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Interactive video: 360 degree footage of Sean Kelly tackling a Tour of Britain descent


Have you ever wondered precisely what facial expressions Sean Kelly makes when he’s descending? Of course you have. Who hasn’t? Fortunately we now have the answer thanks to this video from Chain Reaction Cycles. It’s interactive too, so you can pan round and watch the road in the unlikely event that you tire of Sean’s ever-changing visage.

The descent in question is just after the second King of the Mountains point near Bala on stage four of the Tour of Britain, which takes place tomorrow.

It’s not necessarily advisable to absent-mindedly gaze at the surrounding scenery when you’re descending at speed, but thanks to a multi-camera setup, this video allows you to do just that. You can adjust the camera with the controls in the top-left corner or by moving your tablet or mobile.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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nadsta | 8 years ago

The embedded video here isn't interactive, you have to view it on YouTube directly. 

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