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Sustrans submits planning application for new route along Wye Valley

New route will follow disused railway line from Chepstow to Tintern

Sustrans, the sustainable transport charity, has announced that it has submitted a planning application for a new walking and cycling route that will help provide a link for locals and visitors alike to one of Britain’s best known beauty spots.

The new, mainly off-road, route links Chepstow and Tintern, and largely follows the course of the former Wye Valley railway line through the river’s lower gorge, and includes two former railway tunnels as well as a new bridge that will cross the river at the site of the former railway bridge.

Shortly before reaching the bridge to cross from the river’s English bank to the Welsh side, people using the path will be treated to a spectacular view across the river to Tintern Abbey.

The plans are being backed by the Wye Valley Communities for Safe Cycling, with part of the funding coming from the Sustrans Connect2 project through a grant from the Big Lottery Fund.

Rupert Crosbee, Area Manager for Sustrans, said, “This plan has been developed with the help and support of the local community. Local people will now feel safer leaving the car at home and cycling or walking to Chepstow, and the new bridge will make it much easier for people to get to Tintern without using their car.”

He added: “The route will be great for families, who will be able to let their children cycle across the area knowing they won’t have to use a busy road. We’re very excited about the conversion of the railway line, which will be of major benefit to the local community.”

The application has been submitted to the Forest of Dean Council and Monmouthshire County Council and will be heard this autumn, although dates have not yet been set.

Jeremy Cowen of the Wye Valley Communities for Safe Cycling, commented: "This is a wonderful opportunity for all residents and families of the lower Wye Valley to be connected once again via the disused Wye Valley railway line. It will offer an exhilarating journey to and from the heart of the valley for all, safe from the dangers of the A466 and B4228.”

He added: “Extensive public consultations in 2009 showed that 98% of the predominantly local respondents would use the path, the majority of whom would access the path by foot or bicycle. We would encourage the local community to embrace this opportunity and demonstrate their enthusiastic support to the two local councils."

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spook666 | 12 years ago

Does anybody know what the latest position is, having read about the NIMBYs I cannot see how their objection can be sustained, unless of course there is a conflict of interests in the objecting council, perhaps they don't want to encourage tourism, generate extra income for the area etc. I suspect that they are a bunch of old geezers who have probably never set foot on the path and never ridden a bike.
As much of the path is old railway track which is not adjacent to dwellings in many cases. Its time to try to resurrect this project!

superted | 14 years ago

If you think this is a good idea it would be great if you could voice your support to the council here. There's lots of information about how to do this here.

The are a small number vociferous NIMBYs who have successfully blocked previous planning applications so it's really important that the majority get their voices heard.

amazon22 | 14 years ago

The width was originally shown as 2m, this has now been increased to 2.5m (with a commensurate increase in cost).

STATO | 14 years ago

interesting fact, Sustrans is a registered charity to promote sustainable transport in general and WALKING and cycling in particular.

Still, why build a narrow bridge? if they get enough interest as they want youll end up with congestion  19

Simon_MacMichael | 14 years ago

Best put a PCSO at either end to protect them from those pesky cyclists, eh?  3

cat1commuter | 14 years ago

Those pedestrians are in the way!

vorsprung | 14 years ago

Could be good. I love cycling in this part of the world. I haven't found the A466 to be particularly dangerous but I am usually there at the weekend

Shared use paths are irritating however. Dogs and their shite being a big problem

dave atkinson | 14 years ago

Ride out of Chepstow on A466, blast down the descent to Tintern, bimble back along the railway. Repeat.  4

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