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1000 plus join Lance Armstrong on Dublin Twitter ride

Dublin cycle fans out in force

Lance Armstrong was joined by more than 1,000 Irish cyclists – many in work suits - in Dublin yesterday after he once again used Twitter to invite them for a ride in the city.

The ride brought Dublin’s rush hour traffic to a halt when we took a ride through Phoenix Park, the biggest urban enclosed park in Europe.

Yesterday morning the seven-time Tour de France winner posted a message on the free social networking site Twit-ter that read: Good morning Dublin. Who wants to ride this afternoon? I do. 5:30 pm @ the roundabout of Fountain Rd and Chesterfield Ave. See you there. And in a second late afternoon ‘tweet’ he posted: I've decided it's too nice and sunny (perfect) to ride. I think I'll just sit around. Kidding!! On my way to phoenix park. Hell yeah.

After the impromptu ride he then ‘tweeted’: Thanks Dublin!! What a great park and a cool ride w/ all of you. I heard a 1000+ came out. I'm speechless. Gotta love a good bike ride!!

Armstrong is in Dublin for a three-day global cancer summit in Dublin Castle organised by his Livestrong Foundation and the summit has been told that it is estimated there will be 12.9 million new cancer cases globally this year and the number will rise to 16.8 million in 2020 and 27 million in 2030.

It follows on from Armstrong inviting Scottish cyclists to join him on a 60-mile ride in Glasgow last week using the same method. Which begs the question – where next?

If you were on Lance's Dublin ride tell us what it was like… particularly if you did in in a suit.

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Tony Farrelly | 15 years ago

the whole thing is quite surreal and fantastic, in every meaning of the word, I wonder if he'll do more, and maybe vary the amount of warning he gives. Even if it was only half an hour I reckon he drum up a fair few.

andrew_gilmer | 15 years ago

i went down from belfast with a few friends, was a greeat day for it and a huge turn out. the route was packed and not surprising there was many crashes with everyone going hard to try nd get along side lance, pretty surreal. was like going for a kick about with george best.

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