The White Horse Ridge CX Sportive
The Ridgeway; it’s Europe’s oldest highway, used continuously for over 5,000 years. And it also happens to be a ribbon of near perfect riding for CX and gravel bikes!
Based at Chilton right at the foot of the Ridgeway, the White Horse Ridge CX is all about the terrain! Unlike most of the Wiggle CX Sportive events, which chop and change between road and tracks, the White Horse Ridge is 95% off road. The Ridgeway mixes mile upon mile of grass, gravel, dirt and chalk track, riding high above sweeping views of the Oxfordshire plain.
The terrain is perfect for CX. Flowing enough to tempt you to up the pace, with just enough lumps and bumps to test your stamina when you get there. The surface changes mean there’s always something new just up the track and the scenery is a constant inspiration. On top of that, we will keep you fuelled and on track with the full package of organisation and support that you can rely on at CX Sportive Series events!
Non folding bikes are only banned from deep tunnel sections of the tube network with surface sections only having restrictions at peak times.
When you submit, it tells you to read the FAQs....
Ah, good observeration! Wide bars presumably also make sense for bike polo? So... someone into bike polo (part of fixed-gear culture)?
How awful for the owners, this will have an ongoing cost while they restock, devastating for a small business. I think I would have some saved...
For a few years now, I have been reporting cycling incidents from my commute to Operation Snap (Greater Manchester Police). Most are for close...
Could not agree more with James. I live in an area with lots of off road cycle paths but theres a lack road cycle lanes for sure and with more and...
Various groups are trying. I've no involvement with them but e.g. there's Stolen Ride.
I imagine he could do fine on a Raleigh Chopper
Agreed- or, in simpler terms, the 'campaigners' are tossers who should be ignored or, which would lead to rather less faffing about, fobbed off...
Not sure if I missed it but I didn't see anything about aero gains, weight savings and they didn't look that "cool" either???...