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Manchester cyclist almost garrotted by booby trap

Police appeal for information

A man from Stretford has been left with severe neck injuries after cycling into a wire purposely tied between two trees at head height. Adam Hoult fell from his bike and blacked out after being caught by the wire in Stretford Meadows just after 4.45pm on Sunday.

Police investigating the incident describe it as a “premeditated act.” Hoult was travelling at around 20mph when he collided with the wire and the Manchester Evening News reports that he was left with severe cuts and burns around the front and side of his neck.

Hoult had been cycling on one of the paths in Stretford Meadows when he collided with a length of green plastic coated wiring tied between two trees.

“As I hit it, one end came loose from one of the trees and clotheslined me, and wrapped around my neck twice,” he said. “I blacked out but came round seconds later. I was struggling to breathe and trying to get it off me.”

Speaking about his injuries, he said: “I went to hospital and they said I was lucky as it nearly crushed my oesophagus. I think if I was a skinny lad it would’ve taken my head off.”

He added: “It’s really painful, I can’t sleep and I have a sore throat and can barely swallow. It will definitely leave a big scar. I cycle round there a lot, and usually have my two-year-old with me. It’s a really popular route with cyclists and horse riders, and is right next to school.”

Hoult gave the wire, which was around 20ft long, to police and they are now investigating.

Detective Inspector Carl Gilbert, of Greater Manchester Police’s Trafford borough, said:

“This was a premeditated act on a man who was simply going out on his bike. It has left the victim with some nasty cuts to his neck and he’s lucky that the injuries were not more serious.

“It happened on a popular walking route at a busy time of the day and we would like to appeal to anyone who may have been in the area at the time and seen anything that can help us with our investigation to come forward.”

Last month, a woman cycling through Hyde Park suffered a rope burn to her neck and was almost knocked off when she rode into a rope strung across a path, while in May police received three calls in two days about wires strung at neck height across the Brynmenyn cycle path near Bridgend.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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WillRod | 8 years ago

Someone put a line across a cyclepath in Kesgrave, about 15miles from me... Police never caught them. Luckily nobody was hurt.

I never use that cyclepath now as the frequent stops for sideroads, broken glass and dog mess makes it worse than dodging the cars! The boobytrap was the last straw for me.  

Accessibility f... | 8 years ago
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Stretford Meadows is a part of NCN62 and while that route is generally complete rubbish, it is quite popular.

In my opinion the police should erect signage that says something like "anyone caught laying booby traps for users of these paths should expect to go to prison if caught".

sswindells replied to Accessibility for all | 8 years ago
1 like

Peowpeowpeowlasers wrote:

Stretford Meadows is a part of NCN62 and while that route is generally complete rubbish, it is quite popular.

In my opinion the police should erect signage that says something like "anyone caught laying booby traps for users of these paths should expect to go to prison if caught".


But they wouldn't because most of the criminal fraternity expect they won't go to prison. Besides which, it isn't the Police that make that decision, it's the Magistrate or Judge. 

I know it is being pedantic, but putting signs up that the little sods won't / can't read isn't going to deter them, most know the system by the point they get to placing traps like that. It's hardly a first time offence to nearly garrott somebody. 


brooksby | 8 years ago
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Spade=Spade: hate crime?

tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

Put it this way, I doubt these kids came from wealthy, privileged backgrounds.

kevinmorice replied to tritecommentbot | 8 years ago
1 like

And today's winner of the most hypocritical bigot award is:

unconstituted wrote:

Put it this way, I doubt these kids came from wealthy, privileged backgrounds.



tritecommentbot replied to kevinmorice | 8 years ago

kevinmorice wrote:

And today's winner of the most hypocritical bigot award is:

unconstituted wrote:

Put it this way, I doubt these kids came from wealthy, privileged backgrounds.




Statistical fact that the vast majority of crime is from disadvantaged young men from lower socio-economic backgrounds. I worked in youth justice for years in Lewisham and never once met a teen from a rich family in the system there.


Is there a part of any of that which isn't true?


And while we're at it, do you actually know what hypocritical or bigot means. I'm guessing you don't.

Gourmet Shot replied to tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

unconstituted wrote:

kevinmorice wrote:

And today's winner of the most hypocritical bigot award is:

unconstituted wrote:

Put it this way, I doubt these kids came from wealthy, privileged backgrounds.



Statistical fact that the vast majority of crime is from disadvantaged young men from lower socio-economic backgrounds. I worked in youth justice for years in Lewisham and never once met a teen from a rich family in the system there.

Is there a part of any of that which isn't true?

And while we're at it, do you actually know what hypocritical or bigot means. I'm guessing you don't.

 I cycle through South Leeds (lower socia economic area) and I get abuse from random kids, ranging from having the odd can of pop thrown at me to comments shouted like 'fuck off mister' and cars with teens in slowing down to shout abuse!!!  it is beyond comprehension the mentality of some people. 

I cycle through North Leeds (in general a posher area) and I get nothing but courtesy from kids on the street, never once had any trouble. 

So yeah i'd say the generalisation is about right.


Colin Peyresourde replied to tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

unconstituted wrote:

kevinmorice wrote:

And today's winner of the most hypocritical bigot award is:

unconstituted wrote:

Put it this way, I doubt these kids came from wealthy, privileged backgrounds.




Statistical fact that the vast majority of crime is from disadvantaged young men from lower socio-economic backgrounds. I worked in youth justice for years in Lewisham and never once met a teen from a rich family in the system there.


Is there a part of any of that which isn't true?


And while we're at it, do you actually know what hypocritical or bigot means. I'm guessing you don't.

There's a certain irony how KevinMorice's post follows on from a comment on how modern media streams complimentary/reinforcing sources increasing the self-righteousness and then he spams you with his ad-hominem comment because he doesn't like what you said.

If he really had a point he'd at least have stuck around to make it.

But his response is a bit indicative of exactly that malaise. People only like to read reinforcing opinion and it's far easier to react in pithy rehearsed memes than it is to really understand someone else. It's like with the Brexit vote so many of my friends said you had to be a racist or a fisherman to vote leave. But they won't understand why people voted leave if that's how they see it, and they won't connect with them if that's how they see things.

Anyway, it's amazing how quickly these forums digress. Nasty event, but given the thousands/millions of cycling journeys each year in the UK alone thankfully these stories are the minority. I remember growing up hearing of these things, so it's not like it new. There will always be malaprops out there so stay vigilant, stay safe.


tritecommentbot replied to Colin Peyresourde | 8 years ago

Colin Peyresourde wrote:

unconstituted wrote:

kevinmorice wrote:

And today's winner of the most hypocritical bigot award is:

unconstituted wrote:

Put it this way, I doubt these kids came from wealthy, privileged backgrounds.




Statistical fact that the vast majority of crime is from disadvantaged young men from lower socio-economic backgrounds. I worked in youth justice for years in Lewisham and never once met a teen from a rich family in the system there.


Is there a part of any of that which isn't true?


And while we're at it, do you actually know what hypocritical or bigot means. I'm guessing you don't.

There's a certain irony how KevinMorice's post follows on from a comment on how modern media streams complimentary/reinforcing sources increasing the self-righteousness and then he spams you with his ad-hominem comment because he doesn't like what you said.

If he really had a point he'd at least have stuck around to make it.

But his response is a bit indicative of exactly that malaise. People only like to read reinforcing opinion and it's far easier to react in pithy rehearsed memes than it is to really understand someone else. It's like with the Brexit vote so many of my friends said you had to be a racist or a fisherman to vote leave. But they won't understand why people voted leave if that's how they see it, and they won't connect with them if that's how they see things.

Anyway, it's amazing how quickly these forums digress. Nasty event, but given the thousands/millions of cycling journeys each year in the UK alone thankfully these stories are the minority. I remember growing up hearing of these things, so it's not like it new. There will always be malaprops out there so stay vigilant, stay safe.



We had tacks and nails on the road when I was growing up too. Agree with what you said, not just because I'm critical of the same commenter, but because argument on the internet is tiresome now generally. Lacks any nuance and if you even remotely make a sympathetic comment about an opposing 'side' you get branded as being the enemy. Black or white, choose. 


I voted remain for example, but have been vocally sympathetic to Brexit for a lot of reasons. The amount of times I've been called a racist Kipper on places like the Guardian is comedy. I couldn't be any further from it. I'm probably far left compared to most people, but that doesn't mean that right wingers issues don't matter and can be brushed off. 


Tangent but whatever. This was a nasty attack, hope they catch the guy and he isn't too traumatised. The worst part of this sort of thing is that victims can take it personally and it really isn't. He was just unlucky.

Dr_Lex replied to Colin Peyresourde | 8 years ago

Colin Peyresourde wrote:

[...]There will always be malaprops out there so stay vigilant, stay safe.


Eh? But concur on the subsequent exhortation.




robertoegg | 8 years ago

It doesn't surprise me. The country (world?) has turned so intollerant and hostile against those outside of their own groups. You only need to read the comments on here( to see the completely one-sided and mostly over the top views of "the cycling community" as we now get grouped. The reactions from differnent "sides" in arguments do nothing but reinforce the silo mentality, and, hence, the reactions of one to the other.

I don't know the solution; social media defines our "news" and it is designed to filter out contrary opinion therefore we feel we are shoulder to shoulder with people on our opinions which in turn reinforces that behaviour. Should we start there? Maybe...

People who have a thing against cycling feed others with that opinion, it escalates, becomes more of a perceived issue than it is and someone goes far enough to start putting up booby traps.

People will see this news and go "Ha! Yes! Let's do this cos I'm fucking pissed off with wankers going too fast on my footpath"..... so we will see more. Same with the pushing over of people whilst driving past.

kitsunegari | 8 years ago
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You really have to question what on earth goes through the mind of someone who would do something like this.


Dnnnnnn | 8 years ago
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Don't click the Manchester Evening News link if you're squeamish or prone to nightmares. The photos are grim. It's hard to fathom the thinking (?) of the scum who do this sort of thing.

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