A member of Australia’s gold-medal winning team pursuit squad has been banned from driving for five months after pleading guilty to drink driving. Dale Parker, aged 18, was also given a $1,100 fine and ordered to pay court costs and levies after crashing his car into a lamp post in November, leaving a pedestrian with head injuries.
Police also said that Parker, who had been driving under a probationary license, had been doing burnouts at the time of the crash which took place in the Adelaide Hills, according to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Earlier this month, Parker received a 16-month ban from racing, half of it suspended, from Sport SA after he pleaded guilty to bringing cycling into disrepute.
After that hearing, Parker expressed thanks to Cycling South Australia and the tribunal for the professional way in which his case had been dealt with.
"I would also like to apologise to all members, officials, my family, cycling management at all levels and the public for bringing the sport into disrepute," he added.
Parker, who is targeting success in the London 2012 Olympics, is also developing his career off the track and will ride next year for Lance Armstrong’s Trek-Livestrong under-23 team.
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