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#mycyclingweekend: Serious cycling fuel

Turns out more of you turn to beer as a source of mid-ride motivation than we would have thought!

This #mycyclingweekend we asked you what fueled your rides - perhaps the real question us here at and the folks at Cycle Surgery should have asked is what fuels your Monday mornings. They're much more difficult, right.

Besides, a lot of you guys chose fuel that's downright innapropriate for a Monday morning for your #mycyclingweekend rides.

No we won't be giving out any prizes for the best mid-ride pint. How irresponsible of you all!

While we climb down from the hypocritical moral highground, let's take a look at this weeks actual #mycyclingweekend winner.

Dave Parsons went for a combination of lamb samosa, Ribena and coffee this weekend to keep his pedals turning. It's not a classic combo, but clearly it worked for him.

Also, well done for remembering to include both hashtags Mr Parsons!



While Dave's park bench buffet isn't about to win any Michelin stars, it's somewhat better than the breakfast options Andrew Clarkson offered this friend he made on his weekend ride.

You couldn't have offered the poor goat a bit of actual banana, Andrew? Doesn't sound like he minded much though.



It's safe to say the majority of you ate better than Andrew's goat friend this #mycyclingweekend, especially Instagram user a_darce87.

That's got us hankering for a second breakfast there.



#mycyclingweekend #mycyclingmeals #risotto #garrrrlicbread #carbload

A photo posted by Adam (@a_darce87) on


While Andrew Clarkson's goat friend was chowing down on banana skin, and Dave Parsons was tucking into his bench buffet, there was a considerable number of you tucking into a mid-ride pint.

We know which camp we'd prefer to be in.



Beery treat as a reward for first 70mile ride #mycyclingweekend

A photo posted by @gmanxiii on




Obviously #mycyclingweekend #outsideisfree #bestclubrunsintheworld #alcudia #capdeformentorride #mallorca #wwcc #mallorcacycling #notbad

A photo posted by Andrew Clarkson Photography (@mraclarkson) on




#rule5bikes #summersendoff2016 complete. Time for a pre-beer beer. #r5bss #mycyclingweekend

A photo posted by TobiasB (@tobiascycle) on


It wasn't all banana skins, beer, and bench breaks this #mycyclingweekend, though. There were one or two of you who took the whole ride-fueling thing seriously. Take a bow duurportnl, and carlothevet for getting some energy and nutrients into your system in an efficient and responsible manner!



Enjoying the High Energybar during my ride today, my favo taste is still Red Fruit #yum @xmaaikeboogaard

A photo posted by (@duursportnl) on




The Protone #kaskprotone #shareyourkask #kaskcycling #benecyclingclub #launioncyclingteam #mycyclingweekend

A photo posted by Juan Carlo Peralta (@carlothevet) on


Probably the biggest surprise of the weekend, when all things were considered, though, was the lack of cake. Instagram user graham83 was the only #mycyclingweekend participant who sent in a photo of anything resembling a cake. Those are scones, right?



Remember, it's never too late to get involved in the #mycyclingweekend fun, and if you didn't make it out to ride, there's no excuse not to get involved in #mycyclingcommute where we share the most interesting snaps of commutes on our social media streams.

If you want to be in with a chance of winning our weekly #mycyclingweekend prize courtesy of Cycle Surgery, however, you need to include one specific hashtag alongside the #mycyclingweekend one.

If you don't remember to include the #CycleSurgery hashtag you will stand absolutely no chance of winning the great prizes they offer!

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Daveyraveygravey | 8 years ago

I'm glad to see folks having beer! I was next to the pub in Lodsworth but at half ten it wasn't open! Although I'd ridden about 55 hard and hilly miles with another 20 odd to get home, I was already unsure if I was going to make it and beer would not have made it easier...

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