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Olympic cycling champion faces army censure after mooning Trump’s White House

Nino Schurter and team-mates bared their behinds in Washington DC for Instagram picture

Olympic mountain bike champion Nino Shurter could reportedly be censured by his superior officers in the Swiss army after baring his behind in front of the White House in Washington, DC for a photo posted on social media.

The Instagram picture of the 33-year-old, winner of a gold medal at Rio 2016 having previously taken silver in London four years earlier and bronze at Beijing in 2008, mooning alongside three team-mates in front of the official residence of the President of the United States, was accompanied by the caption “White bum for the White House.”

Tages-Anzeiger says that Schurter has since deleted the Instagram post of the photo, taken in December last year while he was travelling to compete in the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup in West Virginia, and in which President Donald Trump was tagged – although the newspaper itself has tweeted a copy of the picture.

Al four riders are members of the Swiss army, which funds their training, and reports army spokesman Daniel Riest as saying: “Mr Schurter’s commanding officer will deal with the matter in a proportionate but disciplinary way.

“The cyclist may face a reprimand but what the punishment would be is up to the commanding officer and won’t be made public.”

He added that Schurter had apologised to his commanding officer and that previously he had an unblemished record.

Schurter, who is an 11-time world champion and has won the season-long World Cup competition on six occasions, said: “The photo was a spontaneous one. America is a magnificent country and I love traveling there.”

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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Rich_cb | 5 years ago

Xena's own link suggests that a massive 6,276 people have received compensation for vaccine injury since 1986.

That's a phenomenal 190 per year.

In a country that administers 300 million vaccines per year.

1 in every 1.5 million vaccines therefore result in an injury requiring compensation.

By comparison measles alone will kill or seriously disable 1/1000 that get it.

Not a difficult choice IMHO.

fukawitribe replied to Rich_cb | 5 years ago
Rich_cb wrote:

Xena's own link suggests that a massive 6,276 people have received compensation for vaccine injury since 1986. That's a phenomenal 190 per year. In a country that administers 300 million vaccines per year. 1 in every 1.5 million vaccines therefore result in an injury requiring compensation. By comparison measles alone will kill or seriously disable 1/1000 that get it. Not a difficult choice IMHO.

Also from the VCIP site


Being awarded compensation for a petition does not necessarily mean that the vaccine caused the alleged injury. In fact:

* Approximately 70% of all compensation awarded by the VICP comes as result of a negotiated settlement between the parties in which HHS has not concluded, based upon review of the evidence, that the alleged vaccine(s) caused the alleged injury.

* Attorneys are eligible for reasonable attorneys’ fees, whether or not the petitioner is awarded compensation by the Court, if certain minimal requirements are met. In those circumstances, attorneys are paid by the VICP directly. By statute, attorneys may not charge any other fee, including a contingency fee, for his or her services in representing a petitioner in the VICP.



ktache | 5 years ago

Nah, BTBS made some good points, often in a coherent manner.  I for one liked to have him around, and the site is less for his absence.

Rapha Nadal | 5 years ago
1 like

Xena has to be BTBS.

handlebarcam | 5 years ago

Be gentle on these people, they're on a major sugar rush from eating all those red pills. Munching them by the fistful, desperate for something to change in their lives, without them having to actually do anything themselves.

That said, changing your life is very difficult, one of the hardest things anyone can do. But you can at least go for a bike ride, get some fresh air and perspective, instead of bing-watching daft YouTube videos.

Bmblbzzz | 5 years ago
1 like

Looks like Putin's bots have found (And that was an unintentional pun, but it's good enough to leave.)

ktache | 5 years ago

The world was better off with smallpox.  Damn that big pharma.  And polio, everyone was happier with polio.

AlsoSomniloquism | 5 years ago

The trouble is one mans news is another mans conspiracy etc. So Xena will not believe what is written on RationalWiki, or won't support any info that debunks Corbett etc, and we won't believe most written on there. So I would suggest that let him marvel at knowing the truth and let him laugh to himself at the sheeple who blindly follows the MSM without us making anymore comment. And maybe he can reciprocate that to us when someone posts about climate change etc.  

ktache | 5 years ago

Is alternative media synonymous with alternative facts/truth?

hawkinspeter | 5 years ago
burtthebike replied to hawkinspeter | 5 years ago
hawkinspeter wrote:


Sceptical, you closet American!laugh

Sniffer replied to burtthebike | 5 years ago
burtthebike wrote:
hawkinspeter wrote:


Sceptical, you closet American!laugh

Just like those damn grey squirrels.

Xena | 5 years ago

Here is some good alternative media sites that back up everything with facts not propaganda.

James Corbett  “ Corbett Report “   “ propoganda watch “ and also check out many of his amazing documentaries .

Truth stream media make some great documentary films and topical  short films . Again backed up by facts - documentation etc . 

We are change are very good as well 

and Jason Bermas is  very good as well . 

Richard  d hall has done some great stuff as well .

but alas a lot of sites that show the truth get demonitized and taken off line and presenters demonised . 

Trump and US  politics it’s all a fucking sham a diversion.  Federal reserve are in charge ,its does not matter who you vote for in the US  .The wars go on the poor get poorer and more technocratic invasion of your lives gos on and you loose more and more of your rights to feed these muthur fuckers .  Jeckyl island  - Go do your research.  Bankers ,oligarchs took full control  . 


CygnusX1 replied to Xena | 5 years ago
Xena wrote:

Here is some good alternative media sites that back up everything with facts not propaganda.

James Corbett  “ Corbett Report “   “ propoganda watch “ and also check out many of his amazing documentaries .

What this James Corbett?

Sorry? I'm keeping my tinfoil for cooking the sunday roast, not making hats

Beatnik69 replied to CygnusX1 | 5 years ago
CygnusX1 wrote:
Xena wrote:

Here is some good alternative media sites that back up everything with facts not propaganda.

James Corbett  “ Corbett Report “   “ propoganda watch “ and also check out many of his amazing documentaries .

What this James Corbett?

Sorry? I'm keeping my tinfoil for cooking the sunday roast, not making hats

Maybe Xena means James Corden.  4

Xena replied to CygnusX1 | 5 years ago
CygnusX1 wrote:
Xena wrote:

Here is some good alternative media sites that back up everything with facts not propaganda.

James Corbett  “ Corbett Report “   “ propoganda watch “ and also check out many of his amazing documentaries .

What this James Corbett?

Sorry? I'm keeping my tinfoil for cooking the sunday roast, not making hats

so a independent reporter who has a huge body of  “ factual work “  that shows the corruption of governments  politicians and  big companies etc etc is smeared by wiki  ,what a fucking surprise . Seriously are you that fucking stupid  ?  Are you that asleep ?  Who owns wiki . It’s not your mum.

Goverments always tell the truth do they . Is that why the MSM forget to tell you about the 4 billion dollars they have paid out to vaccine victims

oh you didn’t know that did you . Perhaps you should have done a wiki 

what else don’t you know ? Quite a fucking lot I would guess if you sit there and watch then BBC BS.

Seriously ,  fuck me . This is the problem , people like you are the problem 

here’s an example take a look or shut the fuck up  .


brooksby replied to Xena | 5 years ago
Xena wrote:
CygnusX1 wrote:
Xena wrote:

Here is some good alternative media sites that back up everything with facts not propaganda.

James Corbett  “ Corbett Report “   “ propoganda watch “ and also check out many of his amazing documentaries .

What this James Corbett?

Sorry? I'm keeping my tinfoil for cooking the sunday roast, not making hats

so a independent reporter who has a huge body of  “ factual work “  that shows the corruption of governments  politicians and  big companies etc etc is smeared by wiki  ,what a fucking surprise . Seriously are you that fucking stupid  ?  Are you that asleep ?  Who owns wiki . It’s not your mum.

Goverments always tell the truth do they . Is that why the MSM forget to tell you about the 4 billion dollars they have paid out to vaccine victims

oh you didn’t know that did you . Perhaps you should have done a wiki 

what else don’t you know ? Quite a fucking lot I would guess if you sit there and watch then BBC BS.

Seriously ,  fuck me . This is the problem , people like you are the problem 

here’s an example take a look or shut the fuck up  .

Very suspicious that $4billion is (allegedly) the exact amount of your president's slush fund for sexual harrassment claims... Coincidence? I think not.  

(No I didn't get that from the MSM, but apparently 'some bloke with access to a webcam' now counts the same as peer-reviewed, properly sourced reportage by professionals, so even I was told it by a squirrel in a dream it still counts! yes )

Sniffer replied to Xena | 5 years ago
Xena wrote:
CygnusX1 wrote:
Xena wrote:

Here is some good alternative media sites that back up everything with facts not propaganda.

James Corbett  “ Corbett Report “   “ propoganda watch “ and also check out many of his amazing documentaries .

What this James Corbett?

Sorry? I'm keeping my tinfoil for cooking the sunday roast, not making hats

so a independent reporter who has a huge body of  “ factual work “  that shows the corruption of governments  politicians and  big companies etc etc is smeared by wiki  ,what a fucking surprise . Seriously are you that fucking stupid  ?  Are you that asleep ?  Who owns wiki . It’s not your mum.

Goverments always tell the truth do they . Is that why the MSM forget to tell you about the 4 billion dollars they have paid out to vaccine victims

oh you didn’t know that did you . Perhaps you should have done a wiki 

what else don’t you know ? Quite a fucking lot I would guess if you sit there and watch then BBC BS.

Seriously ,  fuck me . This is the problem , people like you are the problem 

here’s an example take a look or shut the fuck up  .


You are very angry, are you getting some help for that?

I suppose seeing a conspiracy theory in everything will be very stressful.

While it is generally best just to ignore ridiculous rants.  I do find the vaccine stuff particularly abhorrent.  With many extra children getting preventable unpleasant diseases that will kill some of them as people peddle this unscientific nonsense.

In this case 'people look you' Xena, are the problem.

You will say I don't know everything about vaccines, you will be right, but my partners degree in Immunology suggests she knows a lot more about this than you do.  Or do you conveniently hide behind 'you can't believe experts, they might know stuff that doesn't fit my conspirancy theory'.

Xena replied to Sniffer | 5 years ago
Sniffer wrote:
Xena wrote:
CygnusX1 wrote:
Xena wrote:

Here is some good alternative media sites that back up everything with facts not propaganda.

James Corbett  “ Corbett Report “   “ propoganda watch “ and also check out many of his amazing documentaries .

What this James Corbett?

Sorry? I'm keeping my tinfoil for cooking the sunday roast, not making hats

so a independent reporter who has a huge body of  “ factual work “  that shows the corruption of governments  politicians and  big companies etc etc is smeared by wiki  ,what a fucking surprise . Seriously are you that fucking stupid  ?  Are you that asleep ?  Who owns wiki . It’s not your mum.

Goverments always tell the truth do they . Is that why the MSM forget to tell you about the 4 billion dollars they have paid out to vaccine victims

oh you didn’t know that did you . Perhaps you should have done a wiki 

what else don’t you know ? Quite a fucking lot I would guess if you sit there and watch then BBC BS.

Seriously ,  fuck me . This is the problem , people like you are the problem 

here’s an example take a look or shut the fuck up  .


You are very angry, are you getting some help for that?

I suppose seeing a conspiracy theory in everything will be very stressful.

While it is generally best just to ignore ridiculous rants.  I do find the vaccine stuff particularly abhorrent.  With many extra children getting preventable unpleasant diseases that will kill some of them as people peddle this unscientific nonsense.

In this case 'people look you' Xena, are the problem.

You will say I don't know everything about vaccines, you will be right, but my partners degree in Immunology suggests she knows a lot more about this than you do.  Or do you conveniently hide behind 'you can't believe experts, they might know stuff that doesn't fit my conspirancy theory'.


so I just posted a link showing that US payed out over 4 billion dollars to vaccine victims .

What is the conspiracy, it’s a FACT .  

I posted another link a James Corbett  documentary on the technocrats who run Silicon Valley etc 

whats the conspiracy about that ? have not even fucking looked at it, no you haven’t and your calling me a conspiracy theorist yet so far I’ve only posted facts . 

So your partner has a degree in  immunology ,so what. The US. still paid out 4 billion dollars to vaccine victims . What the job your partner does makes no fucking difference to that FACT. 

Now if I said a man got fined for avoiding a facial recognition camera placed on a police van  in London ,chances are you would call me a conspiracy theorist . You would be wrong .

so again another FACT . 

So I ask anyone on here to please give up some time and watch this , it will make you angry may even make you cry . My dad died of brain cancer . Look at the comments just below the video as well .  Huge cover up . Again this is FACT .


brooksby replied to Xena | 5 years ago
Xena wrote:


You know what, I just can't be bothered. FACT.

mdavidford replied to brooksby | 5 years ago
brooksby wrote:
Xena wrote:


You know what, I just can't be bothered. FACT.

I think you meant...

Xena wrote:

...'alternative' stuff...

brooksby replied to mdavidford | 5 years ago
mdavidford wrote:
brooksby wrote:
Xena wrote:


You know what, I just can't be bothered. FACT.

I think you meant...

Xena wrote:

...'alternative' stuff...

No, what I *meant* to say would probably get my post scrubbed by the admins  4  3

hawkinspeter | 5 years ago

Crack troops.

hawkinspeter | 5 years ago

After the Roosevelt Room and the Lincoln Bedroom, Donald Trump says his favourite room in the White House is the Oval Office. He thinks that President Oval was a "really really great President".

yupiteru | 5 years ago
1 like

It is a sad reflection on the way our society is heading, in that everything has got to be politically correct and you are no longer allowed to have a laugh or fool around just in case you offend someone.

It is only a matter of time before the words 'joke' and 'laugh' are banned and removed from the dictionary.

George Orwell was obviously a visionary.

Philh68 | 5 years ago

Face censure for that? Why, were they facing the wrong way?

They have a World Naked bike ride in Washington DC anyway, it’s not as if it’s out of the ordinary to give a little cheek…

ColT | 5 years ago
1 like

Looks like somewhere to park a few bikes  3

vonhelmet | 5 years ago

As a European I feel obliged to comment that whether or not Trump wins in 2020, he'll still be a colossal bellend.

I'm also curious why you felt the need to weigh in with your election predictions and slights on our media, when this story has really nothing to do with any of that. Do you hang around here just waiting to defend his honour?

Jamminatrix | 5 years ago
1 like

As an American I feel obliged to comment Trump will likely win 2020 again, and if that shocks you as a European, I'm sorry and feel somewhat empathetic to have no alt media platforms to get unbiased news, just mainstream news owned by the bankers and NWO with a narrative to push. No 1A and anything against the narrative is deemed hate speech. You've been brainwashed without realizing it, convinced you're on the good side of history. But don't direct your anger at me, share it against those who rule over you for progress.


...taken in December last year...

This literally happened two weeks ago.

jasecd replied to Jamminatrix | 5 years ago
Jamminatrix wrote:

As an American I feel obliged to comment Trump will likely win 2020 again, and if that shocks you as a European, I'm sorry and feel somewhat empathetic to have no alt media platforms to get unbiased news, just mainstream news owned by the bankers and NWO with a narrative to push. No 1A and anything against the narrative is deemed hate speech. You've been brainwashed without realizing it, convinced you're on the good side of history. But don't direct your anger at me, share it against those who rule over you for progress.


So you get your news from alt media platforms which are extremely partisan and have no historical reputation as reporting the truth? Please remember when answering this that opinion is not fact and editorials are not reporting. 

With regards to the bigot who you so actively support, do you share his racist, sexist, disablist, environmental destructionist views and policies? Or is it simply expedient for you - are you a rich white man who benefits from his taxation policies whilst maintaining a faux support for the working class?



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