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Campagnolo launch Bora 35 lightweight aero wheels

Italian brand plugs gap between the Hyperon and Bora 50 models

Campagnolo say that their new Bora 35 wheels are perhaps the most versatile in their line-up, being lightweight, aerodynamically efficient and stable in crosswinds.

As the name suggests, the Bora 35 comes with a 35mm-deep rim that’s designed to be aerodynamically efficient. Campag haven’t given any statistics relating to the aerodynamics, but that’s fine with us because figures are more or less meaningless without any standardisation in aero testing procedures.

They do give weights, though: Campagnolo claim the front wheel is 530g and the rear is 700g, for an all-up weight of 1,230g.

The Bora 35s fill the gap in the range between Campag’s shallow rimmed Hyperon wheels and the Bora 50s (50m deep, obviously).

The new wheel isn’t simply a shrunk down version of the Bora 50. Campagnolo have had to develop a new rim structure here with a different carbon layup. They’ve also worked hard with the aim of improving the braking performance, giving the Bora 35 a new brake surface treatment that they call 3Diamant.

Campagnolo say that the reason the braking performance of carbon rims lags behind that of aluminium, especially in wet conditions, is largely because of ‘non-homogenous resin deposits’ on the surface. The brake pads aren’t contacting the carbon fibre uniformly, they’re hitting the slick resin that fills the gaps. This means that braking is variable and not always powerful.

Campag argue that braking with pads against carbon fibre is more consistant and controllable but that sanding the surface leaves room for even more inconsistencies.

Their solution is this 3Diamant treatment. Essentially, they use diamond-tipped tools to eliminate imperfections and thereby remove the breaking in period. They reckon that this improves braking in both wet and dry conditions, giving you a more linear and smooth overall performance.

The Bora 35 incorporates all the other technologies of Campagnolo’s existing high-end wheels including their CULT ceramic bearings.

The Bora 35s will be available for tubular tyres only. We don’t have details on prices or expected delivery yet.

I got to ride the Bora Ultra 35s for a couple of hours at the media launch in Vincenza, Italy, yesterday. I’m not going to comment on their speed because I was using the wheels on an unfamiliar bike on unfamiliar roads so I have no real way of judging.

What I will say is that they felt perfectly stiff both when riding out of the saddle and cornering fast – we did a few fairly long and steep descents. They also felt fine in crosswinds – not that it was particularly windy, admittedly – and the braking performance seemed very good, although we did have dry conditions. So, I’d say that initial impressions are promising, but we’ve really not had the opportunity to test them properly.

Mat has been in cycling media since 1996, on titles including BikeRadar, Total Bike, Total Mountain Bike, What Mountain Bike and Mountain Biking UK, and he has been editor of 220 Triathlon and Cycling Plus. Mat has been technical editor for over a decade, testing bikes, fettling the latest kit, and trying out the most up-to-the-minute clothing. He has won his category in Ironman UK 70.3 and finished on the podium in both marathons he has run. Mat is a Cambridge graduate who did a post-grad in magazine journalism, and he is a winner of the Cycling Media Award for Specialist Online Writer. Now over 50, he's riding road and gravel bikes most days for fun and fitness rather than training for competitions.

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WolfieSmith | 11 years ago

You're right Nick. What I should have said of course was that he owned the same frame as Team Sky. His wheels were some other make - not Campag funnily enough.

My general point about new mamils spending money on items which only offer marginal gains for those with the real fitness to exploit them wasn't about denying them the right to pleasure - just as long as they spare me the delusional self justification of their reason for purchase. It's about looking the part for them - not cycling. I totally reserve the right to snigger at that -regardless of your tutting.  4

Taking of which. I note on another thread that you're complaining about 'pedants' and 'know-it-alls'. Ahem.  3

Nick T | 11 years ago

Windy days would have you reaching for the hyperons, I don't think descending the Galibier in even a gentle breeze would be fun on these. Shallower rims should be a bit more comfortable too.

troj | 11 years ago

I don't understand why campag would release these new wheels to fill the gap between hyperons and Boras. At the weight that is stated it is about the same as hyperons and is more aero efficient. So why would anybody buy hyperons? Are campag going to either discontinue hyperons tubs or release a new model that is lighter??

Nick T | 11 years ago

Should I only wear Primark clothing and let whatever coupons get put through my door dictate my grocery shopping as well MercuryOne?

Just wish I'd consulted you before I bought my car too. Senseless waste.

WolfieSmith replied to Nick T | 11 years ago

If you were a bad driver Nick I wouldn't advise you to buy a Ferrari - but hey if you had cash to pointlessly flash and it makes you feel better...

Met a guy in March who showed me his Team Sky Pinarello. £2k tub wheels on it and gathering dust with a rear wheel puncture in his garage. He'd used it twice. That's where Campag make their money. I pass them all the time..

If a rider is carrying extra weight and just buying them because they're light - they'd be wiser to buy cheaper wheels and just lose weight.

Leviathan replied to WolfieSmith | 11 years ago
MercuryOne wrote:

If a rider is carrying extra weight and just buying them because they're light - they'd be wiser to buy cheaper wheels and just lose weight.

£100 is easier to dispose of than 1lb of fat.

Nick T replied to WolfieSmith | 11 years ago
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MercuryOne wrote:

Met a guy in March who showed me his Team Sky Pinarello. £2k tub wheels on it and gathering dust with a rear wheel puncture in his garage.

That's where Campag make their money.

Not in this example they don't, because campagnolo don't supply team sky. Anyway, it seems to me that your anger is getting you confused with who you're taking issue with - is it campagnolo for their apparent temerity in offering a product that no one is forced to buy, or is it with people who choose to spend their money on products that they might enjoy?

WolfieSmith | 11 years ago

A pair of Boras costing around £1300 with a saving of just 350g (the weight of a banana and an iphone together) over a pair of £280 Zondas? If you aren't a pro or time trialling it's ridiculous.

You're racing? Fine. Buy two pairs of Zondas and leave the phone and banana at home.

Nick T replied to WolfieSmith | 11 years ago
1 like
MercuryOne wrote:

A pair of Boras costing around £1300 with a saving of just 350g (the weight of a banana and an iphone together) over a pair of £280 Zondas? If you aren't a pro or time trialling it's ridiculous.

You're racing? Fine. Buy two pairs of Zondas and leave the phone and banana at home.

Most of what you've said since has been at odds with this initial post, the one I thought we were discussing. Everything else though, has been largely irrelevant so yeah, I'm out. Cheers.

Karbon Kev | 11 years ago

looks like campag have gone all 'exalith' with it's 3Diamant' for these new wheels, not sure it this is a good thing or not ..

jezzzer | 11 years ago

that protos is HOT

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