Sidi has unveiled its latest shoe design with the single dial Fast design targeted at the mid-level market. There is a carbon composite sole along with a single Techno-3 closure dial, a microfibre upper and the usual Sidi focus on going fast.
The Sidi Fast is the Italian footwear brand’s latest road shoe offering and aesthetically, it doesn’t stray far from the Sidi design book. Sidi shoes have, in recent years, been getting a little more understated in their design and the Fast certainly looks cleaner than many of Sidi’s previous designs. There are just two colour options, white or black and the lack of patterns on the upper will certainly please riders looking for a classic design.
The Fast uses a carbon composite sole, though that is essentially all that Sidi is saying on this front. There is a scale to help with cleat alignment and you get a replaceable heel pad which should ensure that the shoes last well.
The upper is made from Microtech Microfibre material which Sidi says is “a light, breathable, waterproof and, most importantly, eco-friendly material.” This is down to the construction method which Sidi claims does not use solvents when the material is being made. Sidi says that “this drastically decreases the environmental footprint and the harmful emissions in the air and in the manufacturing plant.” The material features perforations that are claimed to assist ventilation in warmer weather.
While Sidi’s higher-end shoes get a double retention dial setup, the Fast manages with one. This single Techno-3 dial controls a lace that crosses twice down the length of the foot “perfectly adjusting the upper to the shape of your foot and providing a customised fit.”
At the heel of the shoe, Sidi has placed reinforcement to help the shoe deal with pedalling forces over time. This “stabilises and supports the heel and decreases its potential slip,” which Sidi says aids stability and power transfer.
The Sidi Fast shoes cost £166.54 and are available now in sizes 42, 43, 43.5, 44, 44.5, and 46. The claimed weight for a size 42 is 305g.
Oh don't get me wrong - it's for sure warmer and wetter if we're looking back over the last hundred or more years....
For anyone in the Sheffield area
I bet this is a case of “something was supposed to be there, but never actually materialised”, which is apparently more common than I realised....
Yet more pro-cycling news for the media to ignore! I'm especially looking forward to the 24/7 blackout imposed by the BBC.
I ride quite a bit in Italy too, and the drivers are every bit as dangerous as in the UK. Close passing is terrible....
Wow! I find it hard to understand sometimes - but I guess I'm woke now....
That's probably the point - they don't want you to have the standard colour scheme - they want you to pay for a custom one.
There's no way this design is lighter than a conventional design of equivalent strength.
Your criticism is specious. has never purported to be a site that covers racing of any sort in any detail. They leave it to other sites....
If you're buying a commuter bike, then there is nothing wrong with them. However, the Synapse was a World Tour race winning bike not so long ago...