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Major Edinburgh street to be given over to people, not cars

Scottish capital unveils bold plans for New Town's George Street including two-way cycle track...

One of the main streets in Edinburgh’s New Town is set to be transformed into a haven for cyclists and pedestrians under a £32 million scheme unveiled this week that will also see cars banned, in what may well be the single most ambitious project to promote streets for people, not motor vehicles, currently planned in any British city.

Running from St Andrew Square in the east to Charlotte Square in the west, George Street remains one of the Scottish capital’s most prestigious shopping street, and runs parallel to and around 100 metres north of Princes Street.

Edinburgh City Council, which has announced the planned transformation of the street as part of its First New Town Public Realm Improvements Project, says that £20 million of the cost of the project will be met by Transport Scotland via Sustrans.

It says that if the designs, which have been drawn up by a team led by Tetra Tech with LDA Landscape Design following extensive consultation, are approved, it expects construction to begin in 2023 and the project to be completed in 2025.

A fly-through video (full version here) shows how a two-way cycle track will run down the centre of the street, which will also benefit from increased provision of cycle parking, while charging points for e-bikes will also be installed.

The cycle track will also link to the forthcoming Meadows to George Street and City Centre West to East Link schemes, being built as part of the council’s 10-year City Mobility Plan, and would also enable cyclists to avoid the traffic and trams on Princes Street.

Key elements of the scheme, according to the council, include:

Putting people first – Increased pedestrian space; adaptable, landscaped areas with seating, space for play and opportunities for events; space for outdoor seating for cafes and restaurants; better lighting to animate the streets after dark; level access crossings at street junctions for unimpeded crossing; disabled parking bays on George Street and interconnected streets.

Protecting heritage – Retaining symmetry on George Street; removing unnecessary street clutter; removing parking to reduce the dominance of motor traffic; upgrading pavements with high quality materials.

Enhancing the environment – Suitably scaled soft landscaping including shrubs and hedging, reducing the impact of heavy rain and floods; permeably paved areas to allow drainage.

Improved walking, cycling and wheeling connections – Largely car-free; cycling is prioritised in George Street and directly connects with the Meadows to George Street and CCWEL cycle route schemes at Hanover Street, St Andrew Square and Charlotte Square; improved pedestrian crossings at junctions; loading retained for businesses.

The city’s transport and environment convener, Councillor Lesley Macinnes, said: “These animated concept designs offer an exciting glimpse into what George Street and the surrounding area could look like in 2025 – a welcoming, relaxing and unique space, where people will want to spend time, to visit local shops, cafes and restaurants and to travel to and through the city centre.

“This vision has been years in the making and follows significant engagement with the public and a range of groups representing different interests.

“It’s essential that its design works for everyone, which is why we’ve spent time ensuring it meets people’s access needs, that it allows residents to go about their daily lives and that it will encourage local businesses to flourish, particularly as we look to make a strong, green recovery from the COVID crisis.”

Councillor Karen Doran, the city’s transport and environment vice convener, added: “I was thrilled to see the concept designs for this project brought to life and look forward to hearing the responses of all those who watch our video or see the beautiful, detailed illustrations.

“This initiative offers the opportunity to transform one of Edinburgh’s iconic streets for the better, creating an accessible, inviting space, where both the historic environment is protected and biodiversity promoted, and where people can relax and spend time on foot, bike or wheelchair.”

For reference, here's how George Street currently looks.

George Street via Google Street View.PNG

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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Shades | 3 years ago

I just get the feeling some councils are starting to press ahead with these sort of changes and just igonoring the whining from motorists.  Around me there are a lot of plans for bike lanes, bus/taxi gates, low-traffic neighbourhoods and a Clean Air Zone.  Head to an app called Nextdoor and the motorists are howling like banshees; tends to be the same old people funnily enough.  The vocal minority.

TheBillder | 3 years ago

One of the problems the council has is that there are 3 parallel main roads in the area which form the only east-west routes across the city centre. Princes Street (southern of the 3) has long been buses, taxis and bikes only, and the addition of trams to that has worsened risks for cyclists. I wouldn't ride there at rush hour and people have died. Queen Street (northern) is a multi lane mess of potholes and carrying far too much traffic, a bit of painted lane but also an unpleasant experience with lots of lane changing cars and junctions.

George St is a fancier shopping street but mostly a car park, and a very lucrative one with hovering wardens and, pre-covid, endless circling cars whose drivers would rather burn some fuel than park 300m away and walk, or must be there the moment their passenger emerges from the boutique. It is signposted for bikes but not very well used, as it's not easy enough nor properly signed to make it the default, especially at the eastern end. Quite handy in these less busy times but only really works because there are so few cars.

This looks nice: better than previous ideas which used automatic timed rising bollards (that world bollard fanciers Twitter account would have loved them) but all depends on the connections, and let's be honest, this is mostly about pedestrian and pavement cafe space as we wonder what retail will survive the pandemic and the realisation that many non-essential shops are, er, not really needed.

During the festival (international culture, fringe full of comedians desperate for a TV deal and world-class boozing), George St becomes a performance space and beer garden and closes to cycling. I'd be amazed if that didn't happen again.

mdavidford replied to TheBillder | 3 years ago
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TheBillder wrote:

George St is a fancier shopping street but mostly a car park, and a very lucrative one with hovering wardens

Hoverboards or jetpacks?

hawkinspeter replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago
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mdavidford wrote:

TheBillder wrote:

George St is a fancier shopping street but mostly a car park, and a very lucrative one with hovering wardens

Hoverboards or jetpacks?

I think he meant hoovering.

Gavin_H | 3 years ago

looks great, looking forward to it. hopefully the first of many.

Tired of the tr... | 3 years ago

Looks good, but the same design was consulted on in 2015 already. So in five years they managed to convert static drawings and artist's impressions into more photo-realistic video animations.

Would be more impressive if they had actually built something...

HLaB replied to Tired of the trolls here and gone cycling instead | 3 years ago

I think they also implemented a half way house a few years earlier and were pressurised within a week to rip it out and let the cars back. I hope they don't give into pressure this time 😐

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