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Shadow Transport Secretary says Labour committed to implementing Cities Fit For Cycling manifesto

Maria Eagle urges government to fully adopt measures proposed in Times campaign duringspeech to Labour Party Conference

Shadow Transport Secretary Maria Eagle has said that a future Labour Government would fully implement the manifesto of The Times newspaper’s Cities Fit For Cycling campaign, and has urged the present government to adopt its proposals in full.

Ms Eagle, who is MP for Garston and Halewood, was addressing the Labour Party Conference in Manchester yesterday, telling delegates: "When two-thirds of the journeys that we make are under five miles, let’s make alternatives to driving, not just a possibility, but an attractive choice. Not just affordable public transport. But supporting cycling and walking too."

After highlighting recently released cycling casualty statistics told delegates: “We must have a renewed focus on [cycle] safety.”

Referring to the current Secretary of State for Transport, she continued: “I know that Patrick McLoughlin agrees. 
So I urge him to restore the axed targets to cut deaths and injuries on our roads.”

Ms Eagle went on: “I congratulate The Times on their Cities Fit for Cyclists campaign.
The Government should implement the campaign’s manifesto for change in full.

“Separated cycle-ways. Redesigned junctions. Advance green lights for cyclists.

“Setting aside a proportion of the roads budget to make it happen.

“Supporting local authorities to extend 20mph speed limits in residential areas.

“Better cycling facilities at train stations and on trains.

“Safe routes to schools.

“And learning the lessons for England from the innovative Active Travel legislation being taken forward by the Labour Government in Wales.”

While Prime Minister David Cameron was among the members of the government to express support for the Cities Fit For Cycling campaign following its high-profile launch in February, that has not translated into a formal adoption of the manifesto.

Cycle campaigners, meanwhile, are continuing to call for the safety of cyclists to be improved, while the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group last month announced that it is launching an enquiry focusing on the question of ‘'Why Don't More People Cycle?’

While the Labour Party has promised to implement the Cities Fit For Cycling manifesto in full should it return to power in the next general election, due to take place no later than 2015, there is obviously the thorny issue of what a party says it will do while in opposition not always reflecting what it actually does – or is able to do – once in government.

The eight point Cities Fit For Cycling manifesto, in full, is as follows.

1. Trucks entering a city centre should be required by law to fit sensors, audible truck-turning alarms, extra mirrors and safety bars to stop cyclists being thrown under the wheels.

2. The 500 most dangerous road junctions must be identified, redesigned or fitted with priority traffic lights for cyclists and Trixi mirrors that allow lorry drivers to see cyclists on their near-side.

3. A national audit of cycling to find out how many people cycle in Britain and how cyclists are killed or injured should be held to underpin effective cycle safety.

4. Two per cent of the Highways Agency budget should be earmarked for next generation cycle routes, providing £100 million a year towards world-class cycling infrastructure. Each year cities should be graded on the quality of cycling provision.

5. The training of cyclists and drivers must improve and cycle safety should become a core part of the driving test.

6. 20mph should become the default speed limit in residential areas where there are no cycle lanes.

7. Businesses should be invited to sponsor cycleways and cycling super-highways, mirroring the Barclays-backed bicycle hire scheme in London.

8. Every city, even those without an elected mayor, should appoint a cycling commissioner to push home reforms.

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WolfieSmith | 12 years ago

Ms Eagle's city of Liverpool CC are currently running out 20mph limits across all 7 wards and West Lancs are progressing well towards making all their residential roads 20mph as well. Of course leaving the A roads passing through residential areas at 30mph means designating all side roads as 20mph which is more cost then there is money currently for. Which is why the 20 is Plenty Campaign advocates a blanket 20mph limit for all roads with residential houses on them regardless of what designation (A,B or C) they are - in order to keep it cheap and simple.

How do I know all this? Well I'm a campaigner with my local councillor here in North Liverpool trying to make sure that by summer of 2014 when everywhere in surrounding boroughs is enjoying 20mph limits ( with children gambolling on sun-lit streets and neighbour talking unto neighbour..) Sefton Council aren't still debating the issue as they do on sooooo many good and simple ideas.

Once everything is at 20mph ( and when 30% of motorists are at 20mph - everyone is at 20mph) then costly infrastructure is not needed everywhere.

I would suggest (as I have been suggesting for a year) now that everyone reading this who wants safer streets Google '20 is Plenty', digest what they have to offer, and roll it out in your areas - rather than wasting your time burbling 'pathetic' on this site. We're at 8.6 million and the tipping point for the whole country is 20 million.

As for suggesting Ms Eagle lose a few pounds? Come on 'Dullard'. (Ahem...) This is Road.CC - not troll central on Youtube. Grow up.

OldRidgeback replied to WolfieSmith | 12 years ago
MercuryOne wrote:

Ms Eagle's city of Liverpool CC are currently running out 20mph limits across all 7 wards and West Lancs are progressing well towards making all their residential roads 20mph as well. Of course leaving the A roads passing through residential areas at 30mph means designating all side roads as 20mph which is more cost then there is money currently for. Which is why the 20 is Plenty Campaign advocates a blanket 20mph limit for all roads with residential houses on them regardless of what designation (A,B or C) they are - in order to keep it cheap and simple.

How do I know all this? Well I'm a campaigner with my local councillor here in North Liverpool trying to make sure that by summer of 2014 when everywhere in surrounding boroughs is enjoying 20mph limits ( with children gambolling on sun-lit streets and neighbour talking unto neighbour..) Sefton Council aren't still debating the issue as they do on sooooo many good and simple ideas.

Once everything is at 20mph ( and when 30% of motorists are at 20mph - everyone is at 20mph) then costly infrastructure is not needed everywhere.

I would suggest (as I have been suggesting for a year) now that everyone reading this who wants safer streets Google '20 is Plenty', digest what they have to offer, and roll it out in your areas - rather than wasting your time burbling 'pathetic' on this site. We're at 8.6 million and the tipping point for the whole country is 20 million.

As for suggesting Ms Eagle lose a few pounds? Come on 'Dullard'. (Ahem...) This is Road.CC - not troll central on Youtube. Grow up.

Yep, couldn't agree more. I ride a high performance motorcycle in addition to having four bicycles that I ride regularly and also compete on. Even on a motorcycle, 20 is plenty along residential urban roads.

And yep, the comments regarding Ms Eagle are a bit below the belt. Best to save the trolling for someone like Frankie Boyle.

alun replied to WolfieSmith | 12 years ago
MercuryOne wrote:

Ms Eagle's city of Liverpool CC are currently running out 20mph limits across all 7 wards and West Lancs are progressing well towards making all their residential roads 20mph as well. Of course leaving the A roads passing through residential areas at 30mph means designating all side roads as 20mph which is more cost then there is money currently for. Which is why the 20 is Plenty Campaign advocates a blanket 20mph limit for all roads with residential houses on them regardless of what designation (A,B or C) they are - in order to keep it cheap and simple.

How do I know all this? Well I'm a campaigner with my local councillor here in North Liverpool trying to make sure that by summer of 2014 when everywhere in surrounding boroughs is enjoying 20mph limits ( with children gambolling on sun-lit streets and neighbour talking unto neighbour..) Sefton Council aren't still debating the issue as they do on sooooo many good and simple ideas.

Once everything is at 20mph ( and when 30% of motorists are at 20mph - everyone is at 20mph) then costly infrastructure is not needed everywhere.

I would suggest (as I have been suggesting for a year) now that everyone reading this who wants safer streets Google '20 is Plenty', digest what they have to offer, and roll it out in your areas - rather than wasting your time burbling 'pathetic' on this site. We're at 8.6 million and the tipping point for the whole country is 20 million.

As for suggesting Ms Eagle lose a few pounds? Come on 'Dullard'. (Ahem...) This is Road.CC - not troll central on Youtube. Grow up.

( with children gambolling on sun-lit streets and neighbour talking unto neighbour..) Don't get carried away now!

kie7077 | 12 years ago


4. Two per cent of the Highways Agency budget should be earmarked for next generation cycle routes, providing £100 million a year towards world-class cycling infrastructure. Each year cities should be graded on the quality of cycling provision.


Businesses should be invited to sponsor cycleways and cycling super-highways

Non-mandatory cycle lanes, also pathetic.

lushmiester | 12 years ago

Cities Fit For Cycling proposals seem eminently more sensible than the London skycycle idea. It would have a greater impact on overall cycle safety and participation and therefore (if one wishes to measure cycling in this way) the buddhist influenced idea of Gross National happiness, I would rather Gross National Wellbeing as a measure but wellbeing is more of a health term.

OldRidgeback | 12 years ago

It's a pretty good set of proposals. Let's see what happens after the election. At this stage none of the 3 main parties seems to be popular so the results of the next election will be anyone's guess.

I'd take the issue of cycle training further and make it compulsory for ALL vehicle drivers, apart from those physically unable to participate through disability. It'd be retrospective so all vehicle drivers would be required to take the cycle training within a set time period or lose their licences. I'd introduce a similar policy for motorcycling so that every vehicle driver would require compulsory motorcycle training, or lose their driving entitlement. And given half a chance, I'd make that a Pan-European scheme as well.

dullard | 12 years ago

x2, Coleman. Looks like Ms Eagle could do with getting on a bike herself.

Coleman | 12 years ago

All mouth and no trouser clips.

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