You came, you saw, you commented. A lot of people out there seriously lacking in energy, which is not surprising given the dismal weather we've had over the past week. There can only be one... erm, five winners though, and the fickle finger of fate in association with has selected the following lucky individuals...
Congratulations to our five winners, and don't worry if you missed out this time, there's always another schwagger on the horizon...
No sooner have we dispatched jiffy bags full of Zipvit bars and gels to the four corners of our fair isle than you have another chance to walk away with some tasty energy goodness. This time we've got five big ol' tubs of Zipvit ZV1 energy drink.
Tester Mat said of the ZV1, "I got on really well with ZV1. It delivers the goods really quickly when you feel your energy waning and the flavour means you’re more inclined than usual to keep supping away regularly, topping up your fuel tanks". Excellent news, and it'll taste even sweeter if it's free.
A 1.4kg tub would normally set you back £16.99, but all you have to do to get one of ours is comment below. Normal schwag grab rules apply, and you have until the moveable feast that is tiffin on Monday (Valentine's day... don't forget!) to enter, whereupon we'll tuck into some heart shaped baked products and pick some winners. Good luck!
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Please give me energy!
Yes please.
Gotta be cheaper than champagne
Nothing to do with cycling this time,. I'm trying to make a baby so I could do with an energy boost!?
Send me a tub...please!!! I'll take all the help I can get!!
I do like Zipvit products; more so when they're free
well I hope that stuff can get me of the couch...
a comment - yes please
There are too many hils where i live for the amount of energy in my body... Need help please... desperate...please
Just the job I hope
I've nearly ran out. Perfect!
Yes please yes please that will energise my knees
I need the energy to make it to tiffin o' clock
I love the gels and would like to try the energy drink
gimme gimme gimme a ZipVit after bikeride!!!
yes please top product:)
Yes please
I could use that please!
If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this article then please contact for advice and support.
needing some ummph!
Still time? I'm in
am I too late?
If this tastes anything Zipvit's new chocolate Recovery Bars then it'll be a big hit for me!
Me Please! I need the energy (very poor winter with few miles and no rollers yet - I really should...)
Super a pick me up-just what the analyst ordered.
The sun's appeared again after a long winter in Inverness, time to hit the trails again!! Count me in
I wouldn't mind a huge tub of powder that I'd have to keep in pride of place because I don't have room in the cupboards.
| AM IN desperate need of energy and am definitely mineral deficient following yesterdays turbo session.
Yes please.