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Floyd Landis launches cannabis company next door to Lance

The former TdF champion, stripped of his title for doping, has started a Colorado cannabis company one town over from Lance Armstrong

In a bizarre, if not totally unbelievable turn, Floyd Landis - Tour de France champion, stripped of his title for doping - is set to open a recreational cannabis company, Floyd's of Leadville, in Colorado this week.

Landis's explosive cycling career which saw him hit the heights of victory at the Tour de France, Paris-Nice, and the Tour of California, was matched by his politically explosive posts-cycling career which saw Landis play a pivotal role in toppling Lance Armstrong's reputation, as well as being embroilled in several other legal tussles 

>Floyd Landis confesses to doping, implicates Lance Armstrong (2010)

Landis is said to be "happy to finally be involved in a legitimate industry," as he gears up to launch his company at an opening party at Club Vinyl in neighbouring city, Denver, on June 30.

Information as to what exactly Floyds of Landis will be selling is relatively low in supply as the company's website still appears to be under construction. However, according to American mountain bike magazine Dirt Rag Mag, the former champion's company will be selling pesticide-free cannabis oil sourced from high altitude altitude growers using an industry leading, pharmacy grade CO 2 extraction process.

The actual products available for purchase will be vape based and edible items, rather than smokable grass or hash.

Landis told Dirt Rag Mag that he's relishing the challenges ahead, and how fortunate he feels. “I am really excited about this new phase in my life," he said. "The cannabis industry is growing fast and I am fortunate to have this opportunity to play a role.

“The therapeutic uses for cannabis can’t be ignored. For years I relied on opioid pain relievers to treat my hip pain. With cannabis, I find that I can manage my pain and have a better quality of life. We need to give people a safer alternative.”

Landis's has moved to Colorado for his business, but interestingly he isn't the only ex-Tour de France winner in the area.

That's right, his old friend Lance Armstrong is sheltered away from the media spotlight in the exclusive rural community of Aspen, CO, just an hour and half's drive from Leadville - which in Colorado terms is literally the next town over.

Leadville to Aspen.PNG

There's no love loss between the pair, despite Armstrong's claims that he'd be willing to "kiss and make up" with Landis.

>Lance Armstrong offers to kiss and make up with Floyd Landis

Interestingly though, it looks like it's Landis's turn to persuade USA Cycling Licence holders to dope.



Strange how these things work out.

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brooksby | 8 years ago

Next: Lance establishes an EPO factory, then Bradley Wiggins sets up a meth lab.

Beatnik69 replied to brooksby | 8 years ago
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brooksby wrote:

Next: Lance establishes an EPO factory, then Bradley Wiggins sets up a meth lab.


Breaking Brad?

handlebarcam | 8 years ago

I can foresee Landis, a few years from now, going to visit Armstrong because some thugs have broken into his property and peed on his rug, wanting money owed by a disgraced former Tour de France winner they were told was living in the area. Lance, of course, will disavow all responsibility and tell him to, "Do as your parents did: get a job, sir."

NeilG83 | 8 years ago

That headline has to be the worst example of clickbait I've ever seen. Next door?! I have an ex-friend that lives in London, but I am sure he wasn't in the least bothered when I moved to a town an hour and a half away and if Landis wants to open a legal cannibis business it's probably going to have to be in Colorado.

Colin Peyresourde | 8 years ago
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Good on Floyd. I have a lot of time for him.

Though got to love his response to interviews post tour:

"Did you take drugs?"

"I'm going to say 'no'"

Gozzy | 8 years ago

"Floyd's of Landis", is that run by Floyd Leadville? Proofreader!

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