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Cyclist seriously injured by egg thrown from car

Police are appealing for information after a man was assaulted while cycling near Bracknell on Tuesday

A cyclist was seriously injured after being hit in the eye by an egg thrown from a moving car.

Thames Valley Police are appealing for witnesses to the assault, which occurred on the B3348 Bracknell Road at around 8.30pm on Tuesday 7th June.

The victim, a 37-year-old man, was cycling from Crowthorne towards Bracknell when a vehicle drove past. An egg was thrown from the vehicle, which was a Peugeot 205 or 305 model, and hit the man.

The victim sustained a serious eye injury and was treated at hospital, but he will require further follow-up treatment and appointments.

Investigating officer, PC Ben Eastment based at Bracknell police station, said: “This was a cowardice act that caused an extremely serious eye injury to the victim, who was treated at hospital but will now have to attend follow up appointments to improve his eyesight.

“I am appealing to anyone who has any information about this incident to come forward, especially if you know who was driving that Peugeot vehicle or know who threw the egg. If you have any information whatsoever please call police via 101.

“If you do not want to speak directly to the police you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.”


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Jimnm | 8 years ago

It is a fact of life that D!ckheads in cars hate us cyclists for reasons known to them. 

Poor chap didn't deserve this and I wish him well. I hope this nasty incident hasn't    put him off cycling.

pruaga | 8 years ago

I know that road, it's essentially a spur of a dual carriageway, but is just a single carriageway into Crowthorne.  There is a shared use path alongside, which is almost always empty so I tend to just roll along that but I'm normally right at the beginning/end of a ride.

The irony is that it's a horrible road right next to the Transport Research Laboratory.

Hope the guy recovers and is back on his bike soon.

vonhelmet | 8 years ago

Cheers for that.  I dread to think how bad the damage would have been without glasses.

dassie | 8 years ago

 “I was wearing sunglasses and they took the brunt of the impact." ES

A nasty assault -  he was fortunate to be be wearing eye protection.  The impact of the egg must have been pretty substantial as most lens are polycarbonate  - I guess the specs frame may have 'deformed'/knocked out of way.  I always wear cycling specs, including clear lens when it's cloudy/dull/dark.  

cocomo | 8 years ago

It's a good thing no one has to wear glasses for any other reason that might mean they can wear cycling glasses 

vonhelmet replied to cocomo | 8 years ago

cocomo wrote:

It's a good thing no one has to wear glasses for any other reason that might mean they can wear cycling glasses 

You might be right, but unfortunately your sentence is utterly incoherent, so I really can't be sure.

vonhelmet | 8 years ago

I assume he wasn't wearing cycling glasses at the time?  One more reason why you should... though not really one you'd expect to have to invoke.

And no, I'm not victim blaming.  My point is you could just as easily sustain such an injury from a stone thrown up from the road, and no one needs that.

Gourmet Shot replied to vonhelmet | 8 years ago

vonhelmet wrote:

I assume he wasn't wearing cycling glasses at the time?  One more reason why you should... though not really one you'd expect to have to invoke.

And no, I'm not victim blaming.  My point is you could just as easily sustain such an injury from a stone thrown up from the road, and no one needs that.


I'd agree...without starting a wear your helmets, glasses debate I would never ride without glasses.  I've had stones thrown up from cars, blue bottles  and the odd Bee bounce off my glasses before now.

I find these kind  of incidents the worst, they are not cycling incidents, they are out and out thuggery and should be treated as such........These dicks are the sort that will glass someone in a pub.  I hope they are caught and given a decent sentence (although I doubt this will happen)



Housecathst replied to vonhelmet | 8 years ago

vonhelmet wrote:

I assume he wasn't wearing cycling glasses at the time?  One more reason why you should... though not really one you'd expect to have to invoke.

And no, I'm not victim blaming.  My point is you could just as easily sustain such an injury from a stone thrown up from the road, and no one needs that.

the standard artical on this says he was wearing glasses at the time! Not that I think that has much bearing on stuff 

kil0ran | 8 years ago

Doubt very much its a 305, they're rarer than a clean Astana rider. 309 maybe.


Chris | 8 years ago

It's wierd how his eye has swollen up the the size and shape of the egg that hit him.

Lucky they didn't throw a water melon.

tritecommentbot replied to Chris | 8 years ago

Chris wrote:

It's wierd how his eye has swollen up the the size and shape of the egg that hit him.

Lucky they didn't throw a water melon.


Or a dildo?

davel | 8 years ago

To be fair to Willo, he does espouse everyone not doing themselves/others any harm.

And then we can disband the police and all go and live with him in Trumpton, the simplistic berk.

brooksby | 8 years ago

Come on, Willo, justify this one please.

L.Willo replied to brooksby | 8 years ago

brooksby wrote:

Come on, Willo, justify this one please.

brooksby, you are better than that.

I wish the victim a speedy recovery and swift justice.

Eric D | 8 years ago

It seems to be a predictable annual end-of-school-year thing.

Needs police-school liaison to be on the calendar every year.

tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

If it's any consolation you can sleep well knowing that their life is complete and utter shit and lacks any sense of reward at all. The only occassional moments of relief they have are getting wasted or doing cowardly nonsense like this, both of which makes them feel more isolated and shite ultimately. 


You on the other hand get to HTFU courtesy of rule 5 and receive a +1 tolerance to dickheads. Nice one. 



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