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Updated: Police seek silver van in Spalding hit and run investigation

Father of dead cyclist spoke to about the unfolding investigation

Police hunting for a hit an run driver who left a cyclist dying in the road on Friday night have said that they are looking for a silver van in connection with the incident.

We reported last night how 27-year-old Timothy Osborn was found by his family in the road in Spalding after midnight, having been struck by a van on his way home from work at 9pm.

He died later at the scene.

The driver had either failed to stop or driven away from the scene without reporting the matter.

Police have now said that they are seeking a silver Transit-style van, which may be a Renault Trafic, Vauxhall Vivaro or Nissan Primastar model.

Last night, Timothy's father Stephen commented on our original news item to clarify the situation surrounding his son's death.

He said that Timothy was wearing a hi-vis motorcycle jacket, and that his front and rear lights were still on when he was found, more than three hours after he was hit.

Stephen also said that Timothy was nine inches from the curb when he was hit by the van, and that the van appeared to have made no attempt to stop, given that there were no skid marks on the road.

Stephen said that it was thought that the van was driving at at least 60mph. He said: My son travelled that road on his beloved bike since he was 10 years old.

"At night if he heard a vehicle coming up behind him he would ride up on the pavement then back on the road after it had gone. According to the police he didn't get that chance last night."

Our thoughts are with Timothy's family.

Anyone with information should call Lincolnshire police on 101, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 101.


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SideBurn | 12 years ago

In the incident I described above the driver got 3 years; but this was after a private prosecution funded by the "Campaign against drinking and driving".

Belaroo | 12 years ago

My heart goes out to the family, this is a tragedy. So painful.
I survived a hit and run and I got to personally thank the woman who called the ambulance from 4 floors up, the other side of a canal and a bus depot. I owe her my life. The driver who hit me and left me was caught but got nothing.
When the driver is caught. What then? I hope he gets more than 12 months ban. Murder from behind the wheel doesn't seem to count in the UK.

SideBurn | 12 years ago

This incident is all too much like an incident many years ago involving a clubmate. The driver did not bother to stop (because he thought he had hit a deer, was his pathetic excuse). He was caught using paint found at the scene and was proved to have been drinking and over the limit at the time of the incident. I cannot believe that anyone could leave the scene of a collision, even with a deer, without doing something. Even if it was just an anonymous 999 call. This sort of thing leaves me very emotional; human nature just stinks sometimes....

Plec replied to SideBurn | 10 years ago

Can you give me some details of that incident please? E.g., where and when was it?

colin267 | 12 years ago

Local newspaper reporting that a man has been arrested in connection with this incident. Hopefully they've got the right person and he is dealt with appropriately by the courts (though I'm not holding my breath).

NeilXDavis | 12 years ago

Really sickens me this kind of incident...all of us reading this are cyclists, all of us know one day this could be us, all of us know the the driver will get away lightly...

All my sympathy to the family...

OldRidgeback | 12 years ago

This narrows down the list of suspects. Hopefully the police can catch the offender. A manslaughter charge would be appropriate in an instance such as this, though I doubt it'd be used. I hope the victim's family can get through this terrible experience but it's not something they can ever forget and they have all my sympathy.

notfastenough | 12 years ago

Commercial van, 9pm on a Friday, oblivious to a big impact. Forgive me if I think the driver was pissed up.

Sincerely hope he is caught.

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