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Video: football on bikes? Welcome to the crazy world of Cycleball!

It's big over on the continent... will it ever catch on here?...

We've tried a lot of different cycling disciplines here at, but Cycleball is a new one on us. A big deal over on the continent (there are over 300 clubs in Germany), it's never really been played competitively in the UK; in fact, British Cycling doesn't even have rules for it in the handbook, even though it's a full UCI discipline.

Felix Young from Avid Sport is the man trying to raise the profile of the sport over here, and he brought a couple of teams over from Germany to demonstrate the sport, do a bit of coaching and raise the profile. They also left a number of the very specific Cycleball bikes. Felix's dream is to get a team together to contest the World Championships in 2022, so he's giving himself four years to get British Cycling on board and build a team to take on the sport's giants. There's nothing like an optimist, eh? As you can see from the video below, He probably won't be inviting our Dave to try out for the team...


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hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

Reminds me of my younger days when I played a bit of unicycle hockey. That's played with a longer version of a hockey stick, but I was never any good at it.

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