Sigma Sports has reported a 440 per cent rise in sales of turbo trainers and static bikes compared to the previous week. The story is the same with many other cycling retailers, while online training platform Zwift has told that in recent days it has been “overwhelmed” by requests from event organisers and athletes, both grassroots and professional.
Cycling solo outdoors is still permitted – perhaps even encouraged – but many people are now self-isolating indoors or anticipating cycling bans, such as have been imposed in France, Italy and Spain.
Earlier this week we reported a surge in sales of indoor bike trainers, while Peloton rival Echelon has also reported a sales boost.
Commenting on Sigma Sports’ sales, the firm’s managing director, Ian Whittingham, said: “In terms of unit volume, over this last week, we have seen that turbo trainers are overtaking bike sales, which is unprecedented.
“We are working closely with our suppliers to replenish and offer more stock to support changing cycling habits in these challenging times.”
The sudden rise in indoor training has seen developments from the major online platforms too.
Zwift rival RGT Cycling, which is normally £12.99 a month, has announced that it is making all of its Premium features available for free.
BigRingVR has also launched a free challenge and rides.
Zwift told us that they have been handling a huge surge in interest from those looking to organise events on the platform.
For example, earlier this week British Cycling launched a virtual ride series comprising races, time trials and training rides.
“Our focus at the minute is on delivering the content to allow people to be able to connect, stay fit and have some fun during this difficult time,” said a Zwift spokesperson.
"However, plans for the new velodrome have fallen through, the site now earmarked for a new golf attraction, according to the BBC."...
But, but...
That Marcus Bridgestocks let himself go...
That's the real kicker, it's only in northern France, I'm sure the riders, their teams, friends and family or a combination thereof would be happy...
"Back in the day" of real policing, yes - operation names were randomly selected, often alphabetically; however, sadly that was pre-virtue...
North Somerset council has introduced paid parking in various car parks around the region which were formerly free. Cue howls of outrage from the...
That's a big strong helmet that would prevent fatal chest injuries from, I suspect, a wheel of a PSV driving over the casualty.
With the Sprintech, I add a thin cord to the mirror part, thread it through the socket and tie it off inside the bar, with a few inches of slack....
Hi Guys. Thanks to everyone. I thoroughly enjoyed playing since 2011 despite never having any major success. ...
No drivers involved in any of this. I'm wondering if the journalist who wrote it is actually a car itself....