as it should be, it seems that just about everybody who is a regular cyclist gets knocked off their bike at some point by careless / impatient drivers, I have been. And the near misses and tail-gating are a daily occurance. I really hope self-driving cars will be with us soon even though they will lead to a lot more traffic.


MarRun | 9 years ago

The photo illustrating the article shows the aftermath of a fatality earlier this year. To the right, behind the police car is Golden Lane. For traffic reaching the junction from Golden Lane there has been a no right turn sign for as long as I can remember. A year or so ago, the council painted a right turn arrow on the road from the straight ahead only arrow that was already there.

I have seen a lot of vehicles, including HGVs turning right there, following the painted arrow rather than obeying the sign. It has been reported to TFL, Islington Council and the Police  through the year. Since then, contractors have been working on the junction, including the period when the fatality happened, but the painted arrow is still there.

There seems to be no urgency to make this junction a little safer.


Eric D replied to MarRun | 9 years ago

MarRun wrote:

reaching the junction from Golden Lane there has been a no right turn sign for as long as I can remember. A year or so ago, the council painted a right turn arrow on the road from the straight ahead only arrow that was already there.
sign was (painted?) black in july 2014
conflict existed May 2014, white panel in Jul 2008
The duplicate lights on the north side may also need attention.

Arguably they should be green filter arrows, but only if there's no conflict !


ironmancole | 9 years ago
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Not reporting is the same as not talking about the holocaust, keeping the lid on sexual offending in years gone by orphanages and stopping people getting their precious ppi.

We all want to know when we're in perceived danger. To not discuss the cull of vulnerable users at the hands of fellow citizens in their cars really would be a gift for the petrol hardliners out there desperately trying to cling on to their Clarkson sex dolls and pretend everything is fine.

Quite simply the daily slaughter is not ok, reporting it is the only way to evidence whats going on out there, national disgrace that it is.

teaboy | 9 years ago
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People are scared off the road by what they see on the roads with their own eyes, not reports. Many roads do not look or feel safe enough for most people to ride bikes in that environment, and no level of 'encouragement' or 'training' changes that.

ironmancole replied to teaboy | 9 years ago
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teaboy wrote:

People are scared off the road by what they see on the roads with their own eyes, not reports. Many roads do not look or feel safe enough for most people to ride bikes in that environment, and no level of 'encouragement' or 'training' changes that.

Agree completely. I wont be convinced by a glossy  government poster that jumping off that cliff is good for me when I've just watched someone fall to their death.

As for training how does that help when a distracted driver rams into you at 60mph? Duck and cover?!

Government also runs a course on how to deal with being raped or shot with no effort made to stop the rapists or take guns from idiots...or they should based on 'road safety' efforts.

Fortunately, people aren't stupid and even the most anti social pig ignorant petrol junkie must admit the reason they dont let their kids go out and about is because of 'traffic', thats other peoples cars of course and not their huge truck!

Problem is society is so hooked by their addiction they wont admit theres a problem, and from that wilfull obstinance and stubborness comes anger and tension directed at everyone around them 'in their way'.

The farce that is congestion complaints around the London cycle network is prime example of motoring mentality. They 'happily' so they would claim, waste hundreds of hours a year stuck behind similarily frustrated motorists in endless lines and consider that normal for no good reason at all other than collective laziness.

In contrast when there is a good reason for a delay theyre up in arms about it with the black cab drivers leading the crusade about 'us poor motorists'. 

You really couldnt make it up.

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