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"Stolen" CyclePoint bikes weren't stolen after all

Contrary to earlier reports, no bikes were stolen from the UK's biggest cycle park, in Cambridge, on Friday, but moved to a secure place by contractors...

Bikes which were reported to have been stolen from the UK’s biggest cycle park in Cambridge on Friday were in fact removed by contractors to a secure location, before being returned to their owners, has learned.

Following an article we published on Friday in which a man, quoted by the Cambridge News, said his daughter’s bike was stolen after contractors at CyclePoint removed them to carry out maintenance, Abellio Greater Anglia has assured all bikes were in fact safely returned to their owners.

The train company told bikes were removed from stands where warning notices had been placed asking people not to leave their bikes there ahead of planned works. They were moved to a secure place and were not left unlocked, a spokesperson said.

Cambridge Railway Station's new CyclePoint opens (+ gallery)

Juliette Maxam, a spokesperson for Abellio Greater Anglia told “No bikes were stolen when contractors were carrying out work at CyclePoint last Friday. Cycles that were left at stands where notices had been placed warning people not to leave bikes there were removed by contractors and stored under lock and key. All of the bikes have been safely returned to their owners."

Maxam couldn't explain why one man claimed his daughter's bike had been taken and the others left unlocked, but the man had not contacted the station manager, or police, and no bikes were reported stolen.

The stands were removed, with the bikes locked to them, and moved to a secure area, she said.

Cambridge’s £2.5m, 3000 space multi-storey bike park, which is free to use, is the UK’s largest. It features a number of different bike racks designed to accommodate the range of bikes found in Cambridge, from Sheffield stands designed to hold cargo bikes, to double-decker racks with wide spacing to accommodate the typical Cambridge town bike, with wide handlebars and a basket. CCTV cameras and manned security patrols are also in operation at the site.


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Theodore | 8 years ago
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I have only just seen the latest claims by abellio! Well, I can confirm that bikes were most certainly left unlocked, and my daughter has a complaint in with the company at present (no reply yet!) with photographic evidence of dozens of unlocked bikes. She reported her bike stolen, and it was only recovered after the police watched the cctv and found that a concerned shop owner had moved some of the good bikes that were left unlocked by abellio staff. So I really can't understand what is going on here!

brooksby | 8 years ago

I guess that some journalism might have been in order: checking whether there any merit in the original story.

(I'm not complaining, mind: a bit of righteous anger does wonders for the stress levels...).

Butty | 8 years ago
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Got us all riled up, all ready fer a lynchin'

alansmurphy | 8 years ago

I'd be pretty worried about either tiger scenario...

Mungecrundle | 8 years ago
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Beware when you see 2 tigers eyes in the dark, for they may belong to 2 one eyed tigers.

cdamian | 8 years ago

Two articles for the price of none!

leaway2 | 8 years ago
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