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Pub landlord apologises for anti-cyclist comments

"I have made a big mistake" says contrite publican...

A Cirencester pub landlord at the centre of a social media storm about anti-cyclist remarks on Facebook has apologised unreservedly for his comments.

James Walker of the Bathurst Arms says he had intended to highlight the risk he felt cyclists were taking while riding three abreast, after he encountered a group of riders on the A435.

But since then he has been targeted by angry cyclists who have called for a boycott of his pub and even threatened him and his family.

Among the comments Walker has received:

“Unbelievable a person with your callous and wreck less (sic) views on human life still exists.”

“I hope your restaurant burns to the ground with you in it and your 4 by 4 rolls in a ditch while cyclists laugh and then go on their merry way.”

“Hoping something very nasty happens to you and your family. Scum.” (From someone pretending to be Bradley Wiggins)


“Unless you make amends, action will be taken against you.”

“I have contacted the police about you, you ignorant twat.”

Walker told that he later realised how bad his comments looked. He is an ultra-marathon runner, who has competed in the 150-mile Marathon des Sables.

“This was between me, a runner and some triathlon and cyclist friends. It wasn’t meant to be a cars versus cyclist thing,” he said.

In his original posting Walker wrote: “Cycling is for weak-kneed individuals who hide their lack of athletic ability behind thousands of pounds of hi tech gear. Your need for a low impact form of activity will be rudely negated when I smash my four by four into your rear tyre at sixty miles an hour on a surface paid for by me the motorist. The impact will be far from low I tell you. Buy some trainers and go for a run in the fields. Cycling is for the French, Belgians and Spanish. Leave it alone.”

Doesn’t sound good does it? But Walker explains that the cracks about weak knees and hi-tech gear were aimed at his friends, and the three-abreast riders were a group he’d encountered while out for a drive.

Walker saod that he had been doing 60 mph on the A435 when he came round a bend and there was a group of riders in front of him. He just slowed down and went round them, but it got him thinking how bad a crash would have been if someone were speeding along there and hit them.

A screenshot of his posting was copied to another Facebook group and spread rapidly from there.


Walker comes across as genuinely contrite and deeply embarrassed.

“I am not anti-cyclist at all,” he said. “My best man is a cyclist and last night I even gave a cyclist a lift home because he was going to try and ride home without working lights.”

“I have made a big mistake and I have publically apologised on Facebook. I am also responding personally to everyone who is contacting me via email over the issue.

“I am taking this extremely seriously and am very regretful.”

And while the hostile comments he has received have not been any fun, “On the plus side, I have had a lot of pleasant correspondence with people who took the time to contact me properly and I am grateful for their more measured responses and genuinely admire the spirit of camaraderie that seems to exist in the world of cycling.”

Walker asked to publish this statement in full:

“The comments made on my private Facebook page were taken out of the closed circle for which they were intended by a third party and posted without my knowledge. I have the utmost respect for athletes of all disciplines and all road users.

“The anti cycling banter is between some cycling/triathlon friends with dodgy knees and me, an ultra runner. I met some of these guys doing the Marathon des Sables last year. I take athletic endeavour seriously. I stand ashamed and now corrected over the issue of road funding. I am sure that this ignorance annoys cyclists all the time. 

“Everyone has a right to use our roads and with that right comes a responsibility to use them safely whatever your preferred method of transport. 

“I know that there are those that will not forgive what has been written but I am very sorry for any upset that this has caused amongst the cycling community. It was never my intention. This was initially meant to be rival banter between runners and cyclists not cars and cyclists.

“I take full responsibility for what was written, just wish I had written it a little differently. A lesson in the power of social media learned. The hard way.”

John has been writing about bikes and cycling for over 30 years since discovering that people were mug enough to pay him for it rather than expecting him to do an honest day's work.

He was heavily involved in the mountain bike boom of the late 1980s as a racer, team manager and race promoter, and that led to writing for Mountain Biking UK magazine shortly after its inception. He got the gig by phoning up the editor and telling him the magazine was rubbish and he could do better. Rather than telling him to get lost, MBUK editor Tym Manley called John’s bluff and the rest is history.

Since then he has worked on MTB Pro magazine and was editor of Maximum Mountain Bike and Australian Mountain Bike magazines, before switching to the web in 2000 to work for Along with founder Tony Farrelly, John was on the launch team for and subsequently became editor in chief of Future Publishing’s group of cycling magazines and websites, including Cycling Plus, MBUK, What Mountain Bike and Procycling.

John has also written for Cyclist magazine, edited the BikeMagic website and was founding editor of before handing over to someone far more representative of the site's main audience.

He joined in 2013. He lives in Cambridge where the lack of hills is more than made up for by the headwinds.

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northstar | 11 years ago

Same old story from people who reliase they have put their foot in it.

seven replied to northstar | 11 years ago
northstar wrote:

Same old story from people who reliase they have put their foot in it.

Not quite the same old imho - compare Emma Way's non-apology and she really did hit someone and brag about it in public, not just trash talk with mates on a nominally private forum.

Some of the anti-car lines I come out with at work trying to get a rise out of my car enthusiast mates would, if taken out of context, piss off a lot of people. Likewise the crap those guys come out with when they're trying to wind me up. There's a big difference between trash talk and saying these things out of ignorance.

Granted, Walker has a business to protect - and a lot of comments I've read reckon he's apologising out of self interest - but to me that's a red herring. Even if he for some insane reason had stuck to his guns instead of unreservedly apologising I reckon he could've picked up plenty extra custom from the cyclist-haters. When it comes to his business if there even is an effect then he's probably damned either way as there's a lot of folk who aren't buying his apology. Hence: red herring.

If this story makes the mainstream news it'll probably do more for VED awareness than has ever been able to despite banging that drum for years now.

northstar replied to seven | 11 years ago
seven wrote:
northstar wrote:

Same old story from people who reliase they have put their foot in it.

Not quite the same old imho - compare Emma Way's non-apology and she really did hit someone and brag about it in public, not just trash talk with mates on a nominally private forum.

Some of the anti-car lines I come out with at work trying to get a rise out of my car enthusiast mates would, if taken out of context, piss off a lot of people. Likewise the crap those guys come out with when they're trying to wind me up. There's a big difference between trash talk and saying these things out of ignorance.

Granted, Walker has a business to protect - and a lot of comments I've read reckon he's apologising out of self interest - but to me that's a red herring. Even if he for some insane reason had stuck to his guns instead of unreservedly apologising I reckon he could've picked up plenty extra custom from the cyclist-haters. When it comes to his business if there even is an effect then he's probably damned either way as there's a lot of folk who aren't buying his apology. Hence: red herring.

If this story makes the mainstream news it'll probably do more for VED awareness than has ever been able to despite banging that drum for years now.

Yes quite, he got found out and now everyone knows his true opinions it seems.

cbrndc | 11 years ago

"when I smash my four by four into your rear tyre at sixty miles an hour on a surface paid for by me the motorist. The impact will be far from low I tell you". Why hasn't he been arrested for threatening comments like that. All the signs of hate crime right there. Then he writes the comments on facebook which he thinks is "private"! Thick as pigshit!

paulfg42 replied to cbrndc | 11 years ago
cbrndc wrote:

"when I smash my four by four into your rear tyre at sixty miles an hour on a surface paid for by me the motorist. The impact will be far from low I tell you". Why hasn't he been arrested for threatening comments like that. All the signs of hate crime right there. Then he writes the comments on facebook which he thinks is "private"! Thick as pigshit!

Because it's not actually a threat? Nor a hate crime for that matter.

dunnoh | 11 years ago

"Cycling is for weak-kneed individuals who hide their lack of athletic ability behind thousands of pounds of hi tech gear". HANG ON. I'm sure I've never met him

pepita1 | 11 years ago

Mr Walker got back what he gave out. Whether it was for a private group of readers or not, he has demonstrated a lack of empathy for cyclists who have been knocked down by a car driver. What a thoughtless jerk.

Tom Amos | 11 years ago

PS I think I am correct in saying that someone screenshot his status, which was reserved for friends only, and then published his comments on a public forum. That is bang out of order. That person has subsequently apologised. Anyhow, storm, teacups. And personally I found what he wrote quite funny.

kiwimagic64 | 11 years ago

He made very very stupid comments....but wishing him dead and harm to his family..come on man,thats takin it to far.

therealsmallboy | 11 years ago


LondonCalling | 11 years ago

The uncomfortable thing about this, is that James Walker posted it in his Facebook wall, and unless the post was "Public", it should not have been distributed like that. I think Mr Walker needs to do a Facebook cleanup...

Shanefutcher | 11 years ago

This guy is like a politician.not sorry until he gets found out then swears its misinterpreted.i hope he encounters me,as if he didn't kill me knocking me off he'll get his comeuppance

The Rumpo Kid | 11 years ago

The most astonishing thing I have ever read. "Pub Landlord apologises."

lolol | 11 years ago

Some people are very, very tetchy. Stupid comments of course, but threats, wishing death, destruction and disaster on him and his family is not really helping anyone. If he wasnt sorry, then a boycott is plenty, but he is and it was taken out of context.

Tom Amos | 11 years ago

"All the gear and no idea" He called that one right, didn't he?  4

ilovemytinbred | 11 years ago

What an idiot. But then some of those comments mentioned in the article do little to restore my faith in human nature.

musicalmarc | 11 years ago

Sounds like he was having a laugh with his friends and it went public. It's pretty clear from the language that he's not being serious. Shame people gave such extreme responses.

Ghedebrav replied to musicalmarc | 11 years ago
musicalmarc wrote:

Sounds like he was having a laugh with his friends and it went public. It's pretty clear from the language that he's not being serious. Shame people gave such extreme responses.

That's about right. Social media do seem to elicit unnecessarily extreme reactions.

BBB | 11 years ago

“Cycling is for weak-kneed individuals who hide their lack of athletic ability behind thousands of pounds of hi tech gear. Your need for a low impact form of activity will be rudely negated when I smash my four by four into your rear tyre at sixty miles an hour on a surface paid for by me the motorist. The impact will be far from low I tell you. Buy some trainers and go for a run in the fields. Cycling is for the French, Belgians and Spanish. Leave it alone.”

A clear display of insecurity and/or some anger management issues by a bully who takes his hobby and himself far too seriously.

KiwiMike | 11 years ago

Fair doos. Calm down everyone.


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