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Bike Week is getting under way - find an event near you!

Rides, fashion shows, Dr Bike and of course breakfasts - whatever your level, there's something for everyone...

National Bike Week gets under way tomorrow, Saturday 19th June, and wherever you live in the UK, there’s likely to be a choice of events to appeal both to experienced cyclists and to those considering taking to two wheels for the first ever time.

Sponsored by EDF Energy under its Team Green Britain initiative, the Bike Week website has a fully searchable database of events split into categories such as rides for cyclists of differing levels of ability, cycling skills training, or commuter challenges.

To find local events, you can either put in the first half of your postcode, or just zoom in on the map.

Over the next few days here on we’ll be highlighting some of the more newsworthy, not to mention madcap initiatives, and to kick off here’s a brief taster of some of the events taking place round the country:

Starting tomorrow, cyclists in Norwich can sign up to the city’s new Bicycle Bonus scheme, which aims to provide rewards to those who choose to use their bikes rather than cars to get into the city, providing them with a range of discounts and special offers at participating local business.

Brighton’s celebration of Bike Week kicks off on Saturday 19 June with Bicycle Alley, an afternoon of bike-related fun in Preston Park. Running from 12pm to 5pm, the event is targeted at adults and children including various cycle challenges including, intriguingly, bicycle limbo.

In Manchester – home of British Cycling, of course – there are a number events planned including led rides next Friday from Bury, Manchester, Salford and Trafford into the city, and on Saturday the Arndale Centre hosts Bike Fabulous, which promises to highlight cycling clothing and accessories that tread the line between fashion and function. More information on the events in the city can be found here.

In Cardiff, one of the highlights promises to be the Barrage Bike Festival a week on Sunday, including family rides around Cardiff Bay and the Wetlands, and details of that and other events in the Welsh capital are available here.

Cyclists in Scotland, too, will have plenty of events to choose from, including a mass ride from Glasgow’s George Square to Kelvingrove Park departing 12.30pm on Wednesday. News of that, and other events in Scotland’s largest city, can be found on the city council's website.

Many events around the country, of course, will have a Doctor Bike or similar expert on hand to help fine-tune machines that have perhaps languished unloved in the garden shed for too long, and across the country there will also be bicycle breakfasts to provide a treat to those who have decided to use pedal power to go to work, their place of study, or just have a ride around town – so get on the Bike Week website, put in your postcode, and find out what’s going on in your back yard!


Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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Jon Burrage | 14 years ago

agree with that Mountain Nic. I spent the day at abbeywood roundabout (under a tent) and then at MOD abbeywood in South Glos/Bristol north fringe last wednesdya. Fixed up about 85 bikes, people were trying to give me cash for it...nice feeling to help people out although one cheeky sod wanted me to repair the dent in the top tube of his cube cross bike.

TheOldCog | 14 years ago

In Cardiff - helped to run Dr. Bike last night outside Chapter Arts centre. Folks were really struggling to accept that they got their bike checked over and fixed up for free....Courtesy of Cycle Training Wales.  1

Simon_MacMichael replied to TheOldCog | 14 years ago
Mountain-Nic wrote:

In Cardiff - helped to run Dr. Bike last night outside Chapter Arts centre.

Blimey, Chapter Arts Centre, that brings back memories of university days. Mainly involving a girl who came from Greece and had a thirst for knowledge (and art house cinema)... although she was studying psychology at Cardiff Uni rather than sculpture at St Martin's College, obviously.

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