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I unhid every Segment on Ride London

I unhid every Segment on Ride London and this was the graph of the segments. Box Hill, Leith hill and London are saturated. The segments go off the page and nothing is stopping people making new ones. Hiding segments doesn't remove duplicates. And flagging them does not delete them from the system, just puts up a hazardous disclaimer. Strava do need to do something to remove duplicates, dangerous segments, impossible bad data routes, etc.

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Leviathan | 8 years ago

Tatton Wall, I hate that segment. It is a horrible windy false flat with a constant head wind and horse boxes overtaking you. I found your man Malc Mcall, bravo. I am 6713 on that segment. I am always just on the way somewhere on that one, not really to my liking. I can't do ALL THE SEGMENTS. Ive got 933 top 100s, but it is slightly easier on some segments than others.

Leviathan | 8 years ago

Kapelmuur, I am guessing you pop up to Dunham Massey, or down Ashley road towards Moberley or Knutsford. I hope Strava bring in age group KOMs before I am 65 (in 2041) so I can take 10,000 segments!

Kapelmuur replied to Leviathan | 8 years ago

Leviathan wrote:

Kapelmuur, I am guessing you pop up to Dunham Massey, or down Ashley road towards Moberley or Knutsford. I hope Strava bring in age group KOMs before I am 65 (in 2041) so I can take 10,000 segments!

You'll need to maintain your form over the next 25 years, there are already some good O/65 times in the area.

For example the top man on the Tatton Walled Section is 101st out of 9,848.

I'll look out for you there while I'm chasing O/90 glory!



Kapelmuur | 8 years ago

I'm originally from Shrewsbury and so align with Simon E!   Why would anyone attempt to ride competitively in a town of crowded narrow roads when it is surrounded by beautiful countryside? 

Similarly, now living in Altrincham I'm about 4 miles from open country, yet I see segments like the half mile through the centre of Alty on a narrow road with parking bays on both sides and 4 sets of traffic lights.   What's the point?   If you get a good time on a segment like this it's luck.

(A disclaimer - I have ridden this segment once and am top over 65! - if any OAP beats my time I'll have to go back in the small hours of the morning and have another go). 


Simon E | 8 years ago

I rode a 10 mile segment yesterday as fast as I could. Despite my efforts to make it disappear I believe the segment still exists on Strava. Have I failed?

Joking apart, I still don't understand the point of trying to time a segment that runs through sets of traffic lights or somewhere that you're likely to get held up in a queue. Trying to ride against the clock/Strava/whatever in those conditions must be horribly frustrating. I don't mind that they exist, I just cannot get my head around caring about them. Shrewsbury is a lot smaller than Manchester but the thought of trying to go fast along some of the roads here in the daytime is not something I'd want to do, for my sanity or my safety. So why do it? This is not to deride anyone's efforts but to try to comprehend them.

PaulBox replied to Simon E | 8 years ago

Simon E wrote:

Joking apart, I still don't understand the point of trying to time a segment that runs through sets of traffic lights or somewhere that you're likely to get held up in a queue. Trying to ride against the clock/Strava/whatever in those conditions must be horribly frustrating. I don't mind that they exist, I just cannot get my head around caring about them. Shrewsbury is a lot smaller than Manchester but the thought of trying to go fast along some of the roads here in the daytime is not something I'd want to do, for my sanity or my safety. So why do it? This is not to deride anyone's efforts but to try to comprehend them.

Because we can, but you're right, it can drive you mad...

I created two segments that cover most of my commute, about 22m long, one in, one out. Just to compare progress over the season etc. Only one friend, who commutes with me, and I have done them as it is a very specific journey. It just means you can use the analyse option on the segment rather than having to do manual comparisons of the journeys.

But pushing like a mad bastard for 16m knowing that there is a major junction with four way  lights approaching can be a bit disheartening, but there is always the pretty flat/straight section after that to make up the loss...

Leviathan | 8 years ago
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The problem is you don't read peoples posts. I said "There are very few locations, all in the countryside where you can find no lights." You said "If you think the countryside is full of traffic lights you really should get out there a bit more." How is that a response? I do ride in the countryside, that is not what I am talking about.

You keep coming back to tell us what you think of Strava, if you don't want to use it, fine. Al__S is right to call you out for being snug. You are too busy trying to come up with some subtle disparagement to read what other people are saying. Your brand of one-upmanship is pretty transparent.

I compared you to a Doctor Who villain; if you think that is 'name calling' then you haven't been around the internet very much. Book burning did you say; I am invoking Godwin's Law. 

drjohn | 8 years ago

Could segment playlists become a thing on rides?

Share the best bits, cut out the s**t? Anyone?

Leviathan | 8 years ago

Why did I do this? Partly to see the graph, when I saw over 300 hidden segments I wanted to see the analysis itself. I regularly have to unhid segments. As a few people have said, hiding segments you don't want to see might be all very well, but I might be interested in that segment. I don't see any difference in value to any particular segment. I do have preferences for segments I like, but there are literally hundreds I pass through every week. If I can get a KOM or position on any of these I am interested even if you are not.

I also wanted to see what my top position score was on ANY segment. I did get up to top 6.7% on one downhill. Thats Green, Green, Super-green. It is very hard to distinguish yourself out of 30,000-55,000 riders on Strava. It is rather easier to get on leaderboard when there are only 200 riders (my best segments 1of918 and 3 of6486 according to veloviewer.)

What I want to see an end to are the segments that have glitch 'stars' and are impossible. Or the segment I found that ends in a gated community. If you are going to make segments, make them on open roads, and don't put the finish just after a set of lights, so your lucky time stays KOM. Strava will only let you flag hazardous segments and then it doesn't remove them, just puts them behind a disclaimer.

The Kaner: interesting, but why is she doing the same loop hundreds of times? A year record is laudable but at the risk of insanity? If I was allowed to ride for a year nonstop I would go absolutely everywhere, even if I had to get back home at night.

VonHelmet: I understand your ideals, however, longer segments require luck. You need to string together green lights, often impossible on open roads. The Ride London segments are impossible outside the event. Sometimes you only have enough puff for a quick sprint.

pablo | 8 years ago

I'm not sure why they don't do a time and distance minimum.  Some really popular routes should be locked out so no more additional segments can be created.  Last time I rode in Surrey it was stupid the number of overlapping segments.  

vonhelmet | 8 years ago

It seems people favour crap segments.  Several times now I've made some segments that are a decent length - a few miles - and actually go from one place to another, like from one road junction to another along a stretch that you can get along in one go without having to worry about junctions, etc.  Each time they end up hidden in favour of umpteen segments cataloguing each little bump along that stretch.  Clearly people want to sprint up each little lump and then have a breather, and don't like seeing that while they may have got a gold star for leathering it for each 0.1 of a mile, it took them half an hour to actually cover the 3 miles that make up my segment.

The _Kaner | 8 years ago

Could be worse...

how many segments does this 'loop' need?

11+ hours/day going around the same  11km (flattish) circuit for 80+ days..meh!

robertoegg | 8 years ago
1 like

On my commute, someone has created a segment through the carpark of Guildford Hospital!! I mean, wtf?  4 That's aKOM I'm chasing!!

Eeediots Ren, eeediots!!

pruaga | 8 years ago

I'd say the hide thing works as designed.   If you hide a segment, you don't see it;   If enough people hide it, no one sees it unless they go looking for it.  The community collectively decides which segments are bad.  However what might be judged bad by community might appeal to a niche, so they can still access and use segments that have been judged bad.  If enough people unhide a 'bad' segment then it goes back into general usage.


By going out of your way to unhide everything you have opted in to the rubbish.  It's like choosing to pour a bin over your head and then complaining that you have a banana skin in your hair.  If someone really likes bananas, they are welcome to go and rummage in the bin, but you don't have to unless you want to.

DaveE128 | 8 years ago

I think the hiding system is mostly fine and there is no need to delete the extra segments. The thing that bothers me is how often Strava ends up hiding the best segments and leaving the rubbish ones that don't start and stop in sensible places, or have really poor track accuracy. Also, the nonsense auto-created climbs (usually named after the road name) that result from some bad altitude data in someone's ride seem to hang around disproportionately - probably because they are given a category, which attracts people's attention.

My other pet hate with segments is the number I see that are named along the lines of "last X before home." The people that name them either have no idea that the segments and/or their names are public, or they are too daft to remember that the rest of the world does not live where they do! Please can everyone hide these silly segments?!  1 Then I think the auto-hide feature will demote them fom view for most people.

Kapelmuur | 8 years ago

I've recently returned from a holiday in France, a 35 mile ride near Dieppe revealed 12 Strava segments while a similar distance into the Cheshire countryside has 80.

So, something  we can beat the French at. 


tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

Yeah it's easier just to hide and star segments you want. Best thing about Strava segments is the freedom they give you. Otherwise it'd be a first come first served basis, and some div who creates crap segments would dictate to us all.

Zebulebu | 8 years ago


I unhid every Segment on Ride London

Why did you do that?


Strava do need to do something to remove duplicates, dangerous segments, impossible bad data routes, etc

Why do they 'need' to do that?

Surely that's what the 'hide segment' feature is for? Strava is a community site - people create segments they feel like creating. If you don't like them, hide them!

Simon E | 8 years ago

I'd find somewhere quieter to ride (without GPS).

Al__S replied to Simon E | 8 years ago

Simon E wrote:

I'd find somewhere quieter to ride (without GPS).


Well quite, nowhere for your smugness to be appreciated there

Simon E replied to Al__S | 8 years ago

Al__S wrote:

Simon E wrote:

I'd find somewhere quieter to ride (without GPS).


Well quite, nowhere for your smugness to be appreciated there

Not smug, it's just an alternative to a kind of segment-mania, which I think can easily detract (and distract?) from the pleasure of a ride. And I'm not saying people should not record a ride in some way.

Leviathan wrote:

longer segments require luck. You need to string together green lights, often impossible on open roads.

But isn't the definition of an "open road" one where there are no traffic lights or similar obstructions? Like that climb you posted the other week. Now that looks like an interesting segment to attack!

Leviathan replied to Simon E | 8 years ago

Simon E wrote:

But isn't the definition of an "open road" one where there are no traffic lights or similar obstructions? Like that climb you posted the other week. Now that looks like an interesting segment to attack!

No it isn't. An open road is free for all traffic to use, not free from traffic controls. A closed road is restricted such as the RL100 course was closed except for bicycles. It is promoted as a closed road event, hence my statement. There are very few locations, all in the countryside where you can find no lights. Do you want to ban all urban segments? I suspect you might, like the Davros of cycling. You have expressed you disinterest in Strava many times; you doth protest too much.

Simon E replied to Leviathan | 8 years ago

Leviathan wrote:

An open road is free for all traffic to use, not free from traffic controls. A closed road is restricted such as the RL100 course was closed except for bicycles.

Ah, I see. A different interpretation of the word 'open'.

Leviathan wrote:

There are very few locations, all in the countryside where you can find no lights. Do you want to ban all urban segments? I suspect you might, like the Davros of cycling. You have expressed you disinterest in Strava many times; you doth protest too much.

If you think the countryside is full of traffic lights you really should get out there a bit more. It's not like that at all.

I don't protest, I disagree. There is a difference. I cannot see the fun in chasing crap segments through city centre traffic lights etc yet no-one has ever tried to explain it, you (and others) just call me names. You don't have to take a dissenting view so personally.

No I don't want to ban anything. I'm not saying Strava can't be useful, interesting or fun but it seems no-one is allowed to express the opinion that in some ways spending ages looking at rubbish segments on Strava might be a bit of a waste of time. It's like when someone says they don't like a trashy novel that it's the same as asking for all books should be burned.


Leviathan | 8 years ago


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