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Video: Edinburgh cyclist rides past cars stranded in deep flood water

Cyclists can bypass traffic queues in the event of flooding – but beware of potholes and dislodged manhole covers

Footage posted online by Heart Scotland News earlier this week shows a committed cyclist battling severe flooding near Edinburgh Airport.

At the deepest point, the cyclist’s wheels were entirely submerged.

Flooding has caused severe problems in many parts of the country over the last couple of weeks.

Last week in our live blog we reported how a bridge on the Yorkshire World Championships road race course collapsed after heavy rain caused flash flooding.

In 2016, a flood risk specialists published findings that showed that city-wide evacuations in the event of flooding can be done significantly more efficiently by bicycle.

The findings of Fedor Baart and Anna van Gils were largely to do with how much traffic any given road can carry. They say that it is possible to fit 100 times the number of bicycles on any stretch of highway due to size and ability to move left and right to adapt to weight of traffic.

Flooding can make it impossible for cyclists to see road hazards such as potholes, however, and official advice from the Environment Agency is to “avoid walking or driving through flood water.”

While that doesn't specifically mention cycling, the implied message to bike riders is the same.

The agency adds: “Be aware that flooding can cause manhole covers to come off,” which would present a particular danger to cyclists.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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David9694 | 5 years ago

I’ve in in up to my wheel hubs in the 2013/14  deluges and the water doesn’t half drag on you. You have to try and scoot along  with cranks near horizontal if you want to avoid wet feet. Turning back usually involves some epic detour,so it’s tempting to push on through.  

Rik Mayals unde... | 5 years ago

This video just shows how many dangerous dickheads are in control of motor vehicles. There's four of them who decided to drive through the floodwater, you only need to look at the road furniture to know how deep it is. And these have sat and passed a test to prove that they are worthy of having the privilege of holding a license to drive said metal killing machines. The mind boggles. New engines for them all, or perhaps new cars, but not on the insurance as the insurance companies will fire their claims off for driving into the water.

EK Spinner replied to Rik Mayals underpants | 5 years ago
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biker phil wrote:

This video just shows how many dangerous dickheads are in control of motor vehicles. There's four of them who decided to drive through the floodwater, you only need to look at the road furniture to know how deep it is. And these have sat and passed a test to prove that they are worthy of having the privilege of holding a license to drive said metal killing machines. The mind boggles. New engines for them all, or perhaps new cars, but not on the insurance as the insurance companies will fire their claims off for driving into the water.


I am wary at making this kind of statment re the drivers of cars that we can now see stuck in 3 feet of water without knowing how deep it was when the drove into it. I seem to remmeber that this is out near the airport and there may have been a few panickers worrried about missing an expensive flight or holiday

Rik Mayals unde... replied to EK Spinner | 5 years ago
EK Spinner wrote:
biker phil wrote:

This video just shows how many dangerous dickheads are in control of motor vehicles. There's four of them who decided to drive through the floodwater, you only need to look at the road furniture to know how deep it is. And these have sat and passed a test to prove that they are worthy of having the privilege of holding a license to drive said metal killing machines. The mind boggles. New engines for them all, or perhaps new cars, but not on the insurance as the insurance companies will fire their claims off for driving into the water.


I am wary at making this kind of statment re the drivers of cars that we can now see stuck in 3 feet of water without knowing how deep it was when the drove into it. I seem to remmeber that this is out near the airport and there may have been a few panickers worrried about missing an expensive flight or holiday

If they were rushing for a flight, then they should surely check out their route online to ensure there are no hold ups which would make them miss their flights. Also, remmeber (sic) these fuckwits have passed a driving test to prove to the DVSA that they are to be trusted in control of a motor vehicle. If there is a huge patch of water then you don't drive through it not knowing how deep it is, do you? No, a sensible preson may stop, get out of the vehicle and look at the water, check for clues as to the depth, i.e the road furniture almost submerged, they may see other fuckwits stuck in the water and thought, "Hmm, that looks deep". I can't see how four vehicles could be rushing for a flight, or not know how deep the water is, and even though they are pointing in different directions, all entered the water at the same time. Your comment is bollocks and these drivers are fuckwits. It is precisely these drivers who are the danger to cyclists.

ktache | 5 years ago

Hirsute, it's not the first time.  I wonder why it took them so long?

Hirsute | 5 years ago
kev-s | 5 years ago

It is a bit silly to ride through a flooded road, not only are you risking falling off, all that water will get in the bike

A friend rode through a large puddle that was hiding a large pot hole, sent him straight over the bars into the boot of a parked car, one sore head, snapped forks and bent front wheel


Hope the guy above went straight home and stripped his bike right down including all the bearings!!!


Jitensha Oni replied to kev-s | 5 years ago
kev-s wrote:

It is a bit silly to ride through a flooded road, not only are you risking falling off, all that water will get in the bike

A friend rode through a large puddle that was hiding a large pot hole, sent him straight over the bars into the boot of a parked car, one sore head, snapped forks and bent front wheel


Hope the guy above went straight home and stripped his bike right down including all the bearings!!!



Yep, I'd have probably shouldered the bike & waded through (± cupping my hand over my mouth facing the drivers in their stranded cars, pointing, heaving shoulders etc).

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