Most of us will have been there, pushing ourselves to the limit on a bike until it feels like we can’t get enough air in our lungs to keep going.
But this weekend a team of Scottish fire-fighters will be riding their bikes on a sponsored relay event until they literally run out of air.
The men and women from who work in Dundee and Kirriemuir for the Tayside fire service are recreating the Kirriemuir Stration Hop, a sponsored ride that was first undertaken 20 years ago when their colleagues rode in full fire fighting gear, complete with air cylinders and breathing equipment.
Tomorrow, a team which includes four of the original riders from two decades ago will begin a three day relay ride of 230 miles visiting 20 fire stations in their area to raise money for Radio Tay’s Cash for Kids appeal.
Using their breathing apparatus while on the move, each team member will hand over to the next rider when their air cylinder is empty.
One of the participants, Suzy Watson said: “We are also trying to promote fire safety advice whilst we are out in the local communities. We can make home visits where we carry out fire safety advice checks and, if necessary, install smoke alarms.
“We have been selling the programmes, which features local adverts, at local events including the Kirrie Show and the Arbroath Sea Fest, and will be selling them as we visit the local fire stations.
“We will also have donation buckets with us.”
The team hopes to make £20,000 for Cash for Kids. The have raised £4000 so far and donations can also be made on-line through the website
Makes sense - I mean Cormac's also responsible for The Road, right?
"Here's the chinese you ordered!"
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