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MPs table motion for fairer justice for road victims

Signatories want to ensure system is fairer for cyclists and pedestrians

A fairer form of justice for those hurt on the roads could be a small step closer, with a cyclist MP calling for a debate on British Cycling’s comprehensive justice review.

Announced after Paralympic hand cyclist Rachel Morris was injured in a time trial on the road last week, the review has cross-party support, with signatories including Sir Peter Bottomley, Rosie Cooper, John Leech, Don Foster, Michael Gapes and Clive Betts so far.

The text of the Early Day Motion reads:

That this House notes that many victims of road accidents do not feel that the criminal justice system adequately protects or supports them in the aftermath of their case; further notes that it is important that those who have suffered traumatic incidents are given effective and sympathetic support as they attempt to rebuild their lives; welcomes the work of British Cycling and other groups including CTC, Sustrans, London Cycling Campaign, The Times, Cycling Weekly, RoadPeace and Brake to raise the profile of the issue and calls upon the Department for Justice to review carefully the evidence they have submitted and undertake a comprehensive review  of each part of the criminal justice system from crash investigation standards through to sentencing guidelines to ensure it is fairer for cyclists, pedestrians and other road users who are hurt or seriously injured on the country's roads

Early Day Motions rarely get debated in the Commons, but with enough support they can help to raise awareness of an issue, so it's still worth dropping your MP a line if you would like them to sign up.

British Cycling is also collating people's stories of bad driving as evidence with which to persuade the government of the dangers of the road for cyclists.

Martin Gibbs, Policy and Legal Affairs Director at British Cycling said: “The way the justice system operates when someone is hurt on the road badly needs reviewing.

"The current process often gives out the wrong message about how we as a society value life and the right of people to travel safely. This is an issue for all road users and one the Lord Chancellor should take seriously.”


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horizontal dropout | 12 years ago

Hi, I think the "cyclist MP" must be Dr Julian Huppert MP for Cambridge, who also organised the cycling debate triggered (I think) by the Times safe cycling campaign. We need more like him.

Aha found it:

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