Yesterday’s British Cycling eRacing Championships at BT Sport’s studio in London’s Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park provided some terrific racing as 10 men and 10 women fought it out to be crowned the inaugural national champions. Here’s five things we took away from the event.
Virtual racing is emerging as a discipline in its own right. The purists may not buy into it, but there’s no reason why, as more events are developed, it comes to sit alongside road and track.
It’s a sport which lends itself well to a live audience. Yes, it needs a bit of space – the BT Sport studio that hosted last night’s event was huge – but eSports are nowadays often played out in front of big crowds in the US and Far East, and there’s no reason this should be different.
For that to work though, it does need a decent set-up. The set used yesterday was spectacular and it would be difficult to justify that for every event – but the huge screen behind the riders that showed the Zwift feed in real time really worked and it was easy to follow what was going on.
It’s fascinating to watch the riders close up. Watching a road race in person rather than on TV, even in the mountains it can be difficult to fully appreciate the riders’ efforts, they pass so quickly. Here, though, they stay in the same place so you can watch individual riders for as long as you like and it's also eaasy to get an idea of who is struggling and who is looking strong.
It’s another means of talent-spotting. The men and women who contested the national championships qualified from hundreds of hopefuls and while a number of them will be familiar names to people who follow the domestic scene, others aren’t, and the Zwift Academy programme shows that it’s another way of potentially breaking into the pro ranks.
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Why don't we split the difference in daylight hours? So GMT +30MINS. A bit like a Brexit compromise, else we'll have to have another vote where about half will be pissed off.
The answer is clear and we should decimalise the time system to 100 hours a day, one hundred minutes an hour and 100 seconds per minute. Then adjust the actual time by moving it backwards or forwards every day by an amount to synchronise it with sunrise.
This will be the easiest deal to negotiate since all the trade deals we've done since the referendum.
You do realize (or apparenlty not) that sunrise and sunset vary with latitude?
Latitude is an EU concept foisted on the rest of us by those unelected European officials, and will not be tolerated now that we've left.
these are people who think bumping the clocks along by an hour magically lengthens the day, the idea that it might then end up still daylight at midnight in Newcastle instead of the leafy suburbs of London Im sure completely escapes them
When told the reason for daylight saving time the old Indian said, "Only a white man would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket and sew it to the bottom of a blanket and have a longer blanket."
I get the relevance of London vs Newcastle (different lattitude), but what do the "leafy suburbs" have to do with the argument?
Are you saying only London suburbs have leaves, or that only London has suburbs? Or that suburbs are in a different time-zone to inner cities?
I bet Newcastle has at least as many leaves as, say, Croydon.
I don't know, I've always been a treemainer, myself.
Many more, assuming you include blades of grass (which are leaves,) but not if you are counting trees. Bit blowy up there.
What.. there was a vote on whether to change the clocks? When.. who voted, was anyone asked in Warwickshire? I'd be a bit buggered riding my bike if I couldn't have long light summer nights... but then again it'd be a bit miserable going to work in the dark.. ah this is rather confusing!!
Motorist does that to police car sitting at the corner waiting to turn and that'd be dangerous driving all day long. Speed awareness course, ffs another day and that's yet another persons life snuffed out! Plod are a fucking disgrace!
Near the start of my home, I approach a junction. Even in my car, I have to hold back on approach because I know that there are too many people who cut that corner and refuse to reduce their speed to take the corner properly. Still, as they can only continue about 300m more max, it must save them all of 3 seconds to take the corner properly.
If it's a choice between GMT or BST all year round, my preference is BST for those long evenings.
But I know there are arguments on both sides, and they rage every year. GMT keeps the mornings lighter in the winter, meaning fewer people have to go to work and school in the dark, so that's safer. Changing the clocks in spring and autumn, as we do now, seems like a good solution, but I think there's evidence that the change itself can cause accidents and health issues.
A quick search brings up this study from the US, which concludes that "health consequences from forced changes in the circadian patterns resulting from DST come not only from physiological adjustments but also from behavioral responses to forced circadian changes".
That BMW cutting that corner. I don't really want to swear...
It's the facebook and social media hate that makes me want to swear and raises my blood pressure.
Social media is one of the worst things to happen to this country for decades. It's just a hate fest and an unbeliveably good way to spead fake news and misinformation. Burn it with fire or sort it the fuck out.